The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 115 - The land of Magic Part 2

Shuichi upon seeing it stopped the story again, "how did the older twin be able to step into the village without dying and how did the devils suddenly start to attack the village. It doesn't make any sense".

Then, he concentrated on the older twin and began to see his past after his expulsion. The older twin while he was traveling around, he only thought of one thing, "that power. What is that corrupt power? Father said there are some existences that stay in the other dimension connected to this world.

That last transformation of his isn't his own power but was the power of something else".

As he travels around without any aim, he met the Elf tribe which surprised both sides. He was surprised to see other races with an immense amount of mana and,

they too were surprised to see a human who possesses mana greater than their leader, Licht. He settled there as they were extremely polite and found they don't have any kind of malice or any kind of negative feelings in their hearts.

As he stayed there for a while, he learned the existence of the devil/demon and also about the magic stones. In return, he informed them about the existence of grimoires his father created and told them to find the grimoire towers to get their suitable one.

He and the elves learned many things from each other in the following year. But soon, he left the village without informing them as he was worried that he will forget his grudge and humiliation.

Meanwhile, Unlike Kaguya who tried to go against the clan, Tashiaki returned to the Otsutsuki clan world to face punishment for getting attached to a world and having offsprings with a lowly human.

As the younger twin living peacefully in his village, the older twin collecting magic stones all over the world. Meanwhile back at the underworld which was half destroyed, the devil king was in anger and frustration.

"Damn that celestial. I will soon repay this humiliation many times fold. He left the world thinking that everything is peace but his older twin will summon me for sure. I will wait. When the time comes, I destroy every human living in the world".

Later, when he collected all magic stones, He used forbidden magic to contact with the Devil King. The devil king generously nullified the pact written with magic and promised his enemies death without asking anything in return. Then he told them the way to summon him.

As his four spirits are immortal, he sacrificed the four spirits along with the magic stones he collected when performing forbidden magic.

When the Devil King stepped into the village, he summoned the other devils to deal with everyone and he himself fought against the younger twin while the older is crazily enjoying but a while later,

He knelt down while shedding tears as he was seeing his brother getting killed and his village getting destroyed. As he started to remember their childhood, "Everything is my fault. Just because of a mere girl and jealousy, I turned against my very own brother.

As the older brother, Instead of protecting him and the village, I became the main reason for the destruction of my family and the village I grew u with. Back then, you spared me and gave me a second life.

Too bad that I wasn't able to use it properly and rejected goodwill of Licht and other elves. If there's something such as the next life, I will sure to repay this debt somehow. He used forbidden magic to seal him and sent all devils back to the underworld by sacrificing himself using all of his mana.

Back to the present, Shuichi sighed, "well, at least their situation is a lot better than Ashura and Indra. Then, he looked at the dome-like structure, "so this is the place where the Devil King got sealed. He went there and concentrated with his Tensei-RinneSharingan. A while later, the dead-end wall was opened but inside it was pitch black.

As he went inside, he found a black colored energy binding a giant being with three horns and four wings. As the Devil King sensed someone, He tried to talk but before he gets to speak, Shuichi raised his hand and inside his subconscious, The Rinnegan head of the Aidus opened its mouth and began to release some black colored energy in gaseous form.

The dark matter enveloped it whole with the seal and converted into an energy ball as the devil king roared in pain. Soon, he along with the seal was converted into a black energy ball and got s_u_c_k_e_d into his hand and it swallowed the whole thing and its Eyes glowed and activated surprising Shuichi.

"What is that dark matter? and it just absorbed him just like that?". When he tried to communicate, he found that it was sleeping while digesting the power. He mumbled, "strange".

While he returned to his room, Shuichi thought, "wait for a second, so that old man went to his clan to receive punishment, right? but it's been only 700 years. Considering their long lives and strict rules, I don't think he would be free yet. I guess he was just trying to scare me through the dream?".

Meanwhile, In the Naruto world,

As Naruto was busy with brawling with the Giant Animals and moving them to a safe place unknown to the fact that the mission is fake on the turtle island which was slowly moving towards Kumogakure, suddenly, Manda 2 which was created using Manda's DNA attacked the turtle from below the sea.

The turtle island "Genbu" which has zero attack power toppled as the snake crawled around it and immobilized it. meanwhile, Kabuto and Edo Tensei Deidara were observing it from above while flying on the clay bird.

Suddenly, they were attacked by Tsuchikage and others. As Deidara began to distract Tsuchikage and Akatsuchi, Kabuto landed on the backside of the turtle's shell wondering how to get in and sighed upon realizing his rookie mistake.

As Yamato and others discovered something going on outside, they left naruto alone who was seriously concentrating on his fake S-rank mission and came out to see Kurotsuchi fighting against Kabuto.

A while later, Kabuto shed his skin and transformed into a white snake and swallowed Yamato much to everyone's surprise and hide inside Manda 2's nose. Deidara who was battling against Tsuchikage suddenly got dragged back to coffin and disappears.

Manda 2 also disappears making them realize Yamato was his target all along. Tsuchikage mumbled, "I hope we will have enough time to change our plans as that wood user knew all of our strategies".

Later, Tsuchikage lifted the whole turtle island and fly towards their destination.

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