When I thought that the face of Bo Junyan was not destroyed, he could recover, and Senna Lin’s thoughts that they wanted to have two lives suddenly stopped.

Bo Junyan can recover, then, she...

Can you really own him with such a plan?

I thought that here is just wanting to make them two miserable Senna Lin, the more I think, the more I think, she can really use this plan to have Bo Junyan!

Standing on the side of Lily, she heard Gu Chenyi’s words, and she did not expect that the face of Bo Junyan was really not destroyed.

The purpose of their newspaper is to kill Bo Junyan and Mu Huan. If Thin Junyan is not disfigured, Senna Lin will not give up his words, they will be difficult for Yan Junyan to die.


I didn't expect Lili, who had such a change, to know what to do, so she didn't speak, and she stood there quietly.

"That line, things are fixed, I will go first, you will inform me when the time comes to action." Gu Chenyi said to go out.

"Good." Senna Lin returned to the future.

No matter what you want, you have to carry out this plan first, so that the thin Jun will fall into her hands!

After the plan is successful, after thin Jun Yan is in her hands, she thinks about anything else!

When Gu Chenyi left, when he came out, the morning sun just rose from the east.

The rising sun is full of vitality and vitality.

Let him think this is a good sign, half of his planned success!

When he returned to his house.

Thin Junyan and Mu Huan just came out to have breakfast and saw him coming back from outside in the early morning.

Bo Junyan frowned and said, "What are you going to do?"

Did he come back overnight, or did he go out early in the morning?

"Go and find a friend to play." Gu Chenyi coveted and gathered all the thoughts in the middle.

"Looking for friends to play? Are you friends here?" How could he have friends in Country F?

"Yeah." Gu Chenyi's hand hanging on both sides of the body, uncontrollably clenched, unable to control the tension, he really came in time, I knew that he should have breakfast outside and come back.

When Bo Junyan still wants to ask, Gu Chenyi said, "Uncle, I played a bit too tired and wanted to go back to the room and take a break."

He was afraid to talk to his uncle too much and was seen to be nervous.

"Go." Bo Junyan did not say anything about him.

Gu Chenyi got permission and immediately turned back to the room.

Mu Huan looked at the back of his departure. "Before Gu Chenyi was such a sunny person, how can it become like a mouse now, so it feels dark and has problems."

"something wrong?"

"Yeah." Mu Huan nodded.

"Do you think he has any problems?"

"Whenever he saw me, he would look at me like that, that look... in short, it’s that look, yes, today, he doesn’t want to look at me like that, even if I don’t even look at it, this person Suddenly there is such a change, and most of them are problematic!" Mu Huan very much wants Gu Chenyi to stop looking at her like that.

But then a person who can't wait to rob her directly, who usually looks at her like that, doesn't look up at her today, it's really not right!

Bo Junyan did not speak, just looking at the direction in which Gu Chenyi disappeared, and the twilight was a bit deep.

"No matter who he is, let's go eat first, I am so hungry!" Mu Huan said, holding the arm of Bo Junyan to go to dinner.

Her husband’s relatives should not be like anything. Anyway, he has any problems, maybe, but he is in a bad mood today.

"Yeah." Bo Junyan held her away.

"Today is more complete, see you tomorrow, this is going to be added today, who knows something unexpected, tomorrow will add more, will be even earlier ~!

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