Liu Dongxu did not speak, but the darkness of the twilight.

In the evening, he came to a family where he often went to drink.

"Mr. Liu, you have been drinking all the time, is there any trouble?" The **** and enchanting woman, plucked forward, Jiao Drip.

Liu Dongxu waved her, "roll."

He is upset and can't see anyone who is bothered.

"Mr. Liu, don't do this, what troubles to say, maybe, I can help you." The woman smiled and went forward.

When Liu Dongxu once again wanted to wave her away.

The woman whispered in his ear. "There is a big man who wants to work with you, destroying Mu Huan and Bo Junyan together. If you are interested, I can recommend you."

Liu Dongxu squinted, and then went to see the woman around me. Looking at it carefully, she found that she was different from the ladies who sold alcohol in the past.

"I don't have to guess my identity, I am just a messenger."

"Who is the other person?" She can't say that she has a big man. He believes and goes.

The woman whispered something in his ear, and then he showed him something from his clothes.

Liu Dongxu took over the thing, and after carefully watching it for a while, it was confirmed to be authentic.

"Is there?"

"Take me out." The woman smiled and charming.

Liu Dongxu stood up with her waist and walked out.


Because Ruihui is now in a relatively difficult state, Miyazawa was called by Bo Junyan to help.

In the evening, he and Bo Jun are in full swing, and Mu Huan and Li Meng are playing a game next to the team.

Seeing that they are so happy, he is not happy at all, and his heart is not balanced.

"Little scorpion, not so exciting for you." He is such a person who loves to play games, let him see, but can't play.

"My husband said that I have to be motivated to look at me, so I can only play here." Mu Huan looked sorry.

Miyazawa, "...!!!"

"Can you not show such love and stimulate my single dog?"

"Single dog? This has been three years, you have not married your Granddaughter's fiancee?" These days with Miyazawa, let Mu Huan intermittently remember some of the memory related to Miyazawa.

This made her more and more feel that Essen's hypnotism is somewhat unreliable.

"The knot is gone!" Miyazawa did not have a good air.

"How come? She is jealous of you?"

Miyazawa, "..."

"Look at you like this, it is really the one who was shackled." Mu Huan sure.

Miyazawa, "..."

"Well, look at your poor share, I will not stimulate you." Mu Huan said that he had kissed Bo Junyan. "We went upstairs to play."

"Yeah." Bo Junyan returned to her.

Miyazawa, "..."

Li Meng, "..."

Look at the two of them apart, they are all distressed, can see the two of them together, so good, so show, for them such a single dog, really very heart!

They all think that they have such a lover.

But they didn't.

So, really good!

Single dog can't afford to hurt!

The two of them went upstairs.

"The little nephew now has the feeling of rejuvenation." Miyazawa said.

Bo Junyan, "..."

What is his analogy?

"If there have been no such incidents, the little nephew has always been so good. Before looking at the little nephew, so lively and lovely, it became so deep and sore, really distressed!" Miyazawa said with a heart.

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