The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 59 - Akatsuki's plans

Zetsu arrives to take Yugito away as Hidan and Kakuzu head off for their next assignment, arriving at the Fire Temple where they decimate the monks. Kakuzu recognizes Chiriku as a member of the Shinobi Guardian Twelve and wants to claim the bounty on his head.

Chiriku puts up a strong fight but is ultimately defeated and killed by Hidan. Afterwards, despite Hidan's complaints, Kakuzu sets out to collect the bounty on Chiriku before resuming their mission. Meanwhile, Naruto proceeds to the final step of his training.

As Naruto trying to completing the new jutsu, Konoha receives the information about Akatsuki who destroys Fire Temple.

Tsunade sends out the Niju Shotai, twenty teams composed of four ninjas each, to deal with and exterminate the Akatsuki members in their territory. Shikamaru leaves with Asuma, Izumo and Kotetsu, whereas Ino and Choji leave with Raido and Aoba.

Asuma's team arrives at the Fire Temple and mourns Chiriku's death. Izumo realizes that the Akatsuki must be trying to claim the bounty on his head. Elsewhere, Hidan and Kakuzu continue towards the bounty exchange point with the two banterings over their opposing ideals.

Asuma's team reaches the bounty station and ambushes Hidan. Izumo and Kotetsu attack, but are unable to kill him despite stabbing vital organs due to Hidan's immortality. Asuma says that if they retreat, Konoha will be endangered. Shikamaru realizes that Asuma is considering sacrificing himself to help defeat the enemy.

A while later

Asuma finally gets to behead Hidan but to their surprise, the head talks when it was on the ground "Oi Kakazu, hurry up and help me out". Kakazu stitched his head back to his body with the threads. He laughed while looking at them "I'm an immortal you fools. you can't kill me".

Later, after Kakazu enters the battle, Asuma gets fatally wounded and collapsed. Just when he thought of claiming the bounty on his head as well, Ino, choji and the others arrive at the scene.

Kakazu didn't think much about these little kids but Pain orders both of them back to the hideout to seal the Two-Tails. They retreat, warning the group that they would return.

Ino who was just recovered from her shock by Shuichi's status as Akatsuki member tried to heal him but it's no use and after saying few parting words, Asuma dies. She cried and cried and eventually fainted.

Elsewhere, While Akatsuki is sealing Two tails, Shuichi hears of the battle earlier from Zetsu, He replied in an indifferent voice "weak. This is why I hate the weak. Especially these weaklings who are weak and think they are strong enough to face anyone with the so-called will of fire and bull shit". and he thought "If the enemy comes to you and you defend, that's another story but these people...". He becomes frustrated for some reason.

then, after a while Pain opened his mouth "It's time for everyone to know our Akatsuki's plans. Everyone must be confused about why we are after Tailed beasts. Religion, land, ideals, grudges, love or resources. Any trivial thing which motivates people will eventually lead to war".

Hidan just retorts "Cheh, No one is ready to listen to your long-winded speech. I do the things I want to for my own purposes. I'm not gonna put it aside for your goals. you are also just the same as Kakuzu. I hate people who fight for money. As the second newest member, I don't know much about it but you ordering me in the middle of a battle which I enjoy, piss me off".

Just like that Hidan began to rant all his frustrations. Since he is an immortal and doesn't know much about Pain's powers was the only one on the group to dare to talk him like that.

Pain turned a deaf ear towards his complaints and continues where he left off "The first step is to amass a huge amount of money while doing missions like you are doing. The second step is to create the first true mercenary organization the Shinobi world has ever seen.

As you already know, these five great countries gained too much in war. but it also costs much more in peacetime. But those five villages have no problem with surviving as they have too many clients, but the small nations who don't have any capability to face anyone of them and making them either poor or forced to merge with the big countries.

So, we will build our forces though those small villages and countries and create an army to bring the war. slowly as the word spreads, we will start using the Bijuu we captured to create wars as we wished for those who need it. Then after we'll have a monopoly on war, The five villages will only have two choices. either they go war against us together or they will use us.

For those villages who waged wars against each other and dragged the entire world in it 3 times, I don't think they would trust each other to wage war against us who will have the support every small country. even a fool knows what is the right choice.

slowly, The ninja system which they developed will fail and then, we will reach our final step. To control the world. When we achieved that, if we say announces no war, then there will be no war".

Shuichi frowned after listening to him and turned towards Zetsu "we need to talk".

Naruto soon completes an incomplete Rasenshuriken and Kakashi tests it with his Rasengan. After both of them collide, a huge explosion occurs between them and they flew back and crashed on to the ground. Kakashi was stunned to see not only it completely destroys the Rasengan but also harms his hand.

After Asuma funeral is held, Team 10 decides to look for them for revenge, Tsunade stops them but since they have no intention to do so, Kakashi volunteers to be their Team leader during this mission.

Team 7 wants to go too but Tsunade replies "If Naruto can complete his training in 24 hours, then Team Kakashi will be the backup for them".

Meanwhile at Mountain graveyard,

Shuichi looked at Zetsu seriously "will you please explain what the f**k is that? you told me that you found a saviour. All I see a person with a twisted mind who wants to use a series of wars to end the war. Wait, he was talking about nine Bijuu. did he even know about the Ten tails?".

Zetsu replied "now you get why I was looking for a backup?. Remember that he is the leader and has the Rinnegan. There's a saying. The who holds the Rinnegan will either brings peace to the world or will bring destruction. We'll have to wait. Let him plan what he wants to.

At the end of the day, Whatever that Pain or he plan, everything will go as I planned". Zetsu unknowingly smiled evilly for a fraction of second but what he doesn't know that Shuichi just captured it with his sharingan.

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