The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 895: We don’t want to fight cold again 5

"Yeah." Bo Jun Yan hugged her.

"It’s so good to hold my husband like this! Now think about it, I’m stupid with you before the cold war!”

This is the case for men and women in love. When the Cold War, I feel that I can’t go anymore. Once I am well, I feel that I am stupid before.


"What?" Mu Huan frowned slightly.

"Not so stupid."

"Hey." Mu Huan snorted twice, just want to say, if you have eyesight, you will hear.

"It is stupid."

Mu Huan, "..."

Forget it... don't care about this straight man!

"It's time to go to school." Mu Huan looked at the watch.

"I will help you with your leave."

Mu Huan, "..."

"how about you?"

“I’ve been a ghost of the company lately. I’m not going to work today, let them relax for a day.”

Mu Huan, "..."

This is a good compassionate subordinate!

In the evening, it is the birthday of Fu Si night. They don’t like to have a big birthday. Therefore, Fu Si night just booked a box in the restaurant and invited a group of friends to eat.

When Bo Junyan was holding Mu Huan.

Brothers, "..."

Is this reconciled?

Just fine, so show your love?

and also……

The little nephew is so a woman, so he is held, this...

Feel like...

If I haven't seen Mu Huan's embarrassment, they think that there is nothing. I can think of a person who is so embarrassed. At this time, like a kitten, hanging in the arms of their thin brothers, everyone has said that this contrast is too big!

Mu Huan, because of Shangguan Yu, did not like Fu Siyue’s scum male. However, Bo Junyan said that she would bring her. She thought that she might come to see her sister, and she followed. Who knows, Shangguan Yu is not there. Instead, let her see that the little three sat next to Fu Si night.

She suddenly looked disgusted.

"what happened?"

Mu Huan snorted with a small voice, "Slag Man."

Bo Junyan, "..."

"What happened to him and his sister, do you know?"

"Go back and say."

"Yeah." Mu Huan nodded again and again, she really wanted to know what was going on between them.

After giving a gift to Fu Si night, Bo Junyan sat down with Mu Huan.

They just sat down, and Miyazawa took Yang Ning.

"Old Fu, I wish you all the years to come today! Today is a good thing to send you!" Miyazawa said.

Fu Si gave him a blank night, but he still accepted his gift.

After Miyazawa pretended to sweep the scene, "Hey, why didn't you see Xiaoyu? Is Xiaoyu divorcing you? Your birthday is not coming!"

The provocation of Shang Gong Ze, the irony, Fu Si night snorted, "I want to let her leave with me, she has to leave with me."

Miyazawa often told him that Shangguan Yu didn't want him in the morning and evening. When he was, he couldn't cry too late.

Now he asked him if he met him. He left, so he couldn’t help but want to fight him.

The voice of Fu Siyue just fell, the door of the box was pushed open, and Shangguan Yu came in.

Although Miyazawa will ridicule, provoke Fu Si night, waiting for his regret to cry, but in the face of Shangguan Yu will not say anything.

Seeing her coming in, he fell his eyes on Bo Junyan and Mu Huan.

"Hey, thin brother and little nephew, this is a good reconciliation! 瞧 This is a good, love the hedgehog my double 24K aluminum eye!

Bo Junyan did not speak, reached for Mu Huan to take a piece of watermelon, and fed Mu Huan.

Miyazawa, "..."

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