The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 48 - Magekyou Sharingan

When he saw the situation, he mumbled "A wide-scale genjutsu? who in the hell did that?". The Jonin, as well as several shinobi, were dispelling genjutsu one by one.

He immediately went to the Hokage office and found she was busy. Then he hypnotised a chunin and asked him about the situation,

He replied "someone named Yakumo Kurama had placed some sort of powerful genjutsu on this village. It was so powerful that many chunin and genins were hospitalised. more than a hundred civilian deaths. The Anbu are in the pursuit of her".

He immediately thought of the kunai he gave it to her. He concentrated and after locating it, He immediately teleported to that place.

Unlike what he expected, Kunai wasn't with her but on the ground. he looked at the house before him which was on fire. Then, He looked around and found many people were battling her. He quickly ran towards her.

When he reached the place, He saw a monster which was simply standing and the rest of the people are on the ground completely dead.

he didn't care about those people but he slowly went towards her. It roared, His surroundings started to change. When he realised he was being pulled into a genjutsu. He concentrated and destroyed it before the world around him formed with his ASH eye.

he looked at the monster and whispered gently "Yakumo". but after it tried to attack him by genjutsu again. He looked into Ido's eyes and entered her subconscious mind.

One hour later, It was raining

Ido lunges forward onto a chakra sword. The sword pierced into her c_h_e_s_t and came out of another side, her monster face disappear while regaining her form. Tears were falling from Shuichi's eyes who was standing there.

There was a painting aside which show the exact image of what just happened. The rain fell on the painting colours and slowly, it disappeared while showing a picture of Shuichi and Yakumo which was a bit blur.

She coughed the blood. The chakra sword disappears while she fell. Shuichi caught her and hugged her tightly. His legs gave out and he fell on his knees with holding her.

Yakumo who was in his embrace "Cough* Shuichi kun, I...Cough*" She smiled "dying in your arms doesn't feel bad after all. Cough*". he whispered while crying "Yakumo.." She c_a_r_e_s_sed his face "I always wanted to do that but didn't get the chance. Cough*. I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world to see you cry like this for me. Your smiles are very rare but your tears are even rarer Shuichi kun. But don't cry any longer, If you continue to cry, I will start to long for my life again. So, please. don't". She gasped with agonal breath and she looked into his eyes.

"Shuichi kun, you once said dying people normally get one privilege they get to use. you joked that if I ever die, you will grant two of my wishes. Can I be selfish for once and use my privilege before I die?".

He nodded. She slowly moves her face closer to his face with great difficulty and kissed him on the lips. She smiled "promise me in the name of Hyuga that you never blame yourself for my death".

The rain started to pour heavily. "Cough* Cough* I guess even the rain is telling me to hurry up".

She leaned her head on his c_h_e_s_t and closed her eyes "let me die like this".

the Painting became clear showing Yakumo closed her eyes was leaning on Shuichi's c_h_e_s_t.

Then a while later, "Yakumo". He shook her. but he didn't get any response from her. He looked at the rain falling from above while tightly hugging her again.

His eyes were white as always but inside his eyes, there's a circle which is the same size as a pupil. inside of it, there are three lines which intersect at the centre thereby making six equal segments. there's a tomoe appeared in each segment

He carried her body in his hands and started to walk slowly in the rain towards somewhere.

One month later,

Tsunade asked Shizune "so, are there any reports about him?. Damn. I hope he won't do something reckless".

At Root HQ

While Danzo is reading the reports, A root ninja entered the room and bowed "Danzo sama, there's an intruder".

Danzo frowned "who?". He shook his head "we don't know the situation yet but all of the members in the front hall were knocked out".

"Oh! knocked out but not dead?. Ok, you can go and look for him. Immobilize everyone".

Suddenly the door burst out and a ninja who was guarding outside was thrown into the room.

Danzo looked at the guy who had a white sharingan entered the room. He frowned "Shuichi?". Shuichi who entered the room with complete calmness looked at him "I told them that I need to talk with you for a very important matter but not only they didn't listen to me, even tried to attack me. So, I simply knocked them out".

Danzo asked indifferently "so. what is it?". Shuichi didn't reply anything but slowly walked towards him and stopped before him. He spoke, "Not here" and put his hand on Danzo's shoulder. they disappeared from there.

Before they disappeared he looked at the root subordinate who was standing before them, "Forget everything and sleep". He simply fainted upon their disappearing.

Instantly they appeared on the top of Showa Hill. Danzo looked around his surroundings thought "Hiraishin?".

Then he saw two graves there. He asked, "Is this grave belongs to the traitor? and who's this grave belongs to?".

Shuichi didn't get angry one bit and asked "there are a lot of things in my mind. so, I will ask them one by one and you will answer me one by one".

"oh! are you trying to interrogate me?". Shuichi shook his head "no, all I need a confirmation. whether you answer or not, it doesn't matter. But still, Yakumo regarded you high. even if I don't want your explanation, at least she probably wants to hear this".

"My first question, Why did Yugao sensei retire?. A person as strong-willed as her, who was in Anbu forces from her childhood wouldn't retire just because her boyfriend died. Then why?".

Danzo didn't answer it. Shuichi then spoke "My second question is why did Yakumo start called you Danzo sama instead of sensei just a mere month after you became our leader.

why did she hold you in very high regard until her death? You only gave her a mere three jutsu scrolls. You wouldn't even interact with us much. then, why did she treated you like how your root ninja treats you?. she didn't even have any cursed seal. why?". He still stood silent.

"My third question, what in the hell Sai's dead body was doing near the forest of death?. Moreover, why is his body full of injuries? Doesn't seemed to be like a battle. He was looking more like being tortured". He roared at him "Why?".

Shuichi looked at the other grave "earlier you asked me who's that grave is right? Then, tell me why is that Sai was tortured and was killed?. Tell me why was Sai, who started to express his emotions. who found out the smile he was always looking for. who was supposed to do missions you entrusted him with, was doing here at this grave?".

Danzo opened his mouth "so, it was you from 10 days before huh. I thought he killed them and escaped. he finally died. that's good news". but still Danzo didn't answer his question.

"My fourth question, Why were Yakumo's parents got killed? They weren't any threats to Konoha. They weren't even Shinobi. Then why did they die? Why?".

When he saw Danzo stood silent, He looked at him "Are you still willing to be silent now?".

Danzo then looked at their graves again replied "Fine, I stayed as your sensei for a whole year. For the sake of that, I'll answer all of your doubts today because I get the feeling, a third grave will be beside them by the end of today and only one of us will go back to Konoha".

He looked into his eyes "I was the one who made Yugao quit because I want to mentor you personally. I was the one who manipulated Yakumo because I need the power of her monster on her side.

So, I trained her in Fuinjutsu so that one day she breaks the seal one day and control the monster. When that happens, the village will have one of the biggest weapons. Who knows she couldn't control the monster and became a criminal by killing more than 150 civilians and a dozen shinobi.

As for Sai and her parent's death. It was on her. She should have just try to unseal herself but that traitor dared to find the method to break the cursed seal. Yakumo created something she wasn't supposed to. She became a threat and she needed to die.

I only found that She has freed Sai from cursed seal just two weeks ago after he returned. later, he was captured and we found it out he was freed when you are in Kumo. So, first, we interrogated him to find whether he told any root's secrets. But he wouldn't open his mouth and escaped 10 days ago".

Shuichi then said in place of him "As for her parents, they needed to die so that the monster inside her break out willingly and then, you will have justification to kill her. Is that right?", Danzo nodded "so, are your questions answered? is there anything you wish to know?".

From the start to finish, Danzo didn't even changed his expression one bit, but when he heard the next question, his face turned dark.

Shuichi looked at him "Why in the hell there's a memory of me that I don't remember and What are those eyes that don't belong to you doing under those bandages?".

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