In this way, she does not cherish her new life.

Still thinking about finding a way...

She is really, not getting smart.

It was impossible for him to associate her with her in the past, and she was so smart before.

After all, people who grew up together from a young age, Ling Wei has become like this, and Xiao Junyan’s heart is somewhat sigh.

"What was her original name? Long, good or bad? Why should I dress up like someone else?" Mu Huan curious.

The whole one made Xiao Junyan unable to recognize it, but just felt familiar, that is, the whole face was moved, and the name was changed with the family, and it became a different person, which is even more problematic.

Not waiting for what Jun Junyan said, a name suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Ling Wei? Is it called Ling Wei?"

Bo Junyan, "Yeah."

"Aisen is almost good now. When I go back, I will let him give me a hypnosis instruction." It’s not so good to have a blank in this mind. She wants to think all of it! Whether it is good or bad!

"Yeah." Still as before, although Bo Junyan didn't want her to think of those unhappy, as long as she thought, he would respect her choice.

After visiting the wine cellar, it was also time to eat. On the table, Mu Huan introduced the topic to the topic of returning to the pharmaceutical factory.

"The leaders agree that you will return to work. I have no opinion. It is still the same sentence. As long as you can let the protesting nationals stop protesting, the factory can resume work immediately." Sentai has no thoughts about it, he invited them to come. At home, I want to have a deeper relationship between the two, so that she can think about him first.

This person is old and does not want to admit that his body is not good, and he has to admit it.

A good doctor at this time, a good medicine is a life-saving.

"The protesters have already left two-thirds, and the rest will leave in the evening, and the workers in the pharmaceutical factory are doing their ideological work. They can start working at any time." Her husband ruined her face for two days, and the medicines had to be produced.

Sentai understood what she meant. "Well, I will put the papers in a while, and when I am evacuated, I will resume work."

Mu Huan feels that Sentai is a very good person. Although he is a nobleman, he can see the importance of interest and know that it is a win-win situation and mutual respect. This is very rare.

Just when Sentai wants to greet them, they eat.

"I heard that one of the remaining people was pregnant with a test drug, which caused the child to be deformed after birth. The mother could not regenerate the child because of dystocia, and the parents were only children. A deformed child destroyed two families. They hate that the pharmaceutical company hates to die, and will never be impressed by money. I don’t know, how does Mrs. Bo’s plan to let them leave in the evening?” Ling Wei looked at Mu Huan.

Mu Huan heard the words and looked at the past.

Sentai bowed his head to Ling Wei, whispered, "Baby, you promised me, no matter what..."

Said not to let her say this, how to manage, how she...

For Sentai, no matter how Mu Huan handles those people, as long as she can handle it well!

"Sorry, I really can't sit idly by, wait for my servant, and have a close relationship with the family. You don't know how miserable their family is. They are so ruined like a good home. This... ..." Ling Wei said with a red eye.

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