The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1145: Don't think of the past 3

Bo Junyan looked at this kind of eyebrows without pain. She only had bright and no haze in her eyes. She felt that she is very good now. After recovering her memory, she remembered those pains. Her mood is definitely not as relaxed and happy as it is now.

Even if she doesn't love him like that before, believe him, she is still not used to his close contact.

However, these can be slowly come, as long as she is happy, he is eager to endure.

Although, in the end, she will still remember everything in the past, but it will make her so happy and happy for a while, or let her be so good.

"Xiaohuan, is it so good now?" He reached out and held her hand.

Mu Huan, "What do you mean?"

"The past things are not good. If you forget, you forget. Let's start again." He looked at her, and the blacks were full of affection.

Mu Huan, "..."


"We saw the marriage on both sides when we saw each other. You have not been pursued by me. This has always been a regret in your heart. Now, it just makes up for the regret of our wedding rush."

"Let's start again, from acquaintance, familiarity, to love, okay?"

Mu Huan, "..."

What happened to them in the past, so that he couldn’t wait, but didn’t want her to think about it and wanted to start again with her...

Because of curiosity, I want to know, Mu Huan couldn’t help but think about it.

When she thought about it, she frowned at her headache.

I can't even think about it. This command is the strongest command. She will let Essen give her such a strong command. He doesn't want her to think of the past. It must be a very serious matter.

If it is so serious that she can't let it go, then, is she forgotten to be with him?

If the original is that she does not want to love again, can't accept him, then choose to forget?

In case, they have...

Mu Huan didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't help but think about it, which made her head hurt more and more.

In an instant, it hurts a sweat.

When Jun Junyan saw it, she hurriedly took her to her arms and softly said, "Baby, don't think about it, don't think about it..."

After Mu Huan took a deep breath in his arms for a while, he only controlled his thoughts and was no longer so painful.

Then, let thin Jun Yan let go of her, stand up and be far from him.

As soon as she left, she was stunned and emptied.

Yes, looking at her like this, he can't go forward.

I want to go forward, but I dare not go forward. It seems that he is like a big dog abandoned by his master. It makes him feel very distressed. He can’t bear it. He said, “Wait for me to think about it, then answer you. You don't have to worry, soon, I will consider it soon!"

She needs to ask Xiaomeng, look at her, think of the past, or forget, Xiaomeng is her best friend, she knows what she is, if she thinks she can still be with Yan Jun, the previous I don't have to think about it anymore.

Because she is like this, still like him so much, want to be with him.

Indeed, it is better to forget the past, save the pain of the past because of the pain of the past, and then, if you want to be together, you will feel pain in your heart. If you don’t stay together, you will not be able to let go.

After Xiao Junyan was silent for a while, "Well."

After Mu Huan separated from Bo Junyan, he immediately went back to Li Meng.

"Xiaohuan, how come you came back..." Li Meng, who was awakened, squinted. "At this time, you shouldn’t be with the big god..."

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