The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 54 - Shuichi vs Sasuke

Sasuke looked at him and got ready to battle him "What do you mean by that?". Just like always, he ignored him and looked at Orochimaru indifferently "I'm here to get the ring and of course to kill you in the meantime".

Guren immediately got angry and just when she was about to attack, Shuichi activated sharingan and looked at her and ordered "sleep".

She immediately fainted down on the spot. When Orochimaru saw that he was excited instead. He spoke "In the entire world, there's only one person who has those White sharingan. Shuichi Hyuga. I thought you were just a missing-nin. but it seems you joined Akatsuki.

Sasuke kun, you asked for a strong one to battle with, right? then there he is. your final opponent will be him".

Shuichi looked at the surroundings and found hundreds of shinobi lying down. He turned towards Sasuke and spoke coldly "so, what's your choice. stay aside and be alive or defend him and die before you fulfil your dream".

Sasuke activated sharingan and looked at him in the same manner "I'm not the same one you saw 3 years ago. I don't care whether he lives or die but its another issue if the opponent is you".

"Chidori Sharp spear".

this technique uses shape transformation to form the original Chidori into a spear or a blade, adapting it for mid-range attacks with a maximum range of about five metres

He gathered lightning chakra in his hand and shot it towards him to pierce his c_h_e_s_t from the distance.

Orochimaru who saw the jutsu thought "yes, kill him. His eyes are precious. After I reborn in Sasuke, I can transplant one of them in mine and use others for research. I wonder how a sharingan manifested into the Byakugan".

When the Chidori spear coming toward his way, Shuichi smirked: "it seems you are not wasting your time here after all. well, there's a jutsu I'm recently developing, let's put to that test". He made quick hand seals.

"Scorch style: Fire Mirror crystal".

six blue fire orbs floated around him started to gather before him, merging one after another and formed a huge mirror-like blue fire crystal in front of him.

It reminded Sasuke of Haku who had these same type but with ice. he thought it was a similar power but when he saw only one, he realised it was just an imitation.

the Chidori spear hit it but didn't do any damage instead it started to absorb it and slowly growing bigger and bigger.

Sasuke who realised his chakra was depleting at a rapid rate, immediately cancelled it and looked at him in frustration.

Shuichi asked "is that it? is there any others you would like to try on it?". He immediately dashed towards him with the sword and but when he was about to bypass the shield, it immediately moved it by itself and blocked him.

Sasuke jumped back and while he was in the air, he made some quick hand seals,

"Fire style: Pheonix flower justu".

He spits a volley of small fireballs into the air making some of the hitting the Fire crystal which absorbed it while some of them flew side and hit some trees and the remaining bypassed it and reached him which surprised Shuichi for a second.

He quickly activated ASH eye and spun around by emitting the chakra from his tenketsu

"Eight trigrams Palm Rotation".

He repelled half dozen of fireballs while Zetsu commented from behind "He's Itachi's brother indeed. He grasped that Jutsu's weakness in just two attacks.

Shuichi nodded "well, he is a genius but a guy like him is just....sigh...forget it".

He yawned while looking at Sasuke who slightly smiled "Say, this fight is getting bored. What did you learn from him other than this? If this is all you can do, then it would've been better if you just stay in Konoha and copy Kakashi's jutsu with sharingan and become stronger".

the fire crystal disappeared. Sasuke wondered why it disappeared suddenly. Shuichi looked at him "let's finish it. Shadow clone jutsu".

Orochimaru looking at the kunai and the shadow clones felt uncomfortable for some reason. Sasuke was ready to defend while the four threw the kunai at him at the same time. He smirked "just a mere kunai. with the sharingan, I can easily deflect them.

When all of them reach him. He simply deflected them a little with his half sword. But just when they deflected a little bit, suddenly three Shadow clones and the original Shuichi teleported in all directions.

All of them activated a normal chakra sword instantly and stabbed him at four places without giving him any time. Sasuke who was unprepared by it got stabbed and coughed blood. one was stabbed at his abdomen, one was at his right c_h_e_s_t, one was at his right arm and the last one was at his left leg.

The blood flood like a stream from his body. He slowly lost his conscious. The last thing he saw the cold pair of white eyes with sharingan inside.

Orochimaru was shocked to see his perfect vessel being killed like that. He got angry not just because Sasuke was killed by someone but also becasue of Hiraishin which reminded him of FOurth hokage who stole his Hokage seat.

He didn't get enough time to react and saw a kunai flew towards him. He was prepared to dodge the attack following by it but Shuichi teleported by it and a blue fire spear extended from his hand and attacked him from the distance. Orochimaru in an instinct put his arms before his c_h_e_s_t but he didn't expect an attack which just looked like Sasuke developed pierced his arms.

Shuichi then spoke "hmm, this jutsu of Sasuke's is quite useful. Let's name it "Fire spear".

He opened his mouth and shot something. his body fell on th ground and his true form a giant snake body with his face appeared.

He looked at Shuichi and before he even opened his mouth, a Blue fire orb landed on his body and entered his body. Then from the inside, all moisture began to evaporate.

"I was just about to explain. It was very cool when I explain my jutsu to a dying opponent. sigh. anyway". He went to his body "looked like he's still wearing it". He found the slate blue ring which says the character sky, void.

He took it and spoke "Even if you are a criminal. Even if you don't want to share Akatsuki's beliefs and just joined for the sake of learning more jutsu, you should be strong to wear it first. A person who can't do normal jutsu dreams of having this ring? hmpf".

He left his body and left everyone who was down alive. "Zetsu lets go". White Zetsu spoke, "he's Itachi's brother you know?".

Shuichi looked at him "that's why I didn't hit his vitals. He will just lose some blood. you can go save him if you want". after saying that, He disappeared.

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