The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 999: I only like you 2

Although, the current situation is completely different from the previous one.

The last time those people seemed to want her life, but then I thought about them, they did not go all out, and today these people are red fruits and want their lives.

When Longfeiyi still wants to say something.

Suddenly I heard a lot of footsteps coming around them.

Suddenly, he and Mu Huan’s nerves are tight, so many footsteps represent a lot of people, and they have weapons in their hands, they are also masked, so that they can not use a spray, in this case ,they……

Equal to, has come to a dead end.

Longfei didn't let Mu Huan go again, because the footsteps were so close, if she ran out, there was only one dead road.

"Stars, you said, are we going to die here tonight?"

"It is possible." If there is no rescue, the two of them really have to be here.

"Are you afraid of not being afraid?" Long Feiyi looked at Mu Huan.

In the darkness, he seems to have returned to the past. When he was tied to the dark basement, her eyes shone like before.

Looking at this, this overlaps with the eyes in the memory, Longfei 霆 feels that he was really embarrassed at first, this is obviously a pair of eyes, he actually did not recognize her, and felt that Mu Kexin that counterfeit goods is his little star !

Can't think, think about it, he really wants to lick himself.

However, now, without him, he is afraid that he will be finished.

"I can't talk about it, I just don't want to die." Mu Huan wants to live anytime, especially now, not to die.

"If I am dead, my husband will be more uncomfortable..."

Longfei’s mouth is only pumping, instinct. “He won’t be very uncomfortable. He will only forget you very quickly, and then find a younger and pretty girl.”

Mu Huan, "..."

If they weren’t, they would probably die, she really wanted to kill him!

How to say it!

"Stars..." Long Feiyan suddenly held Mu Huan’s hand in a positive color.

Mu Huan wanted to withdraw his hand, but he couldn’t bear to look at his way of saying the last words.

"Stars, I have been looking for you all these years. I want to give you all the best things in this world. I really want to think about it. I want to be nice to you, to be good to you forever..." He knew that he It is not suitable to say these words, but he is dying. If he does not say it again, he will not have a chance to say it later.

Let her know how much he likes her. How many years he thinks about her, how important she is to him, he will die without regrets.

"Stars, you are the most important existence in my heart. I miss you every day. I dream of dreaming of you, finding you, being good to you is the only goal and meaning of my life."

"Actually, even if it wasn't because of the past, even if I thought that Mu Kexin was yours, I already liked you, and I couldn't control it..."

His love for her is uncontrollable. He knows that he can't do it. He himself tells himself every day that she is the one who wants to die. But he still can't restrain himself and can't suppress it.

Even if he kept shouting, he had to slay her, and she had not been smashed at her, and she still suffered in her hands.

In the past, he didn't know why, why he obviously should like Mu Kexin, but he couldn't help but like her.

Later, I realized that when she was his little star, he realized why.

Because she is his little star, even if he does not recognize her identity, he always only likes her.

Mu Huan, "..."

At this time, they feel that people have come to them above, and they are close to the feet. They may close their eyes forever in the next second.

Accidents are always faster than tomorrow.

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