The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1242: Moral abduction 1

Mu Huan instinctively avoided the things thrown at her. The other side saw it, and bent over and picked up a thing to throw it at Mu Huan. But after looking at the eyes like Mu Huan, what he took in his hand was I dare not throw it out.

At this time, the people of Sentai were in front of him in the direction of Mu Huan, protecting Mu Huan from being attacked by those people.

Ling Wei was somewhat unhappy, but she said nothing. She knew that Sentai needed Mu Huan and he wanted to get medicine from Mu Huan.

Sentai is the highest person in charge of the Ministry of Medicine and Health. At this time, even if it is not for the medicine of Mu Huan, he has to stand up and talk, let alone he needs it, so he went forward to see the people. "I know that everyone is very angry and very considerate of your grief and anger. Yes, everyone knows that some things are irreversible, especially when people are dead, this is something God can't do, so, The people we live in can only be strong and can only look forward!"

What he means is that everyone is looking at the money here.

Although it is said that money can't be bought back, it can't be bought back to health. However, what has happened is already the case. You have to revert to the original state. This is impossible!

If you want money to compensate, you can talk about it. You have to be impossible. People can't give it. That person can only leave the pharmaceutical factory and leave here.

They shut her down the factory and leave the F country. What can they get?

Not only will not be compensated for a penny, but in the future, many people will lose their jobs!

Sometimes, some practices are ruthless and cold, but this is the best for people. If you have money, you can live a good life. In total, you are not healthy, you have no life, and you can’t live well. Right?

Besides, this is not a matter of killing people. If a person kills someone, this is really nothing to compensate, you have to let the other party pay.

Also, this is not something that people do, and people are willing to pay a big price to make up for this. It is really sincere!

They insist on these impossible things, and in the end, they will only suffer from themselves.

"The former things are irreversible, can you post it? If the pharmaceutical factory is started, who will guarantee the health of the people in the future?"

“The air pollution in pharmaceutical factories is so serious. Since Ruihui built factories here, the respiratory infections of surrounding residents have increased a lot. The incidence of cancer has also increased a lot. We can't just pay for it, don't want it, don't be healthy!”

"And, this time the illegal drug test was exploded. They apologized and were responsible. What if they had illegal drug tests in the future? We can only die, irreversible, irreparable, only Can you take the money to compensate for it? Our life is so contemptuous? Can you buy it with money?"

In addition to the protesters in this crowd of people, there are many journalists, many of whom have prepared reporters, and their problems are very sharp.

"On these issues, President Mu will give everyone a satisfactory explanation." Sen Tai said to look at Mu Huan.

Mu Huan stepped forward. "First of all, I can be very sure that there will be no illegal drug trials in the future!"

"Secondly, regarding the pollution of pharmaceutical factories that everyone cares about, I can assure you that every factory in Ruihui Pharmaceutical will use the most advanced environmental protection facilities in the world."

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