"It should be that John came in and wanted to inject drugs for you, and you killed him, and he used his mobile phone to contact Bo Junyan."

Mu Huan, "...!!!"

Lying in the trough! Is there a hidden camera in this room that was not found by her?

She took a serious look at every corner of the room, but did not find that there was a suspicious place to mount the camera.

"There is no camera in the room. There is a short blond hair on the ground. I didn't have it. It should be John's." Mu Huan's shock was not concealed. Yu Shu could guess what she was thinking now, and kindly puzzled her.

"As for why I know that John wants to come in and inject drugs for you, because John used to persuade Chen Yi to let him forget everything, I think he has a problem, then let people check him and help Chen Yi come back. Before, I just found out that the drug should be the NC developed by John. The damage to the brain is very serious. It can make a genius and high IQ person become a fool."

Mu Huan, "...!!!"

This Yu Shu is really amazing!

"I have already let people catch him..." Yu Shu’s words have not been finished, and the knock on the door will sound.

Yu Shu let the other party come in.

The incoming person reported, "Yu Shu, John is very heavy, how can he not wake up, very strange."

"Know it, go out." Yu Shu waved to let the other party go out.

Wait for the other party to leave and close the door.

"Do you still hypnotize?" She doesn't have any medicine on her body now.

"know a little."

"Oh, it's really enough." No wonder people will want to ruin her, so that they can be self-satisfied and feel that they are top geniuses. How can someone who is better than her in this world can suffer?

Mu Huan, "..."

There is not much skill. Otherwise, how can it fall to the present step? First, it was almost drowned by the flood. Now it is going to be sharks.

"Since you are doing this, you have to guard against it, come and eat this medicine." Uncle Yu took out a pack of medicine from her pocket.

Mu Huan, "..."

She is not sick, what medicine?

"You have to make a choice now. If you want to live, you will take this medicine and do it according to what I said. If you want to die, I will fulfill you right away."

If Yu Shu is not her enemy, Mu Huan will like this person very much, so happy! If you can talk about it, you can't talk about killing it directly. There is no room for change without any change.

Unfortunately, this is her enemy, so she can't like it.

At this time, the F country...

Wang Tezhuo hurriedly called Bo Junyan after hanging up the phone.

"President, my wife just called me and said that she is very good now, very safe, and sent me the location she was in! I will send you the location right away!" Wang Tezhuo said that he hung up the phone. .

Immediately, his information about the position of Mu Huan came over.

When seeing the position above, Bo Junyan immediately let the person who searched at sea go all the way to that position.

And he also went out wearing clothes and went to the sea.

Knowing that she is fine, it is very good now, nothing happened, and the arrogance and madness of Bo Junyan’s body suddenly dissipated a lot. The cold and breathless atmosphere around him also dissipated a lot.

There is a sense of light that sets aside the dark clouds to see the sun.

"Our little sister-in-law is really amazing!" Miyazawa praised.

"Hmm!" I nodded in the morning.

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