The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1278: Who is the leader 2

Uncle Yu, "..."

He is really old, forgetting about it.

"So, you can let his parents think that Gu Chenyi has an accident." Mu Huan will specifically say this to Yu Shu, because she feels that Yu Yu’s love for Gu Chenyi will definitely find a way for Gu Chenyi’s parents. I don't think he has an accident in the F country.

Because of the good relationship with his cousin, Bo Junyan did not want him to have an accident. He should not use his church to cause an accident to lead out Gu Chenyi. Therefore, Gu Chenyi’s parents should not think that he is in the F country like Gu Chenyi’s concern. problem occurs.

And the worried body can't stand it.

If he is not worried, not worried, and not dilemma, then he will feel that life is very beautiful, so beautiful, when will she let him die to leave here?

If you want to be alone, you must be disillusioned!

People's imagination is always beautiful, especially what they want, and life will think better, so the more you think about it, the more you want it. If you let him get it, this life is still beautiful. He didn't let go of it. He only disillusioned him. He felt that this life is different from the day he wants. This kind of life is not only not good, but also very painful.

So I have been eager to get it, but it hurts more than needles. How do he want to hold it?

In this way, even if he can't completely give up his heart and completely let go of his favorite, he won't be so obsessed with special desires. If he doesn't get it, he will be crazy.

In particular, her own Gu Chenyi is her, she is more persistent than she likes. He will not let her go. The biggest reason may be that he can't accept his stupidity. For such reasons, he pushed his favorite girl. The more unacceptable, the more you can't let it go.

Once such attachment is gone, his favorite point is that he is not filial to his parents. He may be able to let go of his parents or his uncle.

Waiting for what Yu Shu said, Mu Huan followed. "You don't have to worry about Gu Chenyi's mother's body. She is sick and I have medicine, absolutely let him not go out!"

After Yu Shu was silent, "Okay."

"Right, you can get some materials for me according to this recipe. I will make some antidote to my husband. My husband's face is still rotten. If he goes bad again, it will not recover." I can't make my face rotten for a long time. It’s really bad when I grow up.

If she ruined her husband's face, she would lick her claws!

"Do you give him an antidote? Wouldn't it reveal the fact that you didn't lose your memory?" Yu Shu felt that Mu Huan was getting more and more insatiable.

Is he too kind to her, let her forget that she is now being threatened?

It is he who is threatening her to do this. If she does not do well, he will let her die. Or, after she does this, if Chen Yi can’t put it down, he will let them cook rice and cook forever. Sleeping her and Chen Yi together!

He is the leader, she has to be afraid of him, listen to him!

It can be seen that she is now, it is very comfortable!

I will ask for this for a while!

I am about to treat him as an errand!

"I contacted him before. You said that this medicine was what I asked you to give him at that time. He would believe, you can tell him by the way, I forget everything now. I love Gu Chenyi now, let him not. Look for us again, kill two birds!"

Uncle Yu, "..."

"Updated after 11:30

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