The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 39 - Ambush

The Team of five led by Shikamaru started moving towards the Sound village. They travelled for a few hours without stopping to catch up with them.

Suddenly Shuichi shouted "Stop". Everyone stopped and looked at him.

"What happened?". "An Ambush at 3km distance".

Shikamaru asked "How many?". "three of them from the Hidden Cloud".

He looked at him as if he's asking "how do you know?".

Shuichi replied "One of them was familiar. I saw him when I infiltrated into Hidden cloud and assassinated a chunin".

Kiba almost screamed, "you did what?".

Shuichi coldly looked at him "You don't have enough time to listen to my whole story. Most likely, they are after me. remember, when we changed directions just a while ago? even though it's a wrong direction, I insisted on it because I need to confirm whether they were really after us.

They most likely have a sensor. So, we will separate from here and you go this way for 1 km and then take right and go....."

After explaining the directions, Naruto asked: "can't we face them together?". Shuichi coldly looked at him "Don't you want to save Sasuke?. They are just one chunin and two genins. I can take care of them and will join you guys. You just continue".

He nodded with Shikamaru and went directly towards him. A while later, when he was passing through them, a black panther quickly reached him but he dodged at the right time.

Shuichi chuckled "It's a lame Ambush you set up for a Hyuga you know".

He looked at three of them.

The second one is a young man with dark eyes and short, blond hair which he wears parted in the front. He wears the standard attire of the Kumo-nin.

The third one is a tall, fair-skinned woman with a curvaceous figure who generally wears a stoic, aloof expression on her face. She has blue eyes and straight, shoulder-length blonde hair cut in an asymmetrical bob style.

She also carries a tantō strapped horizontally to her lower back.

He said while looking at them and spoke his name "Darui", then looked at the blond guy and spoke his name "C". then looked at the woman who looked to be around 17-18 years of age. He asked, "who are you?".

She replied "Samui". He nodded without expression. Then he looked at Darui "don't you think it's too much for a jonin and two chunin level shinobi to ambush a mere chunin?".

Samui replied, "I'm a Jonin". Shuichi was surprised to look at her once again "oh! is that so?".

Then for a while, no one spoke anything. Then, Shuichi looked at them "So, what are you waiting for? kill me. It's not like I have a chance against a jonin and 2 chunin. Ah! 2 jonin and a chunin".

Darui looked at him "you seem fearless". Shuichi looked at them "well, I faced a fearsome thing a while ago. compared to that, you don't seem much".

Darui then asked "I only want to confirm one thing. The thing you did with Tomoji. Is it an order from the village or is it personal?".

"Why does it matter?". "It does. so, answer it".

"Assassination was village order but humiliating him and his father was personal".

Darui nodded "good. Samui, kill him and dig out his eyes".

Shuichi's expression turned cold and looked at him while activating his dojutsu. When they saw sharingan, C said "it's different from our reports. He shouldn't able to activate sharingan while his byakugan is activated".

Then, Shuichi stared at C for a while

Darui replied, "it doesn't matter".

Samui asked him "why didn't you run away after splitting with your Team? Worried that we may go after them?. Shuichi looked at her "If you know that I don't have a choice here, why do you still ask worthless questions. I believe only one thing.

If you and your team met an opponent they can't hope to defeat, the strongest man in your team must fight that opponent at all costs for the sake of your team survival. I'm the strongest guy. Moreover, I promised that I'll bring them back alive. A Hyuga can't break his promise. Today, either you kill me and get your revenge or I will kill you three and go back to my team".

Samui immediately dashed towards him with her tanto. Shuichi was surprised at her speed but with his sharingan, it was a child's play. When Shuchi activated chakra sword and just slashed at the air. At first, Darui thought he was showing off then he felt something wrong and immediately shouted, "Samui, be careful".

Samui who have high reflexes felt something is wrong in an instant and jumped aside while trusting her intuition and her captain's warning. The tree beside her got cut into two.

"Tsk, she has high reflexes. looks like invisible cutter doesn't work on her". He dashed towards her and started to attack her but she kept defending and nullifying every attack easily.

He regressed it back to the partial chakra coating "I can't consume chakra too much. Even if I defeated her, there is him again. Should I make my move now?".

She jumped back and gripped her tanto in reverse and looked at him.

"lightning style hundred slashes "

She dashed towards him, she has lightning chakra covering her toes. Immediately, a cut made from his stomach and a blood drip from her tanto. Even though it was slightly cut, Shuichi was shocked that he wasn't able to react to it although, his sharingan captured the moment. "Damn it".

Then again from his back, his waist was cut once again while he wasn't able to react.

This time just when he saw her move, he immediately spun around

"Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation".

It repelled the attack perfectly and threw her off. She stood up with bruises from the counter-attack.

Darui said "Samui, continue. that kind of attack will use a lot amount of chakra. He can only use it limited times".

She determined to use it again. After the situation repeated 4-5 times. he thought "It seems she's determined to use it until either I reached the limit or she does. she's faster than me. My Dojutsu and these chakra coating are already consuming quite a bit. I can't use 128 palms here. let's test that on them".

He looked at her who stood up once again with injuries all over her body gripped her tanto once again. He dashed back for a bit and made few quick hand seals

"Fire Style: Great Fireball jutsu"

He exhaled Blue fire and a 3-4 metre big Blue Fireball.

Samui and Darui can feel the intensity of heat. Darui thought "damn if it hit her, forget about getting injured, her entire body will melt from that heat".

She gripped her tanto. Darui thought "this idiot". He shouted, "Samui, dodge it". But she didn't listen and determined to cut the Fireball with her tanto into half. If it's a red one, she can do so as it won't be the first time but Darui never heard of a fireball which is blue. So he felt uneasy. He dashed towards her. When the fireball almost reached.

She gripped her tanto vertically while lightning chakra coat is around her hands. it looks like Shuichi's technique but it's a partial version of Raikage's lightning armour. she tried to cut it with her Ultimate technique thousand slashes cutter which needs extremely high speed.

Even she can only do it once. If she tries it the second time without any sufficient rest, she should say goodbye to her hands forever. It was a kenjutsu technique which developed to counter big ninjutsu. by slashing at extreme speeds from one slash to thousand slashes in just a few seconds, she can cut anything in her way. but the side effects are also obvious as it can only be used one time and also she didn't master it yet.

So, Darui spits a stream of water from their mouth at the ground, which circles around them and rises upward to create a wall and neutralised the attack but in turn, the fireball also vaporized the water wall he's about to form. But just then, he felt something wrong and moved aside and a kunai struck him near the edge of his back. The blood oozed out. Samui was shocked when saw the attacker while Darui frowned while seeing his eyes. C stood before them with sharingan in eyes but his face is devoid of expression.

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