The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 117 - Team Xerx vs Leonard Thorp

Team Xerx carefully walking through without falling into any traps again. The strange thing they felt is that as they walk into the inner region, they saw the blood is spilled among the walls or the ground and saw the traces of mass murder and the reek of blood getting heavier.

But, strangely, they found no trace of humans in the buildings from the start. Soon, they reached the middle of the town and was shocked to see hundreds of dead bodies were just lined up on the road. Asta screamed, "what the hell". Xerx immediately closed his mouth, "Shh, do you want to alert the enemy? here take this". He pulled out two blue-colored pills. Asta asked, "what is it?". Xerx replied, "it will decrease your sense of smell drastically for a few hours.

As for your mentality, I can't say anything about.....". He stopped as Noelle ran to the side and began to vomit. Later after she calmed down. Both of them went to her side asked her while patting her back, "are you alright". She nodded, "I'm sorry".

Xerx replied, "don't worry. You probably haven't seen these many corpses in your life". Asta replied, "at first, it also made me uncomfortable but then I remembered the undead attack back then and it kinda helped me out".

Xerx nodded, "good, now take these now. The smell will get heavier as we move and the bodies will too if my assumption is right". As both of them took the pills, Noelle cheered up, "oh, the smell is gone". Asta also nodded, "yeah".

After three of them walked for a while ignoring the piles of bodies, Noelle pointed, "look over there". They saw blood is being extracted collectively by an invisible spell and it began to flow in a direction. Xerx nodded, "I see. This is why the corpses until now seemed dried because their blood is already been extracted".

He dashed towards the direction, "c'mon follow it". As they follow it, they reached the place where there is a sea of dead bodies and a boy of 15-16 crazily laughing while the statue is absorbing all the blood and becoming brighter red in color as the time goes on.

He turned towards them and stared at Noelle who has the pale face, "I guess you are that girl who has delicious blood. oh! Purple Orca?". Without speaking any longer, "Blood Magic: Blood vines". From the ground, thorny vines began to erupt and attack them.

Asta cut them off with his Anti-Magic sword but as they were too many in numbers and randomly attacking, he was hit with one and it immediately s_u_c_k_e_d few drops of blood. He warned them loudly, "don't get hit by these vines. They are absorbing your blood".

Meanwhile, Xerx's Ice Dragon is simply swallowing every vine and absorbing them and Noelle pointed the wand towards the enemy "Water Magic: Sea Dragon's Roar". She manifested a head of a dragon with sharp teeth and fires at him.

He frowned, "what strong magic. But never matter". His grimoire glowed while pages turned, "Blood Magic: Blood shield". He used the blood of the people he absorbed earlier and formed a huge shield made of blood and blocked the attack but it also got destroyed by Noelle's attack.

Just then, the Ice dragon suddenly attacked him from above by surrounding him and tightly captured him. The statue stopped absorbing the blood. As he was trying to be free, Xerx spoke, "don't try it. The moment you are close to being free, it will explode and believe me, not even your former team captain might not leave unscathed after getting hit with that explosion.

I have a couple of questions you need to answer. My first one is you are that vampire mage, aren't you?". The boy looked at him and answered, "it seems you know me". Asta and Noelle puzzled, "vampire mage?". Xerx replied, "his full name is Leonard Thorp. former Golden Dawn member".

Asta and Noelle got surprised, "Golden Dawn?". Xerx continued while looking at him, "I heard that he was killed by the Golden Dawn for becoming a traitor". Leonard laughed crazily, "me, a traitor? hahaha. You, magic knights, are hilarious. you can twist the facts to judge yourselves as righteous.

How is it my crime that I possess Blood magic which you guys deemed it as forbidden, huh? Tell me. Just because my magic is dangerous, how does that make me a villain". Asta gritted his teeth, "how dare you. Just look around you. Do you still claim innocence after massacring the entire town? you ba****d".

He replied, "oh, funny that there is a person here who still care about peasants from the forsaken realm. Earlier I absorbed your blood. It tastes utterly disgusting. You are also a peasant from the same realm, aren't you, a person with low mana unlike these two".

The Ice dragon tightened its grip causing him to scream in pain. Xerx looked at him coldly, "you trash really have the time to talk some nonsense, don't you. You became a traitor not because you possess some stupid forbidden magic but because of your deeds.

I don't have any intention to listen to your crappy past anymore. You can discuss it with Magic parliament later. But right now, I want to know what is that statue and what do you intend to do with it? and are you solely responsible for all deaths in this town?".

He replied, "oh, that statue. It is supposed to be something that exists in the legends. When it awakens, you will see it for yourselves anyway and the deaths? oh please, it isn't like you cared much about animals like them. They should be even thankful to me that their deaths will be useful to someone".

As Asta's anger rise to the peak, he dashed towards him to cut off his head but as he neared just a step away from, a trap activated and they switched their places. Leonard who became free smirked, "what a fool". As Xerx got shocked and hurriedly released the ice dragon away from Asta.

Leonard immediately activated the Blood vines spell and captured Noelle and started to absorb all her blood. As she got paler and paler, just in time, the vines were cut off by Asta. Xerx controlled the ice dragon and intend to blew it up after capturing him again.

But Leonard who anticipated it jumped away at the right time and escaped the explosion. He sweatdropped, "that seems dangerous". After landing, He started to smile while Asta supported Noelle while she fainted

Well, the time has come". He started to feed the royal blood which he collected from her to the statue. It glowed brightly for a while. "As I expected. A noble/royal blood is a hundred times more worth than blood of these peasants".

The statue which is initially only three meters big began to come to life as it grew bigger. As Asta and Xerx became serious, A giant monster which is green in color with a muscular body which has two tusks in its mouth like an elephant and four arms, two on either side looked at three of them as it roared.

He laughed, "the legend is true. The Giant Ogre race truly existed". He dashed forward and stood before it and began to greet it with excitement. As he was in the middle of his speech, suddenly, The Giant Ogre stepped on him and crushed him under its foot surprising Asta and Xerx.

As Leonard suddenly got killed without even knowing how The Giant Ogre roared as if its madness and tried to crush both of them too as it spotted two more humans.

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