The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 8 - Team 15

"Team 7 Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki". "yeah" Naruto was excited. then instantly his mood plummeted. "Sasuke Uchiha". This time its Sakura's turn to be excited "yeah".

Sasuke palmed his face "Damn, why were these two losers on my team. I would rather have that damn white-eyed freak than this trash".

Everyone can see Sasuke's expression clearly while he was looking at Naruto.

"Team 8 Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame". Kiba then shouted, "Yo Hinata, we are a team now". Hinata just nods expressionlessly while Shuichi looked at her.

"Team 10 Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi", this time it's Ino's turn bang her head to the desk "why do I get this lazy fools". Shikamaru then smirked "told you so. our team is already destined before just like our dads".

Team 11..... Team 12.....

Team 15 "Shuichi Hyuga". "huh?"

All the students there were surprised even including Shuichi. He immediately asked, "Iruka sensei, why am I alone?". Sasuke then mumbled "is it special permission? is that it?".

Iruka replied "This, Originally, you were supposed to team up with Sasuke and Sakura which made it a heavy unbalanced team. but since Naruto got passed a bit late, It made our job easy to make a balanced team but inturn you were left with no potential teammates in the academy".

Sakura pointed Naruto and shouted, "So, it's this idiot fault?". but inside her head "well done Naruto. or else I would have teamed up with that white-eyed cold bast***d".

All look at Naruto for a second while Naruto looked at Shuichi. Shuichi without turning his head "It's fine with me".

Iruka sighed with relief. just then, the door opened one by one jonin appeared. A fair-skinned woman of slender build. She has long black untamed hair reaching her upper back and very unique eyes that are red, with an additional ring in them, entered the room. "Team 8, follow me".

Then, a tall man, with brown eyes, olive skin, short black spiky hair, and a beard entered "Team 10, follow me".

After everyone left. Only Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Shuichi left. Iruka then said to them "You three wait here for a while. Shuichi, you go to Hogake's office".

Shuichi went to Hokage tower and waited for a while. when his turn came, He entered the room and greeted him "Hokage sama".

"Oh! Shuichi. I was waiting for you. I guess Iruka said your situation right".

Shuichi nodded "I understand. So, can I know who my teammates are?". Hokage then asked, "Shuichi, ever heard of Root?". Shuichi then replied, "the one Danzo sama leads right?".

"Oh! you've heard of it. you father must have told you". Shuichi replied "from my childhood, my father said to stay away from these two. One is Uchiha clan, other is root which is lead by Danzo Shimura.

I was even offered to join root by Danzo sama once about three years ago".

Hokage looked extremely interested "oh what are your opinions". Shuichi replied "Even though they are a subdivision of anbu, they aren't controlled by Hokage but by Danzo sama. I heard that he used our clan's modified cursed seal to his subordinates. Honestly, the work they do is the same as that of anbu, to remove threats against Konoha village".

The Third Hokage then asked "so, you approve of it. right". Shuichi looked into his eyes "No, I don't". He asked, "why?". Shuichi replied "because they are in hands of a man who isn't a Hokage. everyone has their own opinions to protect their village.

But only the person who sat on the Hokage chair knows what's is best for the village. Only a Hokage can see a bigger picture. not Elders, not clan leaders. Only Hokage. rest of them no matter what kind of will of fire they have, in the end, they will become selfish. This is my opinion based on the little knowledge I have Hokage sama".

Hokage smiled upon hearing his answer "good. very good. you are the second person I have seen who has knowledge and capability of understanding beyond their age. But you should also remember even the Hokage sometimes have to compromise for the village best interests and sometimes it would serve an injustice to some people just like how your father despite being a clan head sometimes have to compromise with your elders".

Shuichi didn't comment about the last remark because he was the very example of it and asked then asked, "who's the first person if you don't mind to answer". He shook his head "it's not the time yet to reveal it as it would raise even more questions. just think that he was someone who has the qualities of a Hokage. Anyway, we've gone from one thing to another. Here are your two teammates and your sensei".

Shuichi didn't think much about it and looked at the scroll and asked: "I just have two more doubts".

"Hokage sama, the addition of root to my team is just to monitor me right?". The Hokage replied "No, it's to monitor another person in your team. She's extremely unstable. what is your second question?". Shuichi shook his head "This question, I'll ask my sensei about it. you know the answer but you aren't the appropriate person to ask it at least in this current situation".

Hokage stared him for few seconds and nodded "ok, go home. you'll meet them tomorrow. as for when and where. your new sensei will decide that".

Shuichi then bowed and just when he was about to go out, he turned back "Hokage sama, now that Kakashi sensei has got a team. He can't train me any more right?".

The Hokage replied "well, Kakashi informed me that you have already m_a_t_u_r_ed your Sharingan. there's no need to train with him anymore. whatever further path, you've to look for yourself".

Shuichi bowed again and returned the clan compound. all who were in the path bowing down to greet him. He nods at everyone and just when he entered the home, suddenly a finger appeared before his stomach.

He caught the little finger easily. "wow, don't pull a surprise attack, my little brother. It won't work". "Shu Nii". She stumbled while trying to release her finger. He caught her while releasing her finger. "careful there". She immediately escaped from him "hmpf, a little injury or two wouldn't hurt me. I'm your little sister, not brother".

Shuichi immediately caught her cheeks and pinched her while moving her head. "as if you have single quality of being a girl. always fighting... fighting... see your sister and learn from her".

She immediately begged "I know Iknow. can you stop your hands from shaking my head? I"m getting dizzy". He immediately stopped but didn't leave her cheeks.

She immediately looked behind his back and yelled "Dad, see. Shu Nii is bullying me". He immediately retracts his hands and turned back "Father, we're just....".

She ran after being free immediately. "This brat".

Next day,

A guard brought him a scroll. He opened it. "What is it, Shu Nii?". He looked at Hinata who was smiling brightly "Nothing. I was supposed to meet my new sensei and my teammates at Training grounds 12. you seem very happy for some reason?".

"What?. It's nothing. AH! yeah, It's because I'm getting new Teammates". Shuichi looked at the nervous who was doing her habit again. "Anyway, I need to go. see ya".

He soon reached Training ground 12 and saw two shinobi who's around his age. He walked toward them. One is a boy with short, straight black hair, and dark eyes which contrast with his translucent-looking pale skin.

Other is a girl long brown hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is straight on one side, but on the other side it is in a braid. The weird thing about her is that she wore a kimono for training.

He went and stood there without introducing himself.

The girl frowned upon looking at him and thought "great, what kind of teammates I got. One is a fake smile bast***d and the other is a white-eyed freak. Hmm, do all clan members of his clan look like that?. so scary".

Just when the other boy opened his mouth. A young woman with straight, purple hair reaching down to her waist, warm brown eyes, and a shade of red lipstick appeared before them "Hello. My name is Yugao Uzuki. Shall we start our introduction first?".


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