The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1203: Not bad money 3

Careful planning, repeated destruction, which makes Ling Wei's mood gloomy to the extreme.

In particular, I thought that Muhan could have a powerful enemy. This enemy can absolutely destroy Mu Huan. Now, not only is it gone, but it can also be said that it is ruining its own people. This makes her really want to bomb. !

In the past, no matter what she did, it was smooth. No accidents occurred. People and things that were difficult to do would be as smooth as she thought. Since the appearance of Mu Huan, her life has been continually failing. Constantly unexpected!

Damn Mu Huan!

She must let her die! must!

"Dear, how are you here! I have been looking for you for a long time." I have been looking for her Sentai since she just saw her and walked happily towards her.

He walked towards her too fast.

Even if Ling Wei heard his voice, he converges on the haze, or he sees her horrible expression.

This made Sentai's footsteps, who wanted to take her into her arms, and slammed it.

Ling Wei looked up at him, and her face was innocent. "Husband, what happened to you?"

Sentai looked at her innocent and gentle face, and some people were illusory. Is it just that he just looked at it? Yes, it must be his eyes! She doesn't show that expression like that! His spirit, but the most gentle and kind person in the world!

In her face, there is always only sunshine, only gentle, absolutely impossible to have such awkward, haze!

"Nothing." He said, dragging her into his arms. "Let's go over there, the guests are all there."

"Yeah." Ling Wei followed him to the direction of Bo Junyan.

Sentai thought of her before, afraid that she would face her face, so, "Ling, although I know that you are not familiar with what Mu Huan did, but at the moment, I need her very much, Do you understand?"

"I understand, I know what to do." Ling Wei said softly.

Sentai saw that she was so gentle and sensible, considerate, and even more surprised that he had just looked wrong.

Although, after the arrival of Bo Junyan and Mu Huan, they said nothing, but people know that Jun Junyan was bitten by insects.

This makes everyone look at Yan Junyan's eyes, full of sympathy and pity.

So perfect person, it is so imperfect.

Although Bo Jun derived the first time, surrounded by such sympathy and pity, but he still has no expression changes, mood swings.

Even if he feels that his face is good and useful, it is also because of Mu Huan, how others look at him, he does not care.

Senna Lin just walked away out of control, but on this occasion, she could not disappear for a long time. Besides, she was just in love at the first sight of Bo Junyan. She only had his face and family talent, and had no deep feelings. .

Therefore, she can easily give up and the mood will soon recover.

Just, although she gave up Jun Junyan, though, she knew that Ling Wei wanted to use her.

However, this is not the case when she sees that Hu Huan is not pleasing to the eye.

Because she has the best time of Bo Junyan, then the good-looking man, she has been so long, it is really not a taste!

and so.

Senna Lin looked at Mu Huan and raised her eyebrows. "I heard that Mrs. Bo, the decathlon, the arrow is up, let's compare, see who can hunt for prey?"

She finished, not waiting for what Mu Huan said, and again.

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