The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 964: Used to remember in the past 1

Xue Yun is very helpless. "Xiaohuan is different from other children. I left her for ten years without any control. The feelings between us were very weak. Later, such a thing happened. She just came from the pain. come out……"

How can she accept her mother without any greed?

"That is just an accident! Xiaoxie because of that, now the temper has changed so much, she does not understand you, distressed and distressed, Xiaoxiao is a younger brother who has blood relationship with her!" Ling Feng thinks that Mu Huan is Not sensible, this is purely an accident, she blames his son!

"Xiaohuan and my mother's feelings are particularly deep, she can marry so early for my mother, lost my mother, she is too painful." Xue Yun said good things for Mu Huan.

"Don't tell me so much. In short, our relationship with Bo family will get worse and worse because of your good daughter. You can do it by doing a good job!" Ling Feng didn't want to hear so much, he Just want to see good results.

Xue Yun really doesn't know what she can do. She has done her best. "I really don't know how to do it. Besides, we don't have to rely on a thin family to live. Why, why and Home cooperation?"

Although Xue Yun is more favored, she is at the Ling family. However, Mu Huan is her biological daughter. She also wants to be pure to her, not to use her purpose to be good to her.

In particular, Mu Huan now does not want to see her, she can not complete what he asked for.

His request made her very tired.

"What do you know! Let me do it, how do you do it!"

Ling Feng invested in a big project a while ago, but this project was later found to have serious environmental problems and was stopped by it. This made him the biggest investor and suffered heavy losses.

And Bo Junyan has always had a unique vision of investment, and last time he contributed the patent of new energy, which made him have a good relationship with G. The internal news is particularly accurate, fast, in short, that is, Rapid development, and Ling's, more and more down the road, and then continue, there may be problems in the capital chain.

He urgently needs a few projects that are clear to make money.

Although Qian Junyan did not cooperate with Lingjia, there will be a lot of internal news for him. The news given by Bo Junyan, the project is a very profitable project, so this relationship cannot be stopped.

"I can't do it now." Xue Yun said directly.

Ling Feng glanced, I did not expect her to say so.

"I can't really do it now. I don't know how I can do it. I really have done my best." Xue Yun explained.

Ling Feng looked at her, didn't talk anymore, but the twilight was a little cold.

Xue Yun knows that she is so disappointed, but she has no way.

Because of this incident, Ling Feng is no longer as good as Xue Yun as before, often with a cold face to her, no matter how Xue Yun tries to improve the relationship between the two, it is useless.

Ling Wei took advantage of all kinds of relationships with her father. The father and the daughter had met each other before, and now they are more intimate than before.

After the relationship between Ling Wei and Ling Feng was good, the various designs made Ling Feng more and more dissatisfied with Xue Yun.

Xue Yun’s days in Lingjia became more and more difficult. Even with Ling Feng, Ling Xiao was not as good as before.

This made her feel that she could not continue this way, but she went to Mu Huan, and Mu Huan was not cold or hot to her.

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