The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 101 - Battle against Mars

As Mimosa heals herself, Yuno and Klaus started to attack the Diamond mage, Mars. When Klaus noticed the stones embedded on Mars, He warned Yuno, "careful. He has mage stones embedded into his head which amplifies his magical power artificially by a tremendous amount. I guess, he was of the survivors.

Klaus attacks Mars but he blocks it with a Talos Puppet, which is a puppet created by crystal magic and takes the appearance of the user. Yuno fights Mars but no matter what he throws at him it does not seem to make a dent.

Mars then says, "your magic has no effect on me and it is no use. So, just give up when you have a chance of living". This reminds Yuno of when Asta and he were kids. Asta used to ask Yuno to help him train and how he would not give up until he touched Yuno.

Yuno continues to fight even though Mars keeps telling him to give up. Mars looked at him seriously, "fine, since you are so eager to die, then help yourself. "Crystal Magic: Laevateinn". He created an enormous sword with three points and composed entirely of crystal structures.

The blade of the sword itself has a very amorphous surface where it is made out of roughly cut crystals, except for the edges where it has a smooth surface.

Just in time but Asta arrives there and cuts it in half with his anti-magic sword shocking Klaus, and everyone. Klaus who was stunned thought "impossible, how did this no-magic trash destroy the attack that even I wasn't able to do it.

Moreover, if Captain hears that we're saved by Purple Orca, he will skin us alive". Mars creates many mineral clones and Asta attacks him. He manages to hit Mars and sends him flying across the room. Xerx then started to destroy the clones with his "Ice Magic: Ice slicer". Meanwhile, Noelle stood beside Mimosa and defended her with her "Water Magic: Sea Dragon's Nest".

Klaus is still in shock that someone without magic can be so strong. Noelle tells him that Asta's power is negating magic. Klaus thinks that he got lucky getting that power. Mars returns with Heavy Armored Titan and squashes Asta.

As Asta even with heavy injuries stood up and looked at him seriously, Mars asks Asta what he is and Asta tells him that he was born without power and that he is going to be the Magic Emperor. He jumps and shatters the armor, sending Mars falling to the ground.

Yuno remembers when they were children and how Asta kept trying to get through his magic until he succeeded. Meanwhile, as Lotus was defeated by Luck, he created a vehicle similar to the cart with his smoke magic and escaped from there along with his subordinates.

Luck who was battle crazed started to chase him down and later he eventually fails to catch him.

Back to the place before the treasure room, As Xerx restrain Mars while Klaus is still in shock, Asta cuts through the magic door which woke him up. Inside the treasure room, as they saw heaps and heaps of gold and other jewelry, Both Golden Dawns and Purple Orcas rushed in to investigate the dungeon treasures.

Yuno finds a scroll with strange writing, which glows and then disappears. Nero points Asta to a lock on the wall, but the boy does not understand. Secre who retransformed to the anti-bird again sighed and thought, "damn, if only those three from Golden Dawn aren't here, I would have been in my original form and tell this idiot clearly about the sword.

Suddenly, Mars frees himself and storms the treasury, coated in Heavy Armored Titan and Phoenix Feathers Robe. He then tried to trap all of them in the crystal magic. As Klaus and Yuno trapped in the crystals and struggling to move, Asta and Xerx were able to dodge it perfectly due to their superior reflexes which were the result of Shuichi's daily training.

Meanwhile, Noelle and Mimosa who weren't the target of the attack saw the flame enveloped him inside his massive crystal body. Upon seeing it, Mimosa said, "that is a fire-based healing spell. With the combination of both, we cannot injure him even a little bit".

Xerx then thought of Asta and when he was just about to call him as he formulated a plan based on four free members, Asta rushes forward recklessly but is knocked through a wall by Mars.

Noelle Silva tries to extinguish the healing flames, but Mars knocks her aside. Mimosa Vermillion rushes to her cousin's side and begins healing her. Seeing this, Mars attacks the girls.

Xerx tried to defend them with his "Ice Magic: Ice Wall" by forming a huge wall made of ice before them, but it was destroyed in a single hit by the huge humanoid crystal which was formed outside of Mars' body.

Nero flies through the wall after Asta and lands atop a sword. With this new sword, Asta returns to the battle and defends the girls just in time. When Asta's strike against Mars is quickly healed, Noelle cheers Asta on and his new sword begin to glow.

Mars and Asta attack each other again, but this time Asta's sword swing releases a blade of water as he uses Noelle's magic, which hits Mars and extinguishes the flames. Meanwhile, Xerx began to break the crystals which trapped Yuno and Klaus to free them.

To defeated Asta, Mars activated "crystal magic: Harpe" multiple numbers of blades in the shape of harpe formed beside his Heavy Armored Titan form and began to attack him. Asta then collapses because one of Mars' Harpes hits the boy's stomach and Mars also gets down as Asta also gets a hit landed on him.

After Asta collapses, Noelle Silva orders Mimosa Vermillion to go heal Asta instead. Unfortunately, Mars was not defeated by Asta's attack and stands back up.

Seeing Mimosa healing Asta, Mars is reminded of the Diamond Kingdom's experiments, in which he befriended fellow student Fana and was forced to kill her.

Mars became angry upon remembering it, He raised his hand, "Crystal magic: Laevateinn". The enormous blade which was earlier cut into two by Asta made its appearance again and he attacked Asta who got collapsed and Mimosa who was healing him.

As Yuno was trying to break out of the crystal, and as Xerx and Klaus gave up hope, a purple flash appeared beside Asta and Shuichi appeared. Xerx immediately became excited, "Captain". Shuichi took a step forward as Klaus, Yuno and Mimosa felt confused as well as surprised.

As the giant sword neared him, it suddenly disintegrated into powder and vanished as if the attack never happened. Shuichi smiled and thought, "negation. what a wonderful ability you gave me unintentionally Kuniyuki-san".

As the Golden Dawns got surprised, Shuichi summoned his Golden rainbow-colored Grimoire, he raised his hand, "Restore". A huge Magic circle appeared below everyone, the crystals which trapped everyone disappeared along with their injuries.

It stunned Golden Dawn members as well as Mars who became serious, "this guy is dangerous". Mars once again activated "Crystal Magic: Heavy Armored Titan" along with Crystal Magic: Twin Laevateinn" with all of his mana, "take this".

While Yuno and Asta about to move, Shuichi raised his hand, "don't. leave him to me". His grimoire glowed brightly as he pulled out a giant black colored sword that looks identical to Asta's anti-magic sword but was five times bigger.

The two enormous swords just as they reached him, He cut the two of them with just a simple swing without even moving with the Black colored sword in his hands. Asta who was stunned pointed, "Is that...". Shuichi replied, "it is similar to Anti-magic sword that you also possess but actually, it's one of the forms".

Mars who got agitated as Asta and others now received help from their Captain and remembered his superiors instead of helping him, tortured him all these years. In rage and jealousy, He roared and dashed forward with the giant crystal body.

He spoke, "Asta, today I will teach you a simple sword technique which doesn't require you to get close and get hit all the time. Look carefully". As Mars was running towards him, He simply swung the swords, a giant wide arc made of wind with heavy force hit Mars from a distance and was flew away dozens of meters and crashed into some wall and became unconscious.

Yuno and others looked at him in awe, "so, this is the Purple Orca's captain's strength?". As Asta's new sword disappears into the grimoire while they were still in awe and confusion, it triggered the dungeon to collapse.

As the dungeon began to collapse, Yuno tried to use "Wind Magic: Heavenly Wind Ark" and told everyone to gather on it, Shuichi waved his hand, "don't need to go that much trouble". His grimoire glowed, "Space Magic: Multiple Spatial tears".

Four huge spatial tears opened up and one of them swallowed Golden dawn members including Yuno with his wind magic. He looked at his squad members, "go in". Asta while looking at the collapsing of the dungeon, he asked, "Captain, can you help that guy out?".

Xerx frowned, "are you out of your mind? he is an enemy who almost killed us today". Asta replied, "We only came to explore the dungeon and protect the treasure not to kill". Shuichi who also frowned at first was taken back by his words and for some reason, an image of Naruto appeared while talking about saving the enemy.

he thought, "I wonder why am I seeing Naruto image on him, every time? Never sent much time with him but do I feel like if Naruto is here, he will spout out exact words? maybe just because they are really similar in some ways?

Shuichi shook his head and smiled, "you remind me of an idiot friend of mine but I'm warning you though. Don't regret it later". His Grimoire glowed, one more spatial tear appeared and swallowed him up. The fourth spatial tear appeared behind Luck and swallowed him up.

The last one appeared above him and started to swallow all the gold and treasures. But after swallowing three-fourth, He thought, "well, diamond country's mages also worked hard. Let's leave the remaining one fourth here, how much they can dig, depends on themselves.

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