The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1192: Not willing to start 2

In fact, from her proposal, let him come to F, she gave him a chance to have a joy, and when he asked her what opportunity she said, she said that when he came to know, he suspected that at first, she was not really difficult He was saved, but she deliberately planned, she is not helping him, she wants to use him, but because she is too eager to want, so even if she knows that he may be used by people, when the pieces, but He still followed.

Come here, hear her plans like that, ask her questions like this, and her performance now, he is more certain, she tried to get close to him, just to use him.

The woman looked at him and suddenly laughed. "I always thought that you were a stupid person. It seems that I underestimated you. I was actually aware of the truth of the matter."

Gu Chenyi instantly blackened a face.

No one likes to be seen as a fool, as a fool.

"Since you have seen it through, it is like this. If you are willing to cooperate and cooperate, don't want it, then forget it." The woman doesn't care. "However, I want to remind you, you should also know that this is your only one." Opportunity, in addition to this opportunity, you have no chance to get a joy!"

She knows how much he wants to get Mu Huan, such a desire, so that even if he knows, she has been using him all the time, knowing that this is a pit will also jump in.

"You lie to me everywhere, how do I know, this opportunity is not the pie you painted for me, lie to me, I did this, not only did not get Xiaohuan, but also killed my uncle and Xiaohuan. "Gu Chenyi determined that this woman is cheating on him. He can't trust her. I think this opportunity may be a scam. In the end, he may not only get Xiaohuan, but also do a big mistake, but...

Even with such fears, he could not restrain the heart he wanted because he knew that, like she said, he really didn't have a chance to get Mu Huan except this opportunity.

He waited for so many years, just waiting for this opportunity that seems to be possible.

Even if it is very risky, he can't afford this opportunity.

Therefore, he has always suspected that he has been asking and wants to determine the success rate of this opportunity step by step.

"It is still the same sentence, if you don't believe me so much, then let's not cooperate." Woman said.

"Don't because you know that I am so eager, then I want to, I am sure that I will not give up this opportunity. I will use this sentence to gamble me. If I am really gone, do you have a bad relationship?" Gu Chenyi said coldly.

He followed closely. "The mastermind of this matter should not be you."

The woman is a glimpse.

Is she too small to look at Gu Chenyi? He can guess this step.

The woman did look at Gu Chenyi. When he was in high school, he was sunny, kind, and deceived. But these years, he was no longer the same as him. His mind was deep and he was involved in many things, and he was not even thin. Mu Huan found.

"I really want Xiaohuan, I don't want to give up this opportunity, but I think you also want this plan to be successful. The most important thing in this plan is the medication link. So, in this plan, it should be me. Standing at the leading position, instead of what you said, I can only listen to it." Gu Chenyi is strong.

If you understand the facts, then you can see who wants it more, and you can't give up.

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