Liu Changfeng heard such news from his father and found Mu Huan. "Xiao Huan, I am also very opposed to such an experiment against the human morality. However, you just took over, I think it is better to push it later. ""

He also knew that such things were immoral and had advised his father. However, he knew that it was basically impossible to stop such experiments, and that they did not only do this. Other pharmaceutical companies have done this. It can be said that it is a common occurrence in the industry.

"Thank you for your concern, but this must be done now." Mu Huan knows that Liu Changfeng is good for her, but this thing can't be delayed because Ruihui is planning to test a kind of children. The impact of medicine on children, this is definitely beyond her bottom line, this is happening in other companies, she will also find ways to make this thing yellow, let alone the company she took over.

"Xiaohuan, you have to know how many people you will stick to in this way..."

"For the sake of profit, some things can't be done." Mu Huan is not a good person, she also likes money, but some things can't be done or can't be done.

"Xiaohuan..." Liu Changfeng still wants to say something.

"I don't have to persuade." Mu Huan interrupted him.

Liu Changfeng knew that he was useless to say anything, and did not speak any more.

"Changfeng I know that you are all for me, I really appreciate your concern." Mu Huan said again.

"Don't thank me..." Her politeness made Liu Changfeng's mouth scream a bitter smile.

"Changfeng, I really want to go to a win-win situation with my family in the future. Therefore, I hope that you can persuade your father when you go home. He can be neutral, but don't shake anything." Liu’s little trick in private. Huan is not ignorant, she just can be harmonious, or do not want to go to the Liu family.

Liu Changfeng’s twilight was a little bit darker. What his father wanted to do, he knew, just now, he still doesn’t know how to support his father.

"Well, I will advise him, my dad is just angry for a moment. After all, he is so loyal, your grandfather is..."

"I understand that if this matter is changed to me, I will feel uncomfortable. However, if we can work together, I can guarantee that the Liu family will be given in the future, definitely more than the benefits that our marriage can bring to Liu family." Road.

Liu Changfeng stared at Mu Huan. After a long time, "this is not just a matter of interest."

Mu Huan, "..."

the next day.

Because Mu Huan stopped the project, the project manager in charge of the project, with the entire project team, collectively protested in the company lobby.

Mu Huan was surrounded by them when he entered the door.

In the face of the protests of everyone, Mu Huan said, "You should have received the notice of transfer of personnel under the Ministry of Personnel. You know what your new position is. Today, you are on holiday. If you do this tomorrow, you will follow the company’s calculations. The contract was completed for more than three days, even if the employee resigned."

The implication is that you protest against protest, for more than three days, even if you collectively resign.

There is no compensation for resigning the company.

When the employees heard her, they were more enthusiastic. Their previous positions were good. She said that stopping the project would stop, so the dictatorship would have provoked public anger. Now, in the face of their protests, they not only do not comfort them, but also Threat them!

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