"Don't forget that you are also a man." Li Mengbai gave him a look.

"I am a good man, I am different from Fu Shiye, the scum man, thin Jun Yan, this stupid man, I am a good man who will only be good to people I like, good for a lifetime!" Wu Xingye said To Li Meng.

Li Meng uncomfortably moved away from his sight. "Every man will say this when he is in love, man, ten men and nine scum, the rest is G."

Wu Xingye, "..."

He knew that this was just a tough word for her shifting the topic.

But he didn't go any further. He knew her heart. He needed to take it slowly, lest they couldn't even do it with their friends.

In the past, Wu Xingye felt that people who didn’t want to pursue girls were stupid because they were afraid of not being friends. Until now, he knew that it was not stupid, but he cherished it too much, cherished fear, and feared that he would lose it if he was not careful. Be careful not to move.

Suddenly, he can understand Bo Junyan a bit.

He should be afraid of losing, just like that. After all, just after he got back, he heard that his wife had to leave. He was such a strong person. He used to use strong to keep what he wanted. So the instinct is strong.

Mu Huan, who has always been a good student, has been invited to school for three days.

Just entering the door, she felt the hot atmosphere in the class.

"Xiaohuan, you can count it!" Li Meng saw her and immediately took her to sit down.

"what happened?"

"Today, all the newspapers, websites, and all the media that have reported on the marriage of Bo Junyan and Ling Wei have all been reported by Bo Junyan. Now the website is stopped, and the homepage only has a letter of apology for the previous false reports. I wrote a letter of apology on the full page, and I heard that several editors have been arrested."

Mu Huan, "..."

Is he the time to do this? Also, don't think that he did this, she will forgive him for the past few days!

"Before Long Feifei did not show you an English newspaper. I heard that the foreign media also published a letter of apology and apologized for the previous false report! This event is now lively on the Internet, and it can be lively in our school. You look at it..." Li Meng showed her the phone.

"Hey." Mu Huan snorted and screamed out the book, not going to see the mobile phone Li Meng was holding.

"What's wrong? Are you two still not reconciled?" Li Meng said.

"Harmony? Who is going to be as mad as he is!"

Li Meng, "..."

What is happening here? How to rest for a few days, not only did not reconcile, I feel even worse.

Going back to God, she said, "You didn't explain to him, you just wanted to retreat that day, on the assumption?"

"Oh..." Mu Huan snorted and did not speak.

Li Meng, "What's wrong?"

"Unspeakable." Mu Huan finished, bowed to read a book.

Li Meng, "..."

What's wrong? Can't talk to her...

At noon, Mu Huan had a lot of food, and Li Meng, who was used to her good appetite, was shocked.

“How do you feel like someone who has been hungry for a few days?” Did she not eat for a few days?

"Oh..." Mu Huan just sneered and said nothing else.

Li Meng, "..."

What happened to her, and when she came back, it would only be cold...

Just when she wants to say something.

I only heard the voice of the host from the big TV in the cafeteria.

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