The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 36 - Shuichi has another Kekkai Genkai?

Shuichi upon hearing that Danzo going to lead his team, He frowned "But Father, I'm a Chunin now. I can lead the Team".

Hiashi then told him all the details happened in the council meeting. Shuichi asked "then, I guess I have no choice?". Hiashi replied "yeah". Then, Shuichi said, "there's a way but I don't want to use it". "Hmm, what is it?". "Father, remember that I can have a certain wish from Hokage if I can complete 12 tasks?". "yeah".

"The Third Hokage died before I get to ask him. Although the wish has to be in certain limits, I can ask Fifth Hokage when she returns to the village to remove Danzo as our sensei. Since I can become Chunin officially by then, with an additional member I can lead the team. But I just kept it aside all this time for requesting Hokage to remove Yakumo's seal though".

Hiashi thought for a while and replied "In the past, I asked the Third Hokage once. but he rejected it outright. But if I can find the method to break the seal safely before lady Tsunade arrives, then we wouldn't need Hokage permission. Ah! I forgot that Jiraya san is still in the village. I will contact him and see if he has a method".

Shuichi nodded. then, after a few seconds of silence, Hiashi asked "Shuichi". "Yes?".

"Do you like to learn Ninjutsu?". Shuichi instantly got excited "really? Father is allowing me to practice Ninjutsu?".

Hiashi who already got his answer asked "Why? Why do you want to learn Ninjutsu?".

Shuichi replied "It's because the Juken style has limits. I learned that when I first fought with a Crocodile which has a great defence but no chakra. Second, I confirmed it when I fought with Ichibi, a beast with unlimited chakra.

When faced with great force, our Absolute defence became useless. and our style is useless against jinchuuriki as there is no use in blocking their Tenketsu. All of these encounters made me believe that our juken style isn't as omnipotent as we think it is.

Not to mention, with Sharingan, all I need a look and can copy the jutsu perfectly. I think my potential is also being wasted by not learning Ninjutsu. But I promise if Father doesn't want me to learn, I won't".

Hiashi then said "Fine, you can learn them but if only you promise me that you will only use it in the battle when it's necessary not when it's convenient for you".

Next day, a Root member stood outside of the clan to wait for him as no one dares to enter the Hyuga clan without permission as they will be found out easily.

The clan guard informed him. Shuichi went outside to meet a root member. He said, "Danzo sama ordered me to inform you that everyone should be assembled at Training grounds 12".

Shuichi nodded and went to their usual training ground. Danzo hasn't arrived yet. while Sai greeted him as usual, Yakumo pouted and turned her away when Shuichi greeted her.

Shuichi smiled helplessly as he knew the reason. He didn't wake her during the crisis. He only took Sai with him.

After apologizing her for ten minutes, she decided to forgive him.

Later, Danzo appeared before them with his two loyal guards Fu Yamanaka and Torune Aburame.

He greeted them. Hello, I'm Danzo Shimura. Your previous sensei has retired from shinobi forces. From now onwards, I'm the Team leader".

Sai bowed "Danzo sama, Fu san, Torune kun". He greeted with a fake smile. Danzo looked seriously at him "Sai, I think it's not the first time I'm telling to stop using that Fake smile in front of me".

He immediately wiped it off his face and nodded like a puppet.

"Yakumo Kurama, your genjutsu powers are too powerful for you to control. For the sake of the village, It will be better if you forget about it and focus on becoming a Fuinjutsu expert".

She bit her lip and didn't replied anything and stayed silent.

Danzo then looked at Shuichi "I'm going to pass my Kenjutsu skills to you. Copy it with your Sharingan and combine it with your technique".

Shuichi nodded. After a few seconds of silence, "My father permitted me to learn Ninjutsu".

Danzo was surprised at first but hid his expression "ok, that's good. First, let us check your Chakra Nature".

He looked at Fu. He nodded and disappeared.

"Nature Transformation is an advanced form of chakra control that entails the moulding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics for use in techniques

It is one of two necessary components for creating or modifying a technique, the second component being shape transformation. While nature transformation changes the properties of the chakra, shape transformation changes the actual form and movement, altering its abilities".

He reappeared after a minute later with some papers.

Danzo picked up one and said "This is a chakra induction paper. you simply have to expose your chakra to it to know your chakra nature". The paper in his fingers was split into two.

He gave one to Shuichi. When he concentrated. it first split into two. Then one part of it became soggy and the other part burned.

Yakumo and Sai nearly fainted in astonishment. Even Fu and Torune were stunned on the spot. As for Danzo, he was calm on the outside, but inside he was laughing with excitement. Just how much potential this kid has?".

He nodded "you know what this means. don't you?". Shuichi is smiling from ear to ear. He nodded "Kekkai Tota. Just like Tsuchikage?".

Danzo nodded "yes. but just because you have three basic natures, that doesn't make you kekkai Genkai or kekkai tota user. You may not use advanced Nature transformation at all since you already possess two Dojutsu. But, a possibility can't be ruled out. we can only find out in time whether you were able to create a new element out of these three basic elements or not".

"You have a Sharingan, so you don't need help from anyone to understand the jutsu. I'm not a ninjutsu user. So, I can't guide you directly. But I will arrange some shinobi to train you to perfect your jutsu".

Shuichi nodded. Danzo then looked at Yakumo "first, let me see your abilities. do you know any combat jutsu?".

Yakumo spoke "chakra draining seal. but with my physical condition, I don't I will be quick enough to drain one's chakra in a battle. It's the only one I mastered which is used on the battlefield. Next is chakra transfer seal which lets me transfer chakra from one to another. but I hadn't mastered it yet. All I can transfer a pitiful amount. The last one is that I can make exploding seal tags but they are very common".

Danzo nodded. "good, continue working on that. Sai, you will continue to be in charge of her training".

He looked at Shuichi "Let's not waste time any longer. come with me". They moved to open space. "The jutsu I'm showing you is of wind natured. Since you have an affinity with a Wind, it will be easier for you. activate your sharingan now".

He only activated his Sharingan and began to observe. He frowned "so, he has no secrets? at that time, I thought my sharingan isn't fully developed. so, I wasn't able to see what's under his bandages. But it seems like he's just a normal old man. But why do I feel uneasy?".

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