In the face of such a sudden natural disaster, the people he arranged can be so calm, and the first time, to make such a stable, rescue response, it can be seen that their master is definitely a personal thing.

And such people are not trained by Gu Chenyi.

Therefore, he must have been associated with any characters in order to have these people to let him be called.

His nephew knows him too well and understands his strength, so in his planned plan, he will definitely leave when he is in a coma.

There are three ways to leave the F country now, sea, land and air.

He is still in a coma, his wife must be in a coma, with a coma away, and do not want to leave traces, caught by him, then he will not go to the plane, here just the ground, earthquake, traffic jam everywhere In addition, if the land is not well-off, he is unlikely to leave the car by car, so the biggest possibility is to leave by sea.

Therefore, he asked the people of Yuhan to find the ship of the sea.

"What is the ship that detects the sea?" Yu Hanxi only knows where the F country occurred, the earthquake and the mountain torrents. I don't know, they were at the scene of the torrents at the time, but they didn't know that they had two Chinese medicines.

"Chen Yi may take Xiaohuan to go to the sea..." Bo Junyan said the incident and his judgment succinctly with Yu Hanyu.

"So the humble person has become the biggest winner. Sure enough, the world is unpredictable." Yu Hanyu paused. "As you said, Xiaohuan may now be arrogant. After all, this time is the most for her." it is good."

"You have to be prepared and find Xiaohuan. Your wife may already be a daughter-in-law." Gu Chenyi can make such a thing, arrange such a plan, and his chances of taking possession of Xiaohuan are very big.


The timidity of Bo Jun’s twilight is horrible.

"Is it really uncomfortable to scratch the liver?"

Bo Junyan did not marry him and hung up the phone directly.

Yu Hanyu looked at the cell phone that was hung up, and did not hit it again. He picked up his cat and looked out the window. The twilight was deep and unpredictable.

In addition to let the people of Yuhan to check the ship that went out to sea today, Bo Junyan also asked him to check.

After Miyazawa’s arrival, Bo Junyan asked them to mobilize all the people to check.

"Chen Yi, this child... is too unexpected..." After listening to the complete story, Miyazawa, they all couldn’t think of it.

They and Xiao Junyan are both grown up together from a young age. Naturally, they look at Gu Chenyi’s growth. They usually look like Gu Chenyi to their relatives, because they all look at Gu Chenyi’s family and instinct that their family is good. So, I can't think of it, he can do something like this.

Bo Junyan did not speak.

Those who are used to hiding all emotions, the inner sufferings are only known to him.

Bo Junyan really hurts Gu Chenyi. He has seen a big blind man since he was a child. Even if he has never died, he has never done anything to this nephew. Because he is a family, he believes in his good nature and believes that he will not make a bottom line. Things.


He failed his trust.

As Yu Hanxi said, the chances are too big, and the big ones make him happy, so that he is not busy, he may be crazy!

He can't think, can't think, if there is such a thing after finding Mu Huan, what will he do!

Really, can't think.

Just thinking, the bloodthirsty impulse can't be suppressed!

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