The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 79 - Teiji Otsutsuki

Shuichi when he heard that he was the reincarnation of a human being created by the Sage of the six paths, he was extremely shocked. His mind became a mess but immediately calmed down after a second and looked at the Sage of six paths coldly "go on".

Hagoromo was surprised by his reaction "you were not angry?". Shuichi replied in a cold tone "No, it's not like I was born like that. I was just a reincarnation of your experiment. It's just you lost the respect I build up for you in my heart, you know".

He turned toward Hamura "so, this is why you hesitate to tell me the truth all this while?". Without waiting for his reply, He asked Hagoromo "explain yourself". even though Shuichi talking with them with a little disrespect, He didn't mind this trivial thing and started to explain.

The scene around him changed once again. After Hagoromo created nine Bijuu out of Juubi's chakra, Hamura looked at him "Brother, what do you intend to do with them now?". Hagoromo replied "I decided to travel all over the world. I have three goals in my mind. One, to look for different places for each Tailed beast.

Two, to restore the land that was destroyed because of our battle against our Mother. Three, to pass on my chakra to different people in various regions to unite everyone. I will teach each of them how to use to understand someone else without the need for even speaking. Because our mouth can lie to others but chakra can't.

The only thing that worries me is these Tailed beasts. Although they were just born now and don't know anything, later after our death, If somehow I failed to spread Ninshu and humans began to hate them or d_e_s_i_r_e their power, they will wage war against the, just like how they did with our Mother and the result will be the same. Their destruction.

That's why I'm thinking of creating a chakra being like the tailed beasts with my chakra which can act as a bridge for both Bijuu and the Humans. You can think of it as my will". Hamura replied "I'm going back to the moon to guard the statue and stay close to the Mother. since I wouldn't able to accompany you on your journey to shape mankind, I guess at the very least, let me pass some of my Chakra to your will".

Hagoromo nodded and started his creation while using both his and Hamura's chakra. After giving him the appearance of a human being, a 6-7-year-old boy was materialized before both of them. While a boy appeared before both of them with his eyes closed, Hamura and hagoromo were shocked as their own chakra reserves were cut down by half permanently and human boy with tenketsu was born.

Hamura asked "Brother, what is this? you created a human being?". Hagoromo replied "I actually thought of giving it a human-like appearance. I didn't expect to create an actual human being out of nothing".

Hagoromo spoke, "but the consequences are also severe. he absorbed 50% of my chakra". Hamura then said "yeah, mine too. I guess it's because you defied the law of Nature. Death and Life can never be in the hands of a mortal. Maybe this is the price we paid but anyway, it doesn't matter how much chakra reserves we have. but too bad your experiment is a failure".

Meanwhile, Shuichi who was watching this frowned and muttered "a failure experiment huh. What luck" making Hamura looked at him apologetically.

Back to the scene

Hagoromo nodded "yeah. I guess we...". The boy before them turned his head around him and looked at them and scanned their language for a while they were speaking and spoke "who are you? who am I?". Hagoromo and Hamura suddenly turned their heads towards him and saw a white sharingan with Byakugan activated.

Shuichi who saw the scene was also shocked as it's the same ash eyes of his. He asked, "earlier, you told that this eye name is Byaringan right?". Hamura nodded "that's right. It wasn't just a coincidence that you have this eye.

Normally you should have born with one byakugan and later awaken sharingan in the other eye. Because of your unique chakra, you were born like this. It was exactly because of this eye, you were approached by Zetsu after your battle with Danzo".

Shuichi asked, "what do you mean?". Hamura replied, "watch the rest of the story". The scene before him changed and now the boy is 9 years old. Hagoromo and he sat in meditation postures. He is clearing the boy's doubts regarding Ninshu and other things.

The boy was very intelligent. He picks up everything Hagoromo taught him and asks very crucial doubts which even troubles Hagoromo from time to time. He was not only intelligent but also kind to others and was loved not only by the villagers but also by the nine-tailed beasts.

Kurama used to sleep on his head from time to time while Shukaku always sits on his shoulder. Hagoromo smiles whenever he saw the scene "I guess, my decision was the right thing. He can be a bridge between the Bijuu and the humans".

One day, the boy went to a stream in a nearby forest while roaming. Then, he saw a black colored creature that has the appearance of a dough made from clay slowly jumping from one stone to another to cross it. He was surprised not only because it's appearance is weird but also because it possesses chakra.

But then, when it jumped at one of the stones, its' power wasn't enough and it almost fell into the water. It screamed "Ahh!!!". But just when it was about to touch the water, the boy immediately caught it.

He raised it to his eye level and asked: "are you ok?". It nodded "Thank you very much. Ah!!!" It shut its mouth. The boy laughed "hahaha, don't worry. I talk to a talking toad and my siblings every day. I won't think it's weird".

It then spoke "really? phew. humans would attack me you know when they hear me talk. I'm Zetsu. what is your name?". He replied, "my name is Teiji". It spoke "your eyes are very familiar for some reason. I wonder why?".

Teiji was surprised "my eyes? Do you mean my Byaringan?. But father said I was the firsts to possess these eyes though". Zetsu shook his head "no, not the combined form. Although the picture is vague, I remember a woman who has these dots and those white eyes separately".

Teiji then replied "say, I'm getting hungry. do you know any places here where I can find a large number of fishes?". Then Zetsu nodded and both of them went to a place. After eating the fish, Zetsu talks about his experiences facing various humans and animals, while he listened and laughed from time to time.

later, he said goodbye and went home as it went dark. Zetsu looked at his back while blinking "his eyes are really familiar. Who is that woman in my dreams? and the thing that flowing inside him that I can sense is also very familiar. Maybe I should stick with him to find my answers. Teiji, huh".

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