The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 57 - Sasuke goes to Ryuchi Cave.

Sasuke wakes up a couple of days later. He looks around and found himself in his room at the hideout. He checked his body and found that it was fully bandaged.

He cursed "damn, that bas***d". He then remembers the last scene etched in his memory. The scene where he was looked by him as some piece of trash.

He grits his teeth in frustration. He gets up from the bed and started walking. After he walked for a while, He realised that most of the hideout seemed empty.

Kabuto who was coming on his way sees him "Sasuke kun. go back and rest. you haven't been healed yet". Sasuke asked "What happened? Where is everyone?".

Kabuto sighed "Guren took most of the people who wished to follow her after Orochimaru sama is dead. I stayed behind and decided to look after this place and will continue his research. So, what about you?".

Sasuke didn't say anything. Kabuto then sighed "I can understand. you can't go back to the village unless you kill your brother but you aren't strong enough to beat him yet".

Sasuke nodded "yeah. I realised that. I should think of a way to increase my strength". Kabuto then replied "There are two ways to do that. One is awakening Mangekyou Sharingan".

"It's impossible right now. what's the second option?". Kabuto replied with a smile "go to the Ryuchi cave".

Sasuke frowned "Ryuchi cave?". Kabuto replied "yeah. you know Orochimaru's summon Manda right. It lives there. You should know how big it will be helpful to you right".

Then, Sasuke thought of that Big toad naruto summoned and the Giant Panda Shuichi summoned years ago. He nodded.

Sasuke frowned "what can I get there? any weapon?". Kabuto shook his head "No, you can learn Senjutsu there".

Sasuke frowned "senjutsu? it's the first time I'm hearing that word, what is it?". Kabuto explained "Senjutsu is a specialised field of jutsu that involve the use of natural energy. Senjutsu practitioners, known as sages, learn to draw natural energy inside their bodies, blending it with their chakra to create senjutsu chakra. This chakra adds a new dimension of power to the user's techniques.

The curse mark you have there is the one contains Orochimaru sama's senjutsu chakra. When you go into that mode, don't you feel stronger?

I can't explain anymore as I am not a sage yet but Orochimaru sama is one although because his body is weak, he wasn't fully able to become one. Despite being an Uchiha, you have large chakra reserves. So, I think you are suited to learn it. Once you become a Sage, I'm sure you can deal with Itachi.

I found out its location recently. After you go there, you will face tests. Once you pass them, you will gain entry to the place".

Sasuke looked at the cursed mark once again and nodded.

a few days later at Konoha,

Tsunade was angry as hell. She threw the reports on the floor "dammit. Who leaked the news?". then, suddenly the door was opened and the two elders entered "Tsunade, I heard that Hyuga brat joined Akatsuki and killed Orochimaru. Is this true?".

Tsunade's face turned dark. She tried to prevent the news from spreading but eventually, It was spread all over the village. The first one who got shocked was Naruto as he just saw how evil Akatsuki is.

"what a great shinobi he is. even after leaving, he still took the revenge of third Hokage's death". praises like this are all over the village and the jonins and clan leaders don't know what to do with it. Only one person is calm as the entire village is in commotion.

In the council meeting, one of the elders spoke "Hiashi, we decided to brand him as S-class rank criminal. do you have anything to say about it?".

Tsunade shouted "I'm the Hokage and the decision will be made by me at the end. I don't agree with this". the elder Koharu argued "do you want to side with the boy? we all know what kind of organisation Akatsuki is. he joined them willingly. Who knows after becoming strong, he may become a threat to our village. We should also put a bounty on his head in my opinion". Hiashi who was usually silent and stoic lost his composure upon hearing her.

Tsunade immediately stood up "But He..". Just then, Hiashi interrupted her "Hokage sama". when she looked at him, he shook his head indicating No. She sat down while Hiashi stood up "didn't you asked me my opinion earlier?.

I want to ask, what are his crimes? joining an organisation isn't a crime according to the rules of the village. If he did anything personal against the village, then it would be a crime. So, what is his crime exactly? Didn't he killed Orochimaru who was a traitor?".

Then koharu spoke "he killed Danzo, a village elder. didn't he?". Hiashi looked coldly at her "Then, bring me the proof before accusing him. Bring me at least dead body of Danzo before you dare to accuse my son. Don't bring your personal issues into this.

If he is going to be treated as a criminal in other villages, I don't care. but I would not sit around and accept it if you brand him as criminal and you even dare to suggest to put a bounty on him for nothing. I will warn you though. Our Hyuga clan isn't like those Uchiha who can be disposed of in a single night".

Koharu looked at him seriously "are you threating us?". Hiashi snorted "We are loyal to the village. We won't ever go against the village but if the village will think of betraying us or will think of hurting our pride, We will leave the village and settle somewhere else. After all, we lived separately for a thousand years before the First Hokage brought us in. The Fire country is so big. I'm sure Daimyo sama will provide the land for us to build a new village".

Koharu pointed her finger at him "you...". Hiashi folded his hands "What? sure Konoha is independent but in the end, it can't go against Daimyo's orders. My father may be dead but he still has a lot of influence in the country".

Tsunade opened her mouth "Koharu sit down and you Hiashi...". Hiashi simply replied in a calm tone "I was just reminding her that, don't take all of our clans for granted and for Hyuga clan, there's nothing more important than our pride. well, I guess I took too much of your time".

After he sat down and they started to discuss something else while Koharu stayed silent.

Meanwhile at Ryuchi cave,

Sasuke is standing before Manda. "Hiss...good, very good. I can feel the hunger in your heart for power. Hiss...I know what you came here for. Follow me. You will meet White Snake Sage". While he was following, Manda thought "Orochimaru's chakra inside him? hmm. that brat never ceases to amaze me".

One month later in the Land of Lightning, a bit far away from Kumogakure

Shuichi and his shadow clone looked at each white Zetsu clone in the middle of two rituals. Both of them used a snake hand seal.

A while later, He returned to Mountain graveyard, Zetsu who was waiting for him asked: "So, will you tell me now what you did with my clones? After you arrived in Kumogakure, they stopped communicating".

"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei"

Two coffins appeared from the ground. After they opened, two people came out of them. Zetsu was taken back "this jutsu..."

They also have what appeared to be horns and wore similar attires to one another. Each also had the first kanji of their name tattooed to their shoulder, and whisker-like marks on their faces.

Zetsu whispered in a surprise "The Gold and the Silver brothers".

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