The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 68 - Attack on Konoha

The six pains and Konan reached outskirts of Konoha. pain looked at Konan and said "there's a barrier surrounding all of Konoha. anyone intruding without permission will be reported and their shinobi will surround the enemy within a short time.

Konan replied, "but I heard Orochimaru easily invaded Konoha back then and not to mention both Itachi and Kisame too entered without any issues". Pain then said "Orochimaru was supported by Danzo behind the scenes and Itachi was once an Anbu. so, it was easy for him. But I have my own way of doing it".

One of the Pain was thrown into the air in a projectile. After one entered, immediately it notified the guards. Meanwhile, the one who landed summoned the remaining five of them. They dispersed in various directions and started to wreak havoc while trying to get the location of Naruto.

While Naruto finishes training on Mount Myoboku, Inoichi reads the Animal Path's mind and Shizune leads a biopsy team to find secrets behind the metal piercings for the Leaf's Intel Division, Pain interrogates with the villagers.

Knowing that Pain is attacking the village, Tsunade immediately sends the message to him by the toad messenger. Homura and Koharu ask Tsunade to cancel Naruto's return and started to spout nonsense like they should hide their jinchuuriki,

Angered by their words and remembering the memories, she caught their collars and shouted "Who do you think you are? how long are you intended to treat him as a child? Naruto is striving to surpass jiraya this very minute. He's a not some hidden weapon that you can use as a deterrent to war. He's a shinobi who sworn to protect the Hidden Leaf.

Sarutobi sensei sacrificed himself while believing you and entrusted the Konoha village to you. It is time for you to believe and entrust it to the next generation". She convinced the two elders about er decision while thinking "where are you?".

Meanwhile, Kakashi is stopped by Pain's Asura Path from helping Choza as he and Choji are outmatched against Pain. While Pain annihilates Choza's squad as his Asura Path attacks Kakashi, Choji escapes and get to Tsunade.

Elsewhere, As the Interrogation Corp fights off Pain's new Animal Path and barrages them with an assortment of animal summonings, Ibiki fails to stop them. Pain's Naraka Path displays its mysterious power against two leaf shinobi while Konohamaru Sarutobi watches in horror.

Pain senses Konohamaru's presence but is interrupted by Ebisu who takes on Pain in order to allow Konohamaru to escape. After seeing Ebisu about to be killed, Konohamaru intervenes and after learning of Naraka's ability, judging souls and then reaping the sinner of their life, with a Shadow Clone, he unleashes the Rasengan and is able to keep Naraka at bay.

While Sakura and Ino were fighting against pain's summons, Hinata was busy in treating patients and managing the hospital there.

On the top of Hokage tower, Tsunade stood with Anbu behind her. "Kuchiyose no jutsu". a large White Slug with three blue streaks appeared. Tsunade ordered "Starting now, attach yourself to every shinobi and civilian in the village. Take in my chakra and heal all of their injuries".

Katsuyu replied "I understand" and she split into several numbers of a smaller version of herself and dispersed all over the village. Tsunade seriously looking at the village from the top of the tower "I will protect this village no matter what happens. I hope both of them return to the village in time".

but just a few minutes later, all the animals immediately disappeared and animal path pain is missing his head making the shinobi who just reached him bewildered. Even the Hyuga, a sensor as well as an Inzuzuka wasn't able to sense, see or smell any other shinobi presence. Only Ibuki who was down was able to see a giant blue fire sword coming out of nowhere and behead the enemy in a fraction of second.

Later, the Naraka path Pain who was down after Konohamaru's Rasengan slowly stood up after Konohamaru took away Ebisu while Katsuyu healing his injuries. suddenly a blue fire orb came out of no-where and struck him in the abdomen and mummified him.

Meanwhile, an Anbu, Inoichi, Ino listening to Shizune "look, this is a chakra receiver. the real one isn't here. all of six here are corpses who are controlled by a real one by these from somewhere". Suddenly, the Human path Pain appeared in the middle of them and a smoke bomb exploded. three of them escaped only to find Pain captured Shizune while putting his hand on her head and said "Mt. Myoboku". thereby extracting the soul out of her which enraged Ino and punched him with her chakra enhanced strength and defeated him.

They caught the falling Shizune's dead body. Inoichi cursed "dammit". Meanwhile, Deva path pain who reached the top of the hokage tower and stood before Tsunade who recognised him "you are that boy from back then".

An Anbu asked Tsunade "you know him?". She replied "a little". Yugao who came back from retirement and currently serving as one of Hokage's personal guards asked: "who is he?". While Tsunade didn't answer her question, Pain answered it "A god who restores order". Then he looked at Tsunade "the hunt for jinchuuriki is almost over. The war will begin very soon. If you cooperate with us, we would not be averse to helping you.

Although your shinobi were able to destroy four of my bodies, It doesn't matter as I can make them again anytime. Judging by the state of your village, you should know what we're capable of". Tsunade replied, "don't you dare to underestimate five Kages. you terrorists seek to destroy the peace our predecessors strived hard to bring and maintain".

He looked at her coldly "your so-called peace has brought violence upon us". He attacked them with Shinra Tensei with his eyes, but because of everyone who concentrated their chakra on their feet stuck to the floor.

Tsunade replied "I admit that some of past actions of Konoha are unjust but what you are doing now is unforgivable. What you d_e_s_i_r_e, you shall never get it. that's all I have to say". pain closed his eyes for a while and spoke: "it seems Naruto is in Mt. Myoboku". Tsunade was surprised "how did you know?".

He didn't reply and turned back "can I ask you one last question. that chakra in your legs. is it to counter my jutsu?. well, it seems you know about my abilities very well. however, all is meaningless in front of overwhelming power.

you great nations proved that over the years. you all think you have leading roles in the world and do not think about the death of others. you won't even hesitate to sacrifice innocents for your selfish d_e_s_i_r_es.

Now it's the time you great nations to feel the pain that small nations felt all these years when they face you. Konoha will be the first one to face it. Accept pain. Know pain". Tsunade felt something is going to be bad when he began to fly and looked down at the Konoha from above.

Meanwhile, Konan and Preta path pain reached outskirts. Konan was surprised "four of them defeated?". and just when the remaining Pain became unconscious, she mumbled "does he intend to do that jutsu? I need to get back to him immediately".

Tsunade looked at Pain who is looking from above while flying in the air remembered his sentence "One who doesn't know the pain can't understand true peace". She mumbled, "just what is he going to do?". He spread out his arms "I will never forget Yakiho's pain and now the world shall know Pain".

"Shinra Tensei". a blind light seemed to cover entire Konoha and a huge gravitational force began to push in all sides with Pain as a centre but suddenly entire Konoha became dark and all light seemed to be blocked.

people who were going to refuge centres as well those shinobi who were in relief as the destruction stopped and those strong shinobi who felt a huge gravitational force against them earlier got surprised as they went blind. "why can't see anything?".

Just then suddenly they started to feel chill in their surroundings. Tsunade mumbled, "what is this jutsu?". from the outside, the gravitational force hit something and it has a lot of scratches here and there but it wasn't destroyed. Only then Pain saw the entire Konoha was in a huge dome of ice. Zetsu who was observing from far was shocked "that jutsu..." even Madara who saw it was shocked "what is that jutsu?".

Pain widened his eyes upon seeing a figure who has a hood covering his face floating on top of an ice dome which covered Konoha. He spoke, "It's you, Reaper". He removed his hood while revealing purple coloured eyes with ripple pattern inside it while shocking Madara, Zetsu and Pain. all of them mumbled at the same time "Impossible".

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