The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1067: One day I will regret you 4

Not long after they got on the bus, they heard a scream of screaming louder than one.

Then, the blood is covered with Ling Wei, coming down from the car.

Then she calmly walked into her car and drove her car out of school.

After she left for a long time, until the time of work, a teacher who drove home found the male teacher’s misery and immediately reported the case.

In the evening, JC searched the city for Ling Wei.

But it was not until the third night that she found her trace. Then, on the edge of the cliff, everyone looked at Ling Wei and jumped.

The cliff is very high, although the bottom is the sea, but not to mention the high is not easy to live, it is said that the sea under the cliff is the area with the most sharks, falling from here, it will be divided in a few minutes.

Because I dare not easily approach this sea area, when JC finds enough equipment to come to this sea area, only some clothes with broken bloodstains are salvaged. After being identified by the blood center, it is the blood of Ling Wei.

In other words, she may have been skipped after a long jump.

The professional salvage vessel was salvaged for two more days. In addition to salvaging Lingwei's shoes in the waters not far away, it was not able to salvage anything.

Finally, the person in charge of the case committed suicide with Ling Wei and closed the case.


Mu Huan and Bo Junyan slipped through the snow from Switzerland, went to the North Pole, and watched the Northern Lights.

The most amazing scenery in this world is the scenery of nature.

When standing in the extremely gorgeous aurora, human beings are small.

In the arms of Bo Junyan, Muhuan’s arms looked at the beautiful aurora. The first time in his life was romantic, and it was unrealistic to think that if time can be fixed, it would be better to stop her life at this most beautiful moment. She will always stay in this happiness.

People are greedy.

She is no exception.

Originally just thinking about it, the two travel together, do some romantic things they want to do, leave good memories, and then spend the rest of their lives with them, just think about having owned them, don't care forever, just fine.

But now, the more things you do together, the more romantic you are, the more you are not willing to separate, you are not willing to leave, just want to be with him forever.

I think that time can be slower and slower.

If you want, they will stay here, so they will never ask the world forever, don’t think about it, keep doing this...

Even, knowing that this is impossible.

Yes, I still can't help thinking about it.

Looking up, she looked at Bo Junyan, full of love, "husband, love you!"

She said that there is only one such most common sentence.

Everyone sounds very casual.

It seems that I don't care.

However, such a simple four words are filled with all her feelings.

"Love you..." Bo Junyan bowed his head and kissed her.

At this time, they are loving, so that the surrounding single dogs are envious and broken. It seems that they also find a beloved person, staring at her, and kissing under this beautiful aurora.

Just when the kiss of Bo Junyan is going to deepen.

"Jun Yan!"

The familiar shouting, let the two people who are immersed in this beautiful scenery, at the same time a stiff.

Sometimes, some things, the coming will always come.

Not because you don't want to, you don't want, she won't come.

The face is always faced.

Happy, good times are always short-lived, short-lived like fireworks, only for a moment.

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