The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1256: Who is the last winner 7

"Mu Huan's last hypnotized situation, she will be a very cautious, sensitive and sensitive person even if she loses her memory. If you do not know the relationship with her before she wakes up, I am afraid that you will not be able to get her in the future. The bed." Not that he looked down on him.

Gu Chenyi, "..."

It’s really like this last time...

But... even then, he can't...

After a while he said.

"Right! I can let John hypnotize and love me very much, so that she will remember me if she doesn't remember me, plus she forgets everything, wakes up after the chicks complex, we two I will definitely be happy with each other..."

When Gu Chenyi went to high school, he began to like Mu Huan. Later, he did not let go. In addition to being given the medicine by Lin Qingya, he had never touched other women. The more he liked, the more he cherished.

Even if it is a fake sympathy, he also wants them to be together in a waking situation.

Instead, get her like this...

"According to common sense, you can let John hypnotize her and love you very much. However, Mu Huan is a different person. I am afraid that the effect is not good. Besides, even if there is effect, you still have more protection first." Uncle.

Those beautiful futures are all in the future. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. I don’t know if the future can be carried out as I thought. I have it first, so that no matter what happens in the future, it will not only lose but also be more secure.

"You have to know that no matter what time you start, it is king!" As long as he is the one who is the one.

Yu Yu’s meaning, Gu Chenyi understands, but also knows this is the reason, but...

He looked at Mu Huan and felt that he couldn't do anything. He took possession of her at this time.

"You don't really like her, do you want to get her by any means? Now is the time to take the opportunity, the opportunity is fleeting, you have to take it well." Uncle Yu took his hand and let him grasp this time. chance.

Mu Huan is a capable person, her skill is also very good, waiting for her to wake up what will happen, it is hard to say.

Only if she has her now is the safest and most secure, and only then can he not be bothered.

"I..." Gu Chenyi understands that he also profoundly knows that if he owns it, he will have the greatest protection, but he...


"It is too easy to change in Mu Huan, Chen Yi, I believe that you are more aware of her skills than I know, knowing the uncertainty of the future, knowing what to do is the best!"

"You don't have too much psychological burden. You must believe in your previous beliefs. She is yours. It is yours. You have not done bad things. You just want to make you happy, just to bring everything back to normal. ""

"I..." Gu Chenyi just wanted to say something.

"I am going out, think about it yourself, you have to know, now, it is very likely that you have her only chance, don't miss it easily, think carefully." Yu Shu said he patted him. The shoulders left.

When it comes to this, he has nothing to say.

Gu Chenyi looked at Mu Hua, who was still motionless in bed, and the hands hanging on both sides of the body slowly clenched into fists.

Yu Shu looked at the problem more thoroughly than he saw. He did things and made decisions.

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