The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1106: Good brothers walk together 1

Meng Lichuan is a mixed-race child. His biological father is the Z of the T country. The orthodox before the civil strife. In order to be high, his father divorced his mother and married the daughter of a more powerful family. Meng Lichuan followed his mother back to China. Life, his father’s family was assassinated last month, civil strife began, and in order to get the support of his father’s subordinates, his only successor became the one who now wants to compete for the two factions.

He is obedient, that is, obedient, it is a dead end.

Bo Junyan, they came to T this time to save Meng Lichuan.

But no matter how strong they are, in other countries, in the case of others, they are also in a desperate situation.

After another wave of attacks, they ran out of food.

When I heard another round of footsteps besiege them.

Miyazawa sensibly held the hands of Meng Lichuan and Fu Siyue, and let Xiao Junyan seize his hand. "Come, thin brother, let's hold each other's hands tightly, so that if you die, you may still be able to vote." Going to a family, I will be a brother in the future!"

Bo Junyan, "..."

Miyazawa suddenly said, "Bo, let me bite you!"

Bo Junyan looked at him and didn't know what his second mind was thinking.

"I have to bite the traces, so if we don't have a baby, I will remember you when I see the traces of your life in the next life. I want you to be my thin brother, and then follow you!" Miyazawa’s words are full of disappointment.

They are all people who will not give up at the last minute, but they have come to the last moment.

Thinking of his brilliant life of Miyazawa, it is going to end. He is full of disappointment, and he does not want to, he does not want to leave the world like this!

He still has a lot of fun and no fun, and he hasn't let his mother hold a big grandson...

Bo Junyan, "..."

"When you take your son, you will say, don't ask for the same day of the same year, but ask for the same day and the same day to die on the same day! This shows that it is a good thing for a good brother to die on the same day of the same year! Come on the brothers!" Miyazawa said passionately.

In fact, thinking so, it’s really good to die together!


"Looking at you wanting to die on the same day of the same year, I can't help but want to fulfill your wish." It is not easy for people to live, but the chances of such a few brothers coming together to die like this are not So easy, miss this time, next time, it’s hard to say that you can get together.

So, let her all want to fulfill him.

The sudden sound of the sound surprised several people while looking up.

Then, I saw, a camouflage uniform wearing explosion-proof glasses, holding a weapon of Mu Huan, so cool and handsome standing not far away, watching them a few.

"I heard that at the same time die together, when the time to reunite together is even greater, I want to help you, let you four die at the same time?" Mu Huan picked up his eyebrows.

The brothers said that it was all the domestic consortiums who were trapped here. The consortium who wanted to die together was too funny.

Directly subverting her cognition of the consortium, it seems like a second child.

"Small..." Miyazawa looked at the person who was coming, and stared at him with horror.

It’s his little’s his little sister!

How did she break through the encirclement? It was so quiet that they came in, so that they did not notice her existence!

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