The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 859: Strong and strong touch 8

"There are thin brothers, I think it's because of the last time in the company, not enough for the little nephew, because the little nephew is also a reasonable person, she knows that you are busy with important projects, she will not blame you What should be what happened after you went abroad, especially what the father did, which made her too tired and uncomfortable. After you came back, did you have a comforting voice?"

Bo Junyan, "..."

"Is it still not enough?" His family is sure to be busy holding his wife.

Bo Junyan, "..."

"I heard that the old man used a lot of people that day, not only wearing a gas mask but also holding a power stick. In that case, the little **** is hard to be taken seriously, especially the little sister-in-law cares about her grandmother, and that person is seeing himself. When important relatives are hurt, they can also make a careful judgment. Is it true that the knife used by her grandmother is not really, and the father is joking with her."

Even a fool will take that scene seriously, let alone their little scorpion is not stupid.

"I know that it is the fault of my grandfather. I have already sent people back to him. I have sent people to guard for 24 hours. I have also completely broken his thoughts. It is just that his current situation is not suitable for stimulation. ”

"Master, it is really a headache, but there is no way to think about him. He is like this. In case of an excitement, the aunt can't stand it. The aunt can't stand it, and the uncle can't stand it..." Miyazawa thinks about the evil. The cycle is a headache, and this kind of thing can't be dealt with at all.

When a person is old, sick, strong can't use it, he doesn't eat soft. If he does something big, he can make people feel enough. He just is so noisy.

This is also the family. If you change your personal, you will deal with it directly. So many things.

"Although you have done the processing of Bo, you seem to have dealt with those untrue reports, and let them pay the price, but such things have already left scars on the heart of Xiaozizi, and, You let people stop the wedding, and outsiders thought that you didn't want a little bitch."

"Everyone is looking for a relationship with someone, sending a female high school student to you, saying that you just like young, cute, obedient, and several, I found my mom there, my mom called me and asked if I could pull. This line."

"You said, the little scorpion is such a narcissistic person, so everyone is treated as a deserted woman. Can she not feel bad in her heart? These are trivial things for our men. They are all rumors that don't care, especially for thin Brother, this is dusty and not worth seeing."

"But this is a matter for the little nephew. Although it does not cause any substantial harm to her, this piece will leave a scar on her heart and make her feel tired, and you At that time, I was busy. You should have not given her any comfort. Even, did the wedding stop explain her in detail? In this way, she must be prepared to leave your heart!"

"If you come back, you will threaten her with someone's good friend. She can't beat you, can't take a break, and you have a lot of other things to do. How can people give you a good look!"

After Bo Junyan was silent for a while, "How do you know her so much?"

Miyazawa, "...!!!"

He is here to bother to analyze the problem, but he is jealous!

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