The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 75 - Shuichi's decision

While Naruto and others travelling to Amegakure, Shuichi returned to Mountain graveyard. There he didn't found Zetsu. So, he teleported to his hideout in Fire country border with Hiraishin and found the scrolls are spread out on the table.

He frowned "someone was here? who? Zetsu?". Then he looked around and found his robe was not properly hanged. He thought "someone came and searched here for something. hmm, is it Konoha? I remember bringing father and Hana here. But Hokage sama wouldn't send a team. So, she came alone I guess? well, it doesn't matter which village is. It isn't safe here anymore. I should just change my hideout".

Then, after burning all the scrolls, he disappeared in a purple flash and appeared at his another hideout which is near to the land of Earth. Later, he started to travel all over the nation while putting marks over some secret locations.

A few days later, they stopped at Tanigakure. Naruto sighed "can't find Shuichi, Can't find Sasuke and can't even find Konan. Just how secretive Akatsuki really is?".

One week later, Kakashi gathered his team "Shikamaru's team found his location". Earlier, they split into three teams and spread into different directions. Shikamaru's team which consists of Team 10 and team 8 found black flames by chance and as with the help of Hinata's Byakugan, Shino's insects and Kiba's Akamaru, they found one of Akatsuki's hideouts and Hinata saw Sasuke's chakra with her byakugan.

Instead of going in, Shikamaru relayed their location to both teams as they don't know the dangers they might face. After a couple of days, everyone gathered and went towards the Hideout. When they neared the place, White Zetsu told them about the intruders.

Madara looked at Sasuke "well, it seems your friends are here. since they came all the way, we have to receive them right?". After both of them walking a few steps, Madara turned back "I'm telling you beforehand. No fighting. It is not the time yet".

All of them suddenly stopped when Neji warned: "Wait. Sasuke and some other guy are coming toward us". A while later, Sasuke looked at Naruto coldly "it's been a while Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi". He didn't bother to greet the rest. Sakura stepped forward "Sasuke kun..."

Kakashi stopped her while looking at Madara who have one sharingan and one rinnegan. he spoke, "everyone, look at his eyes". they saw the eyes which were earlier drawn on a scroll by Shuichi back at his hideout while Ino whispered "Rinnegan?". Naruto then spoke, "just how many guys in Akatsuki have Rinnegan".

Kakashi replied, "remember at Amegakure, we found one of Pain's body but wasn't able to find Konan or Nagato's?". Shikamaru asked, "Do you mean?". Kakashi nodded "If I'm right. He must have killed Konan and took away Rinnegan and transplanted into himself. since Byakugan and Sharingan can be transplanted, Rinnegan should be no exception.

Yamato asked, "but senpai, why he only has one eye?". Shikamaru answered him "maybe it's because it wasn't his eye or maybe the other one was destroyed by Konan in the fight".

While Naruto and Sakura tried to convince him, Sasuke got angry instead and gathered Chidori in his hand. Yamato used Four Pillar prison jutsu to capture both of them. While Sasuke smirked he can destroy it in a second,

Madara tapped him and s_u_c_k_e_d him into Kamui dimension without any warning causing everyone to be surprised. Naruto looked at Madara with anger "you bas*** d. Release Sasuke". Then he simply passes through the prison and stood on top of it. He looked at him "are you an idiot?".

Madara scoffed "do you think I kidnapped Sasuke or something?. He willingly joined Akatsuki and swore to destroy Konoha himself". Upon hearing that, everyone was shocked while Ino, Neji and kakashi were calm as they already expected it and Sakura shouted "lies.

Why would Sasuke go against the leaf? you must have done something". Then Naruto asked, "Just what do you intend to do with Sasuke". Then, He looked at both of them "You really know nothing about Sasuke. do you? well, Sasuke's story can't be started without Itachi.

So, let's start with the hero who was betrayed by his homeland. shall we?". Then, he began to reveal Uchiha conspiracy shocking everyone who was listening.

"And you Naruto, who keep chasing Sasuke wasn't even able to understand his true feelings and even now you will think he should return to the village and understand his brother's sacrifice. No, he didn't choose that path but chose vengeance. Sasuke's goal at this moment to take revenge against Konoha for what they did to Itachi and the Uchiha clan.

Naruto who was depressed asked, "why did this happen? how could he turn to revenge?". Madara replied "Naruto, you will probably end up fighting him one day but it isn't the right time yet. Don't think that you can make him change his heart as you did it with Nagato. well, talking with you anymore is meaningless. Forget Sasuke. You will only get to meet him again on the battlefield".

Meanwhile, at one of the hideouts, Kabuto looking at Zetsu "I want him". Zetsu shook his head "No, It's impossible". Kabuto then shrugged his shoulders "fine. but I'm telling you. rather than reviving an old man, if you give him to me, I can modify him and make him reach peak state and then when you revive him with that jutsu, wouldn't he be the strongest?".

Zetsu shook his head "no need for that". Then, he disappears into the ground while Kabuto sighed "this guy is so adamant on not giving his remains. Should I go look for that wood style user? He will be a great addition to my experiments later".

A couple of days later,

Shikamaru suggested them to go back to Konoha as the ninja dogs failed to find Shuichi and they failed with Sasuke. While Ino scolded him, Hinata didn't speak anything and stayed silent in disappointment.

Naruto looked at her "Hinata..." She waved her hand and smiled "It's fine Naruto. My brother mastered Hiraishin and has a higher range of byakugan than either of us two. If he doesn't want to be found, we can't find him no matter what"

Even though she covered her sadness with a smile, everyone understood her. So, they kept their mouth shut while forgetting the fact that there's a girl in the group who is just as sad as Hinata. Then, Ino spoke, "We still have two more weeks. don't give up and keep looking".

Meanwhile, Shuichi stood before Yakumo and Sai's graves at the Showa Hill. He spoke "for this past couple of weeks, I kept on checking myself over and over whether my decision is right or wrong in every way.

You know when I first left the village, I promised myself that I will make the world a better place for my two sisters and their future generations to live in but instead, I was going to take away all the future from the next generation and after that.

For a while, my mind became blurry and wasn't able to think properly. Now, my mind became clear. I'm sorry Yakumo, Sai. I neither can't revive you two with Edo Tensei or Rinne Tensei. Now, you will not even be revived in my dream world. I made my decision".

He unsealed the scroll and revealed The Eight-Tails Horn which he found in Orochimaru laboratory. Then, he activated the Rinnegan and absorbed all the chakra of the horn. Then He spoke to himself "I will not let the world give up hope".

Suddenly, his surroundings started to change and found himself in a place that looks white everywhere, while he wondered where he was, a figure appeared before his eyes. Shuichi was surprised to see a middle-aged looking man with small, horn-like protrusions on his forehead.

Shuichi asked him coldly upon thinking he might be an enemy "who are you? where am I?".

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