Over the years, she has been looking forward to being pregnant, wanting one, she and his children, but she has never been pregnant.

Now she is pregnant.

First, Fu Siyue, who wants to divorce her, doesn’t want to divorce her now. Now, she has come to the child she has been waiting for for a long time. This represents the turning point between them. It means that she really can As she thought, with him, have you lived that wonderful day?

Her original scarred heart has given birth to new hopes.

In fact, no matter whether she and Fu Si night can go to the kind of result she wants, the arrival of this child makes her happy to the extreme.

She really wants to think that she wants a child. With this child, even if she can't be with Fu Si night in the future, she has a family and has a direction of life.

There are many people in this world, and many people have many personalities.

Shangguan Yu’s childhood is only Fu Si night. He is the focus of all her life. Her life has always been around him. She doesn’t know. If she doesn’t have him in the world, what she wants to do, Therefore, even if she is so scarred, she can't give up completely.

Because there is hope with him, if it is separated, then her life is only dark, she does not know, how to live the rest of the rest.

If she has a child, her life will not be so dark. She will try to give him all the best things. This future is full of vitality and hope.

She didn't tell Fu Si night about her pregnancy at the first time. She wanted to go to the hospital to make sure that she wanted to make sure that she and Fu Si night's future, and then say pregnancy.

With a child, she can't be like that before.

When she was alone, Fu Si night didn't care about her, but if she had a child, it would be different. If there is only a quarrel between parents, it will be cold, it will affect the child's physical and mental health. On the contrary, one person takes the child. Without such coldness and pain, children will grow healthily.

After she had to wait for this, she told Fu Siyue about her pregnancy.


After talking about the cooperation case with Fu Si night.

Bo Junyan put down the documents in his hand and looked at him.

"What's wrong?" His family looked at him like this.

"How are you with Xiao Yu now?" Bo Junyan and Fu Si night knew from an early age, naturally catching up with Guan Yu also learned from an early age, but not very familiar.

Fu Siyue was a glimpse first, and then, "How does Bogo have time to care about me?"

"Recently, your nephew always asked me if you were caught in the door, and I also felt that you are a bit stupid, so I care about you."

Fu Si’s mouth was slightly sucked. “Beau brother went back and told the little sister that my brain was not caught by the door. It was Miyazawa who was caught.”

"But are you more than Miyazawa who has been caught by the door, and the brain is still pumping?"

Fu Si night, "..."

He has a brain pumping!

"I saw you attending the banquet with Gu Lingyin a few days ago and said that you two have to report on the resurgence of the old feelings." His wife pointed at him and said, look, see, this Fu Si night is not stupid!

"I and she can't rekindle the old feelings." Fu Si night never thought about compounding with Gu Lingyin.

He is only awkward to her, she could have a good life, because he was completely ruined, can not be a mother, how he made up for her, can not make up.

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