The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 10 - Treasure Hunt Part 2

At first, when they saw the description, Everyone thought that it's a letter written by an old treasure hunter who spent many years looking for the treasure.

"Say, the mission doesn't say we have to submit to the village. We just need to find it right?. "If that's the case, whatever we find it's ours". "I wonder what the treasure contains. gold? legendary weapons? S-rank jutsu scrolls?. I'm excited". like that Yakumo is fantasizing about the treasures while Sai is giving logical answers for it.

Shuichi coughed to grab their attention "Cough* sorry to pour water on your dreams but there's no such thing as treasure". "huh? what?".

"Read it carefully, it looks more like the clues than a dying old man's letter". Yakumo once again read the letter "hmm, now that you mention it, it looks weird but I can't pinpoint exactly what is wrong with it".

Sai then said "The map. probably we can find the clues there". Shuichi opened the map.

"Ok, if this a riddle for real, then each sentence must have a clue. most people create that way. the first sentence says He travelled in the direction where butterfly travels".

Yakumo who's looking at the map point at a mark "look, I found it". Shuichi looked at it. it looked like a point to the n_a_k_e_d eye if you look at it casually. But, if you look closely, it's in the shape of a butterfly.

"This butterfly is facing this direction". Next while looking at the map "it's this pond. must be the first pond. as you can see, it said that he built a house there that must mean it's because of the water. So, it's the first one for sure. As for the remaining clues, we can only find them after reaching there".

A Few hours later,

They travelled to the pond but found neither house nor caves. "Maybe it's not this one". "Let's check around. If there's nothing, we'll look for the next one. look if there are any caves, tree houses around".

The three split up and searching around while Shuichi kept thinking "was my thinking wrong? is it not a riddle?. If it's one, then, the first pond is the one for sure. Did he build a house beside the pond, not near the pond? then, there must be a clue here somewhere. "Byakugan". He first looks around and then he looked below the underground. He only finds everywhere dark. "No, I'm unconsciously looking at 500m depth, If I look carefully, I can find simple dark and dark with rocks or materials..." a few seconds later, "wow" he smiled and shouted, "found it".

Both of them reached him "Where is it". He pointed a place "It's this place. this place is hollow after one metre below. and then that place is 2, that is 3m. and after some distance, the hollow space fixed under 10m do you know what that means?". Sai answered, "It's a way to the underground tunnel".

Yakumo asked, "but where can find shovels to dig in the ground?". Sai immediately brought out a scroll. Then, he drew a shovel and an ink solid shovel appeared in his hands. He made two more and gave it to each of them.

Shuichi commented "It seems both of you have a common habit after all. One likes to paint & draw while the other likes to draw and both of you bring whatever you draw into reality? what a similar ability?.

Sai replied "No, mine is real while what she brings out is an illusion which appears real. It's different". "Anyway, let's start digging".

After they found the tunnel, with the help of his byakugan, they easily found their way in the darkness.

After half n hour of walking, Yakumo shouted "hey, there's light and I can even see the box. Is that the treasure box?".

"Wait, there must be some sort traps here. careful". In the end, they didn't find any traps and safely reached the treasure. Yakumo looked at Shuichi "you had contributed greatest in this treasure hunt. Open it".

"You two contributed to this mission. So, let's open it together?. 1, 2, 3". "huh?".

Shuichi sighed "as I expected. Inside the box, there's nothing but a big scroll". Yakumo pitifully asked "so, there's no treasure at all? It was all just a test?". he opened the scroll and it contains a dagger and a small scroll.

He took the small scroll and just when he was about to open it, Sai stopped him. "Wait, read this".

"Only the person who took the dagger can read the scroll?. It is the rule". Sai looked at him "Only you can read this. we can't break the rule".

Shuichi nodded and opened the scroll while moving a bit far away from them and read "Congratulations on completing the mission. now, give the dagger to the person you think who's unfit for the team. The one who has a dagger at the end when you report will be eliminated from the ninja program. you get to decide who lives and who dies. This is the final mission".

Shuichi's face looks dark after reading the scroll but he kept his cool while returning to them. "Ok, let's return". Yakumo asked, "what does it say?". Sai then replied "you can't say. It is probably a sole task for you if I'm right". Shuichi nodded "Its a very troublesome task".

Then, they got out of the forest by evening. For the whole way, Shuichi kept thinking while looking at both of them from time to time but didn't say a word.

outside of the forest, Yugao sat near the tree while waiting for them. Yakumo upon seeing her shouted while waving her hands "sensei, we're here".

After reaching her, Yakumo excitedly said: "sensei, we completed the mission. Even though it turned out to be a fake one, but I experienced the joy of being a treasure hunter".

Yugao nodded and then asked, "So, who found the dagger?". Shuichi raised his hand to show the dagger. "good, so, then have you decided who to give that dagger?". Shuichi replied "no one, it will stay with me". Yugao looked at him seriously "So, you are willing to sacrifice your shinobi career?".

Yakumo who was confused asked "I don't get it. we completed the mission. why Shuichi have to sacrifice his shinobi career".

Yugao looked at Shuichi "I guess, you haven't told them at all". Then, she looked at Yakumo and Sai "The scroll stated that whoever has the dagger at the end will end their shinobi career. He has the option to give it to either of you without telling what it is. but he chose to sacrifice himself".

Then, she turned towards Shuichi again "so, let's hear your reason why you chose to sacrifice yourself. After all, you hate to work with them".

Shuichi composed himself and answered "It's because I treat this as a mission. I found myself thinking If we three end up discovered by our enemies, to save other two, one has to sacrifice himself by stalling the enemy. In this case, always the strongest one should do so, as first of all, he has the highest chance of survival even after that situation and second, even if he dies, he can ensure his two teammates survival.

But if I sacrifice the weakest one, then not only he/she wouldn't survive, they also can't stall the enemy for all. eventually, the other two will be caught and killed. This is the reason I sacrificed myself because I'm the strongest".

Yugao then replied "but, this isn't even a real mission. It's just a test". He shook his head "No sensei, for me it isn't just a test but a lesson which taught me about teamwork and a team mission".

In the first mission, I learned I just looked at their potential and thought they didn't have sufficient potential, so they cannot grow with me and their growth will stop in the middle and drag me down in the future but I forgot to see the present.

Flashback to the scene where Yakumo said to Shuichi

"you are just like your byakugan. you see so far that you forgot to see what's in front of you"

In the second and third mission, I learned no matter how strong am I, without the help of teammates, you can always find something you are incapable to do it alone.

Flashback to the scene Sai found the scroll under a rock

"How did you find that scroll which is hidden under the rock?". Sai pointed his little ink mouse "with this".

Flashback to the scene Sai made ink shovel and they dig the ground to find the tunnel.

Then, he scratched his cheek "Well, I also thought even if I end my shinobi career, I can still train with my father and help my sister manage the clan when she becomes clan head in the future".

Yugao then clapped her hands "you are just like how Hokage sama described. someone who sees 10 times depth more than others what see on the surface. But don't need to worry. just as I said it's only a test. So, you don't have to quit. Congratulations Team 15, you passed my test".

All three of them smiled upon hearing it. Yakumo was stunned "Hey, sai. you just smiled genuinely". "huh? have I?". he touched his lips.

Yugao then said "I need to report Hokage sama. you guys can go".

Yakumo asked "as our team made it. let's go celebrate and have dinner together. It's almost dinner time anyway. both of them nodded.

while they were walking together, Yakumo said "Wow, your Byakugan is great. Amazingly, you can underground hollow from above".

Then, Sai asked "Hyuga san, didn't you say that your Byakugan can only see through chakra points? you can see solid objects?. doesn't that mean you can easily through clothes and check if they hidden weapons? It is a very useful ability".

suddenly Yakumo covered herself while looking Shuichi "did you see it?". Shuichi then replied while having sweat for some reason "hey, Sai, don't spout nonsense. Byakugan can't see through it". He replied "who knows, your eyes are different from Hyuga. maybe you got that ability".

"No, I don't. you see every rock has some natural energy mixed in it. I just identified them as rocks because of the energy".

Yakumo then "I'm not convinced with your explanation". Shuichi turned his head away "as if I want to look at your pitiful figure, you weak girl". She suddenly got angry and kicked on his butt. "Hey. how dare you kick me?. where was that girl who's fearful of me?". "you deserve it, you pervert". "per....pervert?. you...I regret my decision. I should've just given you that dagger". "you are stuck with us. you can't do anything about it...hehe".

and she ran away. "Argh, this girl. Sai, let's go" and he ran after her. "wait for me". and sai also ran after them.

Unknown to them, just this first day of their meeting brought major changes to their social and personal lives.

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