The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1143: Don't think of the past 1

When the man saw her like this, he couldn’t help but say, "Xiao Yu, don't feel bad for him any more. As long as you open your eyes and see, you will see that there are many good men in this world, and many things worth doing. Don't let him affect your mood."

"Well, I know." Shangguan Yu bowed his head.

"You know, you still..." crying so sadly.

Shangguan Yu interrupted him. "Are you coming to find me something?"

Sometimes, people know, but they can’t be indifferent...

"I took your painting and took it to the competition. You got the first place!" The man said it was very exciting.

He likes Shangguan Yu, not only because of her appearance, but also because of her talent. She is very talented in painting. Moreover, she knows his paintings very well. They are spiritually fit. He thinks he is no longer I can't find someone who knows him like her...

Relative to his excitement, Shangguan Yu just smiled a little. She didn't want to achieve anything in painting. She just wanted to find calm from the painting.

"I booked a seat in EY. Let's go there and eat at night, celebrate, how?"

"I have an appointment at night." Shangguan Yudao.

"Who?" the man asked, knowing that there were not many friends in Shangguan.

Shangguan Yu never talked about her and Fu Si night, so she just smiled and didn't talk.

The man was a little disappointed, but he didn’t ask again. "Then we will celebrate again tomorrow!"

“Yeah.” Although Shang Guanyu’s current life has shifted a lot, the number of interpersonal contacts is more than before, but she has not made many friends. The painter is one of her few friends, and she appreciates his talents. I like to talk to him about painting, so even if she feels that there is nothing to celebrate, it is good for friends to have a meal and chat together.

Y country...

Mu Huan and Bo Junyan sit opposite each other.

Then, the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Although she really wants this man, she is thinking about him, but when she really faces him, she suddenly has the feeling of being a good dragon.

Like or like it, it is a little scared, I don’t know how to get along, what to talk about.

Bo Junyan was originally a person with few words. Let him talk about him first and he didn't know what to talk about at the moment.

The silence of the two makes the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

"That's what...or, let's talk again tomorrow? I will go and see the injury of Longfeiyu." Mu Huan also thought about the injury of Longfeiyu. Just now, Xiao Junyan said that he lost the dragonfly. Lost it, let her feel a little uneasy.

She is not afraid that the people of Bo Junyan will not take Longfei to treat, but that, such as Xiao Junyan, she does not like Longfei, she is worried that his people will be more rude when he is treating dragonfly.

Thin Junyan heard the words, and the twilight chilled down.

Mu Huan saw instinct. "You don't misunderstand anything. I have a pure relationship with him. He has saved me."

Long Feiyi saved her and was her good friend. He is now injured because of her. She can't care about his injury.

"I know."

"Know that you are still so dark..."

"I am jealous." I separated for three years. It was only a short gathering. She forgot about him. Now, I still care about other men. Even if she knows that she doesn't like Longfei, she can care for him. Can not control the mood is not good.

Mu Huan, "..."

People really can't be seen, she thinks that people like him are definitely deep people.

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