The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 20 - Scroll of Task part 1- Green Feather Hawk

He packed up the necessary tools required for some of the Tasks mentioned in the scroll and started his journey. He reached the mysterious Showa hill in a few hours while an Anbu was following him in the shadows.

Showa hill is a beautiful place which is full of a wide variety of flowers, medicinal plants are naturally grown and home to many types of birds. It's a place naturally occupied by Konoha for its medical department as well as messenger department. almost 90% of messenger birds of Konoha are brought from here whether they are the form of chicks or eggs.

Then, he opened the scroll and looked at the Tasks. he smiled a bit "Perhaps The Hokage sama didn't think much about the Tasks since I'm the first one to do The Scroll of Tasks".

A day earlier,

"Hokage sama, is it ok just to make an exception for me?. If I completed the 12 tasks in 17 days and entered Chunin finals directly, won't they blame us?".

He stroked his beard "That's why, after you completed it successfully, we're going to introduce it formally all over the Village. Perhaps even other villages will be happy. After all, there will be some who don't want to appear publicly and there will be some like you and Naruto, that village wanted to hide them as it would endanger their lives.

But it also potentially make chunin exams useless. That's why we have to limit. Let's say. per each year, A kage has the right to exempt 3 or 5 genins and give them a chance to complete the Scroll of Task. 8 must be minimum number to become chunin provided that one of them must be defeating any chunin of their village under supervision of one of the council members of their respective village.

You don't need to do that. since we already know your strength, you are given 15. The actual number is 16. 50% completion is a chunin. If you complete more than 8, then the Kage can choose give extra rewards for encouragement. These are the things that we decided. Further rules will be updated later".

"Hokage sama, I have a doubt though. You said I can't take help from anyone. So, if don't know the place, what should I do?". "Huh? Did I say that? well, not really. you can ask anyone for help for information. But you are on your protection. That means if you ask for help at that time, Anbu will rescue you but you will be disqualified and will not be attending for chunin exam 2 times.

Of course, there are exceptions like if you meet a traitor of the village or an enemy of higher rank than a chunin, then anbu will help you with no penalties. Oh, by the way, I didn't inform you of one thing. You are forbidden to send any messages to anyone in this time and you aren't allowed to enter the village".

"Hokage sama, your conditions are too harsh". "that's how must be. Originally, this was supposed to be for jonin promotion. But after seeing you, I'm trying to make for an exception for limited chunins and don't think too little on this. you will understand later how one will be truly lucky to get such a thing".

"6 Chamomile flowers and 3 Echinacea flowers". He thought "I should thank Ino later for her blabbermouth. If she didn't start to blabber about flowers and plants and their locations, it would have taken for me a long time to ask every local for directions.

She said it's around this place if my memory is right. This is the only open wooded area here".

After searching for a while, he found them and collected them. "and now the chamomile should be near the slope where the soil is dry right?".

He ran towards the area and instantly found them "yes, two of the Tasks are easily done in just a few hours. If not for my sharingan, I wouldn't have remembered her information. It seems she even knew a lot about medicinal flowers. wouldn't it be better if she just becomes a medical-nin?".

"Green feather-Hawk eggs?. Sai informed me I can also find some of their nests here. But the problem is that the area is huge. It will take a while to find one. Ah! I can use the Shadow clones".

"Shadow clone jutsu". He made 4 shadow clones.

"Ok, everyone let's start the search". After four of them scattered, he saw an Anbu also made four shadow clones to follow everyone. He shouted "Anbu san, you don't need to follow them. I'm the original after all. The Anbu dispersed the clones and continue to follow him slowly.

He thought "hmm, it seems there's still a loophole, If I have chakra reserves like Naruto kun, I can just make a 100 clones and spread out. I can bypass all the restrictions. But still isn't it what a Ninja supposed to do?. Finding a way out of the restrictions. I'm sure they will employ the same tactic with the chunin exams. They'll put some restrictions with loopholes".

"But doesn't this tasks seemed more like a series of D ranks missions?. gathering medicinal flowers, now eggs. It's a bit fishy..".

after an hour, "what! is the bird that strong to destroy my shadow clone?. Oh! it was a just a lucky sneak on my blindspot. But seriously, what kind of bad luck I have to encounter a little bird which luckily attacked my Byakugan's blind spot?. anyway, let's go collect the egg". He dispersed the remaining shadow clones and went into that direction. he soon reached the place.

Green feather- Hawk is a peace-loving bird with a sharp beak. Even though it is a Hawk, it won't hunt any smaller birds or small animals. it just either eat fruits or worms or insects. It stays at high altitude and builds nests at trees which grow more than 100 metres. It only attacks those who dare to put their hands-on its Eggs. due to its appearance, many would like to have it as a pet especially women but they only lay 4-5 eggs for a whole year. So, their numbers are also low making it a rare bird.

He found that this Green feather- Hawk which is quite bigger than a normal one flying around its nest. It's also a bit different than the rest. It has red shades in its green feathers which made it more beautiful.

When it saw a human looks exactly like the person before who tried to steal her eggs, it immediately got enraged and fly towards him at a quick speed intending to end him in one single shot with its beak.

But how is it possible? it just thought he was weak like the last one. it doesn't know that last time it was a blind spot that he didn't get to see. now that it was an actual head-on. It's impossible from the start.

He caught it's beak just at the right timing with his two fingers and threw it away. It hit the rock and injured one of its feathers and screeched with pain. If it's some hero from fairy tales, they would have pitied it and try to heal it with first aid. But Shuichi was someone who doesn't even care about humans much less a stranger bird. why would he listen to it?.

he climbed the tree and saw there are four eggs in it. He took one. Then, just when he was to go, it screeched it with anger thinking that this human stole all of her eggs. He looked back and sighed. He turned back and went towards the hawk. seeing his cold face with creepy white eyes who looked way scarier than other humans it countered.

It thought it's going to die and tried to move but he picked it up and climbed the tree and put it in its nest with its eggs. It has enough food in the nest stored. As for how it will get healed, it doesn't have anything to with him. So, he climbed down and went on his way. seeing that human only took one egg, it screeched with happiness.

It was just another insignificant moment in Shuichi's life but what he doesn't know that just this one moment changed the Anbu's personal opinion on him and which later made his life troublesome in a different way.

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