The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1228: Imagine always beautiful 4

If you drink less, their physique is special, when you miss the opportunity, then there is no chance.

Watching them both finish the soup, Gu Chenyi ate something else, and he said with Xiao Junyan.

After he returned to the room, Lily called. "You have to give them medicine before they leave for Sentai."

"I am already down."

Lily was a glimpse first, then, "so speed?"

"Well, when I had breakfast, I was an opportunity. I went down to the soup." Gu Chenyi finished, frowning. "Is it too early?"

Does this affect the effect?

"Not early, this time the medication is also effective in the afternoon."

"That's good." Gu Chenyi breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't blame him for being so nervous. This opportunity is really his only chance. He can't make a mistake.

"Since it's a good medicine, it's fine. You go to time to go..." Lily said that she suddenly stopped. "Are you sure they drank the soup?"

"It's very certain that they drank two bowls by themselves."

"Well, you can take the time to go to the scene yourself." Although he has no use, he can't just treat it before the plan is successful, so Lily said a few more words before hanging up.

After she hanged Gu Chenyi’s phone call, she called Ling Wei and told her that Gu Chenyi had succeeded in taking the medicine.

"Is he sure?" Ling Wei said.

This link is so important that they have to be sure.

"He looked at them with their own eyes, very sure." Lily said.

"Sometimes it may not be true to see it with your own eyes." Ling Wei said, just like before, Mu Huan’s mother also said that she saw Mu Huan drinking down, but things failed.

My mother is so prepared, not to mention the scorpion.

"What does the lady mean?"

"Forget it, whether he is really successful or not, as long as he goes back to meet Jun Junyan and Mu Huan, they will be finished!"

The plan that Gu Chenyi knew was the whole plan, but the result was different. Ling Wei did not say that he did not prepare him for the top hypnosis master, so that he could leave with Mu Huan and go far away to fly his beautiful life. She did not intend to let him live. Leave the F country!

The medicine she gave to Xiao Junyan and Mu Huan was not a medicine that only made them unable to stun, and the medicine would kill both of them!

Gu Chenyi confirmed that the drug is okay, because the single drug is really only coma, but, with other things, the drug becomes a deadly drug!

Ling Wei knows that the vitality of Bo Junyan and Mu Huan is tenacious, and they are not allowed to die. The two of them will make her die very badly. Therefore, what she wants is not their pain, but death!

It will create chaos, so that when they both die to see the protest crowd, they are trying to find a legitimate reason for the death of both of them.

Otherwise, the two of them who are so identifiable are suddenly poisoned here, and the relevant people will definitely check it out. At that time, it is very likely that they will be found on her, and if they die at the scene of the protest crowd, because there is Creating the appearance of people attacking both of them, it can push the responsibility to those who protest, let outsiders think that the two of them are dead in the hands of the protesters.

Take a step back and say that if things don't push them, Senna Lin is the mastermind. Her identity is such that she can't do anything even if she finds her.

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