The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1153: I know that Cherished 5 after I lost it.

Mu Huan looked at the jade lying on the ground, "..."

Bo Junyan did not speak, and when she pulled it up, she continued to go outside.

The brothers of Xingmen looked at the jade lying on the ground and realized once again that Bo Junyan was a more terrifying existence than their doorkeeper!

After getting on the bus.

"What happened to my brother today?" Mu Huan felt that today's jade is a bit strange. Although he usually loves money very much, he is still very caring for her sister. Even if she wants to stay at her, she always stays at the top. The good state, sneak attack on her, will not be like this.

"It is ill."

Mu Huan, "..."

Is it ill?

"He used to have a beloved woman, but he personally forced her to die. After the woman died, he had psychological problems. The mental illness is also a disease." What Xiao Junyan said is that Yu Hanyu was deliberately killed because of his father’s hatred. Close to the woman, she finally ruined her, but she fell in love with her, but he deeply felt that the person who killed the father could not be together, so he finally gave her a hand.

However, because he loves very much, he can't bear such pain. Therefore, after the woman's death, he especially can't see people with family venge together, see a pair of split couples.

At the beginning, when he and Mu Huan went to the family, this step was actually a schadenfreude. Last night, when he received a call from his wife to date him, he also obviously felt that the mood of Yu Han was not right.

It is also like hatred, now they can start again.

No matter how much regret he regrets, he can never start again with his beloved woman. Therefore, he is upset and can't help but find something.

For Bo Junyan, the person who has nothing to look for is mental illness.

"You are very familiar with my brother?" He knows this kind of thing!


Mu Huan, "..."

Unfamiliar, he knows so detailed...

These things, she has never heard of this teacher and sister, he is not familiar, who is familiar?

"Don't worry, I won't let him get sick again in the future."

Mu Huan, "..."

I am still unfamiliar with this...

“What are we going to do?” Bo Junyan turned the subject.

Mu Huan, "..."

Although she said she wanted to date, she didn't know what to do.

Eat and go shopping to watch movies?

So, will he not like it?

So she looked at Bo Junyan, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to go to the hotel."

Mu Huan, "..."


Fu Si night let Shang Guanyu's memory stay three years ago. Before they lost their children, let her forget all of these three years.

Shangguan Yu came to their former home, just slept with a glass of red wine, and when Shangguan became awake, she was already abroad.

Open her eyes, the brain is blank, watching, the ceiling in the room, for a while will not return to God.

I don't know, I am dreaming, or what, in short, it feels very strange.

Until Fu Si night appeared in her eyes.

"Xiao Yu, you woke up." Fu Si night twitched her with a gentle smile.

Shangguan Yu looked at him like this and felt that he was definitely dreaming, because if he was not a dream, he would never show such a gentle smile to her.

She likes him, and only loves him in life.

But he doesn't like her, he doesn't like it when he was young.

Such gentle him, she could not help but reach out and touch the past, want to touch his face.

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