But now, she doesn't explain it anymore, because she doesn't believe her anymore. He doesn't believe her. What she says is useless. He loves how to think and thinks how to say how she feels comfortable.

Fu Si night saw Shang Guan Yu no longer explained as before, saying that she never thought of forcing him to marry her, she did not count him, but directly recognized her selfishness, and the twilight was colder.

Because people only really want to let go, it will be like this, no longer care.

He reached out and squeezed Shangguan Yu's chin. "Shangguan Yu, this marriage is not what you want, you can do it if you don't want it!"

What Shangguan Yu just wanted to say.

Fu Si night said again, "In the beginning, you did that, ruining Gu Lingyin’s life and depriving her of her mother’s rights. You should pay for it. No matter how she wants you, you can only To bear, not to resist, let alone leave it like this!"

"I didn't ruin her life! It's not that I kidnapped her! She lost her child and has nothing to do with me!" It was done by Shangguan Yu, she would never deny that she should bear the responsibility, she will definitely bear, but Not that she did, she will never admit it, and she will not let anyone bully.

"In the original case, the certificate of authenticity was conclusive, and it is useless to deny it!"

Such a thing as Fu Siyue, let the original want to say what Shangguan Yu, no longer speak, because it is useless to say anything.

"Shangguan Yu, this marriage is only for me to decide, whether it should continue!"

"Yes, only you can decide, so, do you want to continue, or do you want to end?" She just wants to ask this. If he wants, she will continue. He doesn't want it, she won't stay strong again. She will let go of him.

Fu Si night suddenly realized that he didn't need it. Instead of making a decision now, "When I want to end, I will naturally tell you that you have no right to qualify for me!"

What Shangguan Yu just wanted to say.

"Don't think about it, go find other men. If you dare to have such an idea, I will lock you up!"

Shang Guanyu, "Fu Si night you..."

"Things are fixed!" Fu Si night finished, turned to the floor.

Shangguan Yu looked at his back. I don't know if she got the answer because there was such a good opportunity, but he didn't want to divorce.

All along, he has tried every means and wants to let her take the initiative to divorce. Now, she has fulfilled him, but he does not.

Does this mean that his feelings for her have changed? Although there have been disappointments in the past, Shangguan Yu is still hopeless.

Because, she really loves, loves him, this love surpasses her life, everything about her.

She really wants to be with him...

Even if it is only one in a hundred million, she wants to seize and not give up.

Cloud big...

"Xiaohuan, what to eat at noon?"

"Go out to eat, I..." Mu Huan’s next words were interrupted by the ringtone.

It was Xue Yun’s call.

"Xiaohuan, you are coming over, your grandmother is now in the hospital!"

Without warning, I suddenly received such a call, so that Mu Huan’s brain was instantly blank. After a few seconds, I returned to God. "What happened? What happened to Grandma!"

"Your grandmother has a car accident." Xue Yun whimpered.

"I am going to pass!" Mu Huan said and went out.

Hanging Xue Yun’s phone, she called Bo Junyan.

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