The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1284: Son does not teach the father over 1

Gu Qianru saw thin Jun Yan, instinctively hid her mobile phone.

Although, she had felt that her video call with her son was her illusion for a moment, but she thought so awkwardly, she knew that it was true, her son was really fine! She really has a video call with her son!

When she thought of her son letting her keep a video, she instinctively hid the phone.

Even if she was very strange, why did Gu Chenyi not let her tell Bo Junyan that she instinctively listened to her son.

However, she is so obvious that there is no silver three hundred two movements here, but it is even more doubtful.

Even if Gu Guru in the later stage is mixed with people's minds, she is still a person who will not hide things.

"Qian Ru, who are you going to video with?" Bo Huaiyun just at the door, heard the voice of her voice, although she did not listen too clearly, but she must have spoken, and now they see that they hide the phone again, this It must be video with whom they came before they came in.

She just woke up, how can she have a mood to follow the video? He was afraid that she would not be able to withstand it and fainted. He specially called Jun Yan and asked him to find the best expert, just in case.

"What? What video with whom? I didn't! I didn't have a video with whom!" Gu Qianru was particularly excited because of lying.

Bo Huaiyun, "..."

She is so obvious, she said she did not, she is like this, how do people believe?

"Tang Hao was just playing video with Chen Yi."

The words of Bo Junyan made Xiao Huaiyun both surprised!

Especially Gu Qianru, the eyes of the shocked eyes are full of a face full of obvious, how do you know.

Even if he suspects that she must be in a video call with her, she should not guess her son at once!

"Qian Ru, you are really in the video with Chen Yi? How is he? What happened? He is fine, why didn't you call us? Is he there now?"

Bo Huaiyun excitedly asked a series of questions. He was such a son. When he was in middle age, he could not bear the pain of losing his son. Now, when he hears his son is fine, people are excited and a series of questions blurted out.

Gu Qianru looked at the excited Xiao Huaiyun, could not say a word, and did not say that she did not know how to answer the questions he asked. Now, even if she is allowed to answer her, her son is not good now, she can’t answer because One answer is to admit that she was videotaping with her son just now.

"Why don't you talk? You are saying something! Is it Chen Yi, how is he now!" Bo Huaiyun said in a hurry.

Gu Qianru still said nothing.

She did not say that Bo Junyan said, "Do not worry about the cousin, Chen Yi, he is very good now."

Bo Huaiyun knows that Bo Junyan said nothing, then it must be okay, which made him completely relieved, and after he passed away, he said, "What happened?"

What happened, why did his son suddenly disappear, and now video with his wife, she does not say that she is videotaping with him.

"Chen Yi He..." Bo Junyan said something briefly from beginning to end.

After listening to Bo Huaiyun, the whole person was shocked!

He doesn't know what to think now, the brain is blank!

Because of what he thought, he couldn't think of it, his son would do something like this!

Xiao Huan, he hehe...


Bo Huaiyun feels that he is going to collapse, and it really has to collapse...

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