The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 957: Sudden loss of 8

He knows that Mu Hu's grandmother is very important to her. When he came to Mu Huan and just wanted to say something, he saw Xue Yun next to Mu Huan.

This made him shocked and forgot what he was going to do.

How... how could it...

How could she... how could it...

Mu Huan’s relationship with Mu Dongsheng is not good, and Xue Yun is so clear that she does not want to be involved with the past. Therefore, she did not tell Mu Dongsheng that Xue Yun is still alive.

Mu Dongsheng suddenly saw that a person who had died long ago appeared here, and the shocked person was stupid.

Feeling abnormal, Xue Yun looked up.

When she saw Mu Dongsheng’s shocked stupid face, her twilight was a bit complicated.

After all, there are so many years of couples.

However, she soon hangs down and no longer looks at Mu Dongsheng.

Mu Dongsheng stood there stupidly for a while before returning to God. He excitedly reached out and grabbed Mu Huan’s arm. "Xiaohuan, look! There are ghosts! Really ghosts! Your mother's ghosts are smashed." beside you!"

Mu Huan, "..."

Xue Yun, "..."

Waiting for no one to say, Mu Dongsheng said again, "No! She has a shadow! She is not a ghost!"

He said that he reached out to touch Xue Yun's chin. When he felt that she had a chin and that the person was warm, "Song Ning, you didn't die!"

Xue Yun's name is Song Ning.

When Xue Yun wants to say something.

Bo Junyan asked the two of them to go out and let them go outside to tell the story.

He came to Mu Huan’s side, sat down beside her, and reached for the wooden stick in her hand. “Xiaohuan, go eat something.”

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten for two days." His wife, such a flustered person who didn't eat at dinner, has not eaten for two days now.

"Nothing." Mu Huan can't eat anything now, she can't feel hungry at all.

Bo Junyan didn't talk any more, but he signaled that the bowl of porridge came over. At this time, you can't eat anything to eat.

After waiting for the porridge, he will feed Mu Huan.

"How much to eat, for a while, but also to send grandma to the mountains, you do not eat something, when there will be no physical strength to her to bury, give her the last trip."

Thinking of my own hair, soft, powerless body, Mu Huan knows that he is right, even if she does not want to eat, she must eat a little.

However, after she forced herself to finish the bowl of porridge, she suddenly vomited and all spit out...

She is not pregnant, she just can't accept the stomach...

Bo Junyan frowned upon seeing worry.

Outside the hall...

"Song Ning, you are not dead!" Mu Dongsheng is still in shock.

"I am not dead to make you very disappointed?" Xue Yun really did not want to think about the past, do not want to see Mujia people again, especially Mu Dongsheng!

Mu Dongsheng instinctively said, "How come! How can I be disappointed! I am too happy to have time!"

He really likes her, loves her, her death directly destroys his last struggle, wants to fight his mother's heart, let him completely turn into firewood.

Now, seeing that she is still alive, he is really too happy to have time.

"You don't have to be happy or disappointed. I am not Song Ning now, I am Xue Yun, we have nothing to do with it!"

Mu Dongsheng was happy because she just wanted to catch her, and after she heard her, she was in the air.

After a while.

He laughed at himself. "Also, people like me, no one wants to have anything to do with me."

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