Xiao Huan, the light of this Chinese people, suddenly became a disfigured person who was thrown abroad.

There are even many people who say that the extended life medicine she has researched is not a problem. I don’t know if it’s used in any dark way, and...

Anyway, those kinds of words are hard to hear.

This kind of bad atmosphere is so bad that both of them are very worried. So, come together and see what she is going to do. Who knows, the two of them are kissing me at home, there is no sense of atmosphere at all. .

This makes them both sweaty.

How to say it is also such a big thing, so I feel a little nervous, respecting that people are so troublesome!

"You are just coming, fast, join my team, let them kill them together!" Mu Huan saw them both, sitting up from the thin Jun Yan, very good to play a posture.

Li Meng, "..."

Wu Xingye, "..."

"Xiaohuan, you are still in prison at home, you play like this, so easy, is it right?" Wu Xingye said.

“What is wrong?”

Li Meng, "..."

Wu Xingye, "..."

There is really nothing wrong with it.

So both of them sat down and joined the team of Mu Huan.

Their family Xiaohua is not nervous at all. It must be a solution to this problem. They don’t have to worry about anything. They can’t do anything. It’s better to play games together.

Because the hobby of three people is to play games, and Wu Xingye is a computer master. After Mu Huan has money, he invested and the three people started a game company. They are playing the latest game developed by their company. Their tests, the game can be listed, they feel no problem, very fun games, usually a listing will become a burst.

Therefore, not only is medicine making money, Mu Huan and the game companies they open are also making her very profitable.

Looking at the seriousness of their three plays, Bo Junyan took the information that Yu Hanxi just dropped.

The room was suddenly quiet, until the dragon flew in the wind.

I heard that Mu Huan was arrested. Although he was released on bail, he still had to be imprisoned at home. Longfei’s heart was worried about burning, and he did not care about the leg injury. He ran over.

Just after coming in, his nervousness and worry formed a strong contrast with the leisurely entertainment on the scene.

This made him and Du Feilei behind him a little dumbfounded.

Have you made a mistake! Now that things are so big, such a big problem that is not easy to solve, she still has the mood to play games!

Mu Huan saw Long Feiqi come in and immediately greeted, "Come, come, come, see this game is not fun."

This game has to be listed on May 1st, taking advantage of the holidays, so they have to hurry to test.

Dragonfly, "...!!!"

Long Feilei, "...!!!"

Bo Junyan looked up at Longfei, and said nothing. He looked down at the documents in his hands.

When he looked up at the dragonfly, Longfeiyi noticed that Bo Junyan was still sitting close to Muhuan!

He pointed to thin Jun Yan, "Xiaohuan, how could he be!"

"He is here, what happened?" Mu Huan said.

"He...he..." Longfei glared at him for a long time, but he didn't know what to say, whether they were husbands and wives before, or now they are divorced.

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