"What's wrong?" Fu Si night looked at her awkward eyes and cared softly.

"I don't know why, there is a feeling in my heart that I can't tell." Shangguan Yu slammed his chest.

She didn't know what it felt like, but even so, she didn't have any concealment to him, she was still true.

Fu Si’s night was dark and dark. “If people forget the memory of three years, they will feel empty and feel that something is wrong.”

"Don't think about those who have forgotten, people live in the moment, just care about it now." He said to hold her in her arms and let her not think about it, as long as he cares about him as before.

Shangguan Yu felt that what he said was justified, let him ignore that feeling, just look at him and think about him.

"Sony night, is this all true?" Even if it is confirmed that this is true, it is not that she is dreaming, but Shangguan Yu is still afraid, or afraid that this is just a dream. After waking up, she is still only that one. Can be alone at home, waiting for her.

"It's all true." Fu Siyue said, bowed his head and kissed her.

The real touch, let Shangguan Yu's unreal heart, have a sense of reality, "Si night..."

Did she finally wait for him?

Y country...

The first date, Mu Huan will definitely not go to the hotel. She took Bo Junyan to come to the famous scenic spots in Y. The spring is also the most beautiful season here. The pink flowers on the trees on both sides of the road are so beautiful and beautiful. The deep experience of what is called a flower group.

A gust of wind blew, and the pink petals danced with the wind, spinning and falling.

The petals that have been swelled in the world make people feel like they have come to the world of comics. This moment, the beautiful people who have never been emotional, can not help but reach out and pick up the petals. "It's beautiful..."

Bo Junyan did not speak, just looked at her.

There is her, he can't see anything else.

This beautiful scenery in the world is not as beautiful as her smile.

Mu Huan stretched out her hand and then the petals. Suddenly, there was a picture flashing through her mind. She instinctively said, "Have we ever held hands like this and walked under the flower stand? Have I done this now?"


After Mu Hua looked at the beautiful scenery in front of me, "I suddenly felt that whether the memory of the past is painful or beautiful, people still have their own memories."

Mu Huan is a person who makes a decision and will not shake again. However, this time, she is shaken and wants to change her previous decision.

Life without past memories can't be complete, especially, this kind of control can't stop thinking.

And just that moment, she especially wanted to think about the past between the two of them. In addition to the pain, she and her should be more sweet and beautiful memories. She didn’t want to forget those memories. .

Besides, without those memories, she always feels that something is wrong, and even some have no sense of security.

She said that she looked at Bo Junyan. "And, I forgot the past and you remember deeply that it is too unfair to you."

She can see that he is forcing, suppressing, and that her strangeness and instinct for him will hurt him. She does not want to see his hurtful eyes.

"I am not unfair to me, I don't want you to think of the past." Bo Junyan paused and said, "But if you want to restore your memory, we will go to Essen."

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