The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1248: Who is stronger 3

"What medicine?" Bo Junyan looked at Mu Huan, although he didn't know anything about medicine, but this strange fragrance, and now his body changes, Mu Cheng's dignity in the eyebrows, let him know that this medicine is not simple .

"It's a butterfly, ordinary people smell nothing, but people who have eaten saury will cause weakness." And they just had a saury at noon.

Bo Jun Yan wrinkled his eyebrows and turned the haze.

Mu Huan snorted with a hand and a hand in his pocket to find a medicine that can be temporarily relieved...

This Ling Wei people, the tricks are also overwhelming, the noon of the saury has no problem, and Ling Wei and Sen Tai have eaten, so she could not think of this.

However, the butterfly has been lost for a long time. She saw this medicine in an ancient book and the description of the smell of the drug. Only when she smelled it, she thought of the drug and the relationship with the saury.

Where did Ling Wei get the medicine? And since she has such a powerful medicine, why did she let Gu Chenyi go to give them medicine?

It is to let them perceive her conspiracy, feel that they control the whole situation, to confuse them, reduce their defenses, let them think, she will also take other medicines? Or is it a double preparation?

She looked up and looked at Ling Wei who was walking in front.

At this time, Ling Wei just turned back, and on the line of sight of Mu Huan, her mouth was slightly hooked, it was the victory of the strong, and the smile of Zhang Yan.

Mu Huan blinked.

Is she trying to make them weak and then die in this conflict and be characterized as an accident?

This kind of medicine, after the autopsy, could not be detected. At that time, they were the people who met the protest and were accidentally killed. The murderer was this ordinary group of people, unable to blame, even if they came out The leader, but also can not find, can not find Ling Wei.

She can continue to sit back and relax with her good days.

This is high, it really makes people obey! Ling Wei is a skill at first glance, and sure enough, it is really amazing!

However, such a powerful person, but she was forced to change her life to live, she used to be very powerful!

This time, Mu Huan still has a feeling of narcissism.

However, when it comes to facelift, Ling Wei can be so successful, so natural, the person who gives her a facelift is definitely a master of high hands, and as long as there is a master in the medical circle, there are very few she does not know, but she Did not find out who gave her the whole capacity.

I heard that she had jumped off the cliff a few days after she disappeared. The days she was missing must have been arranged. Before she jumped over the cliff, she should contact the doctor. This doctor seems very simple!

Ling Wei can get such a drug insurance, but also got it from the doctor.

All of this is really guessed by Mu Huan.

Although Ling Wei feels that Gu Chenyi is different from before, people are stronger, but Bo Junyan and Mu Huan are stronger. They can easily detect that someone is not right. It is because he is going to take medicine. The success rate is too low. She must Do double preparations.

This dish is the double insurance she prepared.

I think it is too difficult for me to take this medicine as a master of medicine. It is that the mother will take medicine for her, and she will be seen, let alone let others take medicine for her.

She thinks that there is only one way to succeed in getting medicine. It is to separate it. The first step is absolutely non-toxic and normal. So, Mu Huan will not doubt anything.

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