The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1115: How can I be willing to divorce you 4

Just clutching her so tightly, her wrists were hurting a bit.

Can be biased, so that he said nothing, but in particular can catch her heart.

She should be able to wait for him for a long time...

After a week, Y country.

The second will of Mu Huan’s grandfather was to give a 15 percent stake to Liu Jia. Mu Hua’s revisiting with Liu Jia was to give them 5 percent more, that is, to give Liu Jia a 20 percent stake.

Although Liu’s father has been very hard these years, Liu’s father was originally an employee working for Ruihui. Ruihui gave him such a generous salary. He was only working on wages, and he gave him 15 percent. However, Mu Huan feels that Liu Changfeng is a good person and gives her a lot of help. Besides, she knows that letting a person go down from a high position, Liu will definitely be unwilling.

If you don't want to have a conflict, you will lose some benefits.

Anyway, her money has been spent for many years, and she can make a fortune with her anger.

Liu Fu has a 20% stake and is directly the second largest shareholder of Ruihui. He still has a lot of rights in the company. For others, he is a servant who can give him this way. The profit is already very good, very good home!

But for Liu Father, this is not enough! This is not enough!

Over the years, because of his will, he has always regarded Ruihui as his Liu family. Now, he has let him give the power to a yellow-haired girl and give her the step by step. He is not willing! Really unwilling!

Once a person's greed is opened, it is an inexhaustible black hole. As long as he does not fill it up, it is not enough to give him. He feels unfair.

However, he was not directly dissatisfied. He was looking for him when he was talking about him. When he talked about this with him, he was very grateful and grateful. Mu Huan gave him the value and said that he would continue to serve the company well for her. Do your best.

Liu Changfeng, standing aside, hasn’t talked, but his face is hard to see and hard to read.

When you leave Muhua to leave.

"I hope Miss Mu does not blame the wind. This child is rude. He really likes you. He is thinking about marrying you. I didn't expect it, but it is now. He is too uncomfortable." Liu father said good things to his son.

"Yeah." Mu Huan said she can understand.

When she was about to get on the bus, she suddenly looked at Liu’s father and asked, "What about Liu Bobo?"

Liu’s father, “How am I?”

"Isn't Liu Bobo unwilling?" Mu Huan looked at his eyes.

Her eyes like X-rays can see through all the eyes, so that I have seen all kinds of big winds and waves in the market for a lifetime, and the various fathers of the great characters have some can't stand.

Finally, "I can't say no. After all, because of such a will, I have always regarded Ruihui as my own home. As a result, there is such a second will, which makes me think I am a fool, but..."

"What if you are unwilling? This is your heart willing to give me 5 percent more. If you are not good, don't give me more, I can't do it. After all, this Ruihui is not our Liu family, I am just a Only the next person." Liu father smiled bitterly.

"Liu Bobo is now the second largest shareholder of Ruihui. Later, it can be said that Ruihui is Liujia. I hope we can make a living with money." Mu Huan said directly.

"Miss Mu, you can rest assured, this is for sure!"

Mu Huan didn't say anything more, got on the bus and left.

After she left, the respectful and humble moments on Liu’s father’s face disappeared.

"Update before 11:00 to 12:00

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