The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1118: The home of Meng Laozi 1

After a while of silence.

Thin Jun Yan said, "I don't have anything else to want."

Mu Huan picked up his eyebrows. He said that in order to let his pharmaceutical factory enter the Y country and become more international, he only cooperated with her, but with so little interest, there is nothing else to hope for. One wants to grow himself. How can people in the industry not want it? Unless he talks with her about the cooperation, in fact, just to help her just take over the company.

"Who are you? Why are you so clear about my whereabouts, my movements?" The award ceremony, that is not to say in public, and later the auction, especially in the T country, how could he appear so well?

She didn't feel that people were following her. That is, he knew all her movements, and her movements were always secret. Only a few people who knew it knew that no one of them might betray her, but he could not be this. Who is it?

Bo Junyan was afraid that she would think about it or go to check it. If she found something, she would directly say, "I am a life and death with your brother."

"..." Her brother knew that all her whereabouts could be said.

Because he only has good intentions and no malice, Mu Hua did not doubt his words.

"Although your proposal makes me very excited, but if you don't want higher interests, then I will refuse your cooperation." She has to do anything else, and she doesn't want to waste too much on the company. Time, but she doesn't want to owe it to others, especially if she says she likes her.

He helped her so many times, and there was no way to pay back.

Thin Jun Yan frowned.

"You said to cooperate with me, in fact, just want to help me stand in Ruihui?" Mu Huan directly pointed out.

Bo Junyan, "..."

"I said, I don't like people older than me, so it's useless to do anything, so don't bother me so much, waste your precious time." People who are not acceptable to Mu Huan will not give People hope that they will not touch the light of others when they like others.

"I heard that your ex-husband is ten years older than you."

"Mainly look at the face, you are not saying that you are ugly." She just remembered her ex-husband, he knows that it seems that his relationship with her brother is not good, just, is that life and death? Her brother's friend is very poor, if he is the best of her brother, it is also good to this point, she should not have seen him for so many years.

Or, she has seen him? So, did she have that inexplicable familiarity with him?

Bo Junyan, "..."

"You said that you are my brother's best friend, why haven't I seen you? And you are so ugly that you can't use real face to show people? Is it a face injury or what? If you are injured, you show me your injury, referring to Maybe I can help you cure, no longer, you can face up, you are so easy to make makeup, it is inconvenient." Mu Huan is very curious about his appearance every time, think, they may know before, She is even more curious.

Said that he still got close to him.

Although she said that, she did not believe him, he was ugly.

If a person is really ugly, he can't see the person in the true face. The person must have some inferiority and a dark atmosphere. However, this man has no sense of inferiority. Instead, he is full of calm and confident domineering. The momentum is the person who has been in the upper position for a long time.

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