The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1147: Don't think of the past 5

The former Bo Junyan felt that people should not rely on substances other than the will to calm themselves. Now, he can only say that he used to experience too little.

"Where is the wife stone here?" Yu Hanxi walked up the road.

Bo Junyan did not respond, just quietly smoking a cigarette and looking at the opposite lamp.

"I didn't expect that your kind-hearted person can be so affectionate." Yu Hanyu threw a thin can of wine to Bo Junyan.

Bo Junyan took the wine, looked at him, and turned his head to look at the opposite lamp.

Yu Hanyu did not speak any more.

The moonlight quietly shines on them, giving them two beautiful pictures.

Just when Bo Junyan smoked a cigarette and planned to smoke the second one.

His cell phone rang.

It was Mu Huan.

Yu Hanyi glanced at his mobile phone, did not speak, and drank himself.

Bo Junyan took the call and the other hand holding the railing forced a few points.

Until, I heard the joy of the phone at the end of the phone, "Tomorrow, let's date!"

His hand slowly loosened, and the corner of his mouth evoked a smile that could kill all the scenery in the world.

"it is good."

"That rest early, good night!" Mu Huan said, hung up the phone.

Thin Jun Yan looked at the phone that was hung up, and the smile at the corner of his mouth deepened.

All the gloom in my heart disappeared.

The happiness of a man is as simple as that.

Yu Hanxi looked at his happy smile on his face, and suddenly he was a bit uncomfortable. Then, when Bo Junyan wanted to drink with him, he turned away and proudly turned away.

Bo Junyan did not call him.

He called and asked Wang to help.

Wang Tezhu is knowing that he let him come up, and he wants to drink with him.


Long Feilei looked at the injured leg of Longfei, and he couldn't help it. "Before, you told me that if Mu Huan forgets Bo Junyan, you still can't let her like you, you give up, now, can you give up? ?"

Although it is uncontrollable to like people, Mu Huan is also a very good and outstanding person, but no matter how good, not his younger brother, his younger brother has been chasing it all the time, so it is useless.

It will only make these relatives look distressed.

In particular, every time he was injured, he was because of Mu Huan.

With her, he always gets hurt, or both physically and mentally injured.

Longfei didn't speak. At this time, he only wanted to get drunk, but he couldn't drink.

"If you can't do it, just hypnotize it! Forget all the things related to Mu Huan!" Longfei Leidao.

Dragonfly, "..."

Mu Huan let him forget, his brother also let him forget!

He knows that they are all good for him.

If you can forget your own best memories, even the only motivation you want to live, the only motivation for him, how can he live in the future? Is it alive like a walking dead?

It is like seeing what he is thinking.

Longfei Leidao, "When you forget her, the great country, the world of the big thousand, the beautiful beauty, your life will be colorful and you can't imagine it! It will be beautiful! Very beautiful!"

His younger brother is too early, 11 years old, he wants to find his little star. At the age of 11, he will find her as his only one. Such feelings, persistence, too deep, let him put it down, he is sure Can't let go.

Can not let go.


Is this the case, suffering for a lifetime, watching Bo Junyan and Mu Huan happiness and love?


His younger brother can't be so pitiful!

and so……

The dragonfly's twilight is a bit deep.

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