Mu Huan looked up at Guan Yu and thought how her fairy sister looked good.

"I want to be responsible for you, I am afraid that thin Jun Yan does not want to." Shangguan Yu smiled.

"Cut, don't yell at him! I am true to you!"

Shangguan Yu looked at her and smiled. She had seen Bo Junyan several times. When I heard that he wanted to get married, he also thought about what kind of woman he would like. He didn’t expect Xiaohua to be so small. Girls, but think about the picture of the two of them standing together.

When Mu Huan wants to say something.

The last time the little three appeared, she took two paper bags and threw them in front of Shangguan Yu.

"I will prepare for the change of clothes in the night, I don't have to do this anymore!" Gu Lingyin sighed.

"Hey." Shangguan Yu snorted and said nothing else.

But Mu Huan on the side can't stand it. "What are you, you are ready!"

People are still couples! I have seen Xiao San, I have never seen Xiao San can be so arrogant!

Gu Lingyin originally wanted to say something about Mu Huan. She talked to Guan Yu about what happened to her, but she thought that the last Fu Si night was so respectful to Mu Huan, not that she could offend her, she would endure it.

"And, when did you divorce with the night? Are you still interested in occupying him now? If I were you, I would have been interested in asking for it, instead of taking the promise of your grandfather, so Don't let go of him!"

Shangguan Yu was not angry, just smiled and looked at Gu Lingyin. "It's a pity that you are not me."

Gu Lingyin, "...!!!"

This monk! How can she be so shameless!

"Miss Gu is here, please leave, don't let me ask you to leave." After the Shangguan Yu voice fell, the two waiters in the cafe came over.

The two waiters were not ordinary waiters at first glance, but the bodyguards who were dressed as waiters.

"I have never seen you so shameless!" Gu Lingyin said that he left and left.

She knows that Shangguan Yu can really do this kind of thing, she does not want to be embarrassed.

Unfortunately, she can't bring people to go to Guan Yu, otherwise, she has to bring a few people here to humiliate her!

"Sister Yu, why do you want to accommodate her like this? If you can't do something, you let me go and clean up her, I promise, she will never appear in front of you again!" Mu Huan used to be in all things, made a small three Persuaded to retreat, she has thousands of ways to let the little three dare not appear in front of her sister!

"There are also Yu sisters, although I don't know what is going on between you and Fu Si night, but the most important thing for people is to love themselves." Mu Huan knows that it is not good to intervene in other people's emotional life, but this kind of Xiao Sanzhente can't bear it, so that the man who came to find the room in Xiaosan is also the ultimate in slag. She can't think of any reason, so Shangguan Yu is still willing to stay in such a marriage.

If she had, she would have given this scum male prostitute half a dead!

"I know, I am just waiting." Shangguan Yu smiled.

"What are you waiting for? Do you have any difficulties? You have any difficulty to say, everyone can think of ways to think of ways." Mu Huan said.

Shangguan Yu smiled and said, "Wait for death."

She knows that he just swears at Gu Ling because of the incident in the past, but also grieves her, will take the ring tone to come here to find her, he did not really derail.

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