The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 86 - Life on the Moon

While he was wandering the streets and admiring the village, He saw that a middle-aged man is being beaten up by puppets in the middle of the street and yet no one is coming forward to save him even though a large crowd gathered.

He frowned and went towards the crowd, people are whispering "It looks like Tanabe-san's fate today is bad. Of all people, he had to stand in Shogo-sama's way".

Shuichi then went near the whispering duo and asked politely, "excuse me, what's happening here?". Both of them turned towards him and asked, "who are you?. I never saw you once here".

Shuichi who was already prepared for that, replied, "my name is Shuichi. I'm from one of the unnamed villages near the Apenninus mountain range. Its the first time I'm visiting here, but I'm seeing here is unbelievable. A family member is being bullied and why no one steps forward?".

"Oh! You are from an unnamed village, huh?. Hello, my name is Ueda and he's Sone. Anyway, since it's your first time visiting here, you might not know about the situation here. The one who is controlling those puppets is called Shogo. He is the younger brother of Sugai-sama you know".

Shuichi asked, "um, who is Sugai-sama?". Ueda almost cursed out, "What you not even know about Sugai-sama?". Shuichi innocently shook his head.

He sighed, "well, you must be really from a backward area. He is the clan head you know". Shuichi faked his amazement "Oh!!, that means both are direct descendants of Hamura-sama, right?".

Ueda nodded, "yes. That's why no one dares to go against them. You too, be careful in the future. You can see the nine magatamas on his robe right?".

Shuichi nodded. Ueda continued "since you look like a naive kid, I'll give you a tip. As long as you are in this village, never ever go against those who wore the robes with six magatamas or nine magatamas. Understood?".

Shuichi simply nodded and bowed. Later, after talking for a while, he went away from the crowd and after going for a distance, his expression changed to that of cold "What a great clan. The main clan member is beating up a branch clan member in the middle of the street just because he spilled the grains in his way by mistake?.

doesn't seemed like there's any cursed seal on their foreheads to control. Then is it because they control the system here? Maybe. Well, this isn't my clan nor it is my village. I don't need to care about it but..."

He looked back to where the crowd is and decided to wait until they dispersed. After everyone has gone their way, the man who was beaten up slowly stood up and started to walk.

He slapped himself in the forehead, "why didn't I think of that earlier". Shuichi disappeared with Dustless bewildering cover which he learned from Edo Tensei Lord Mu. He only used it once during Pain's attack.

This jutsu allows the user to completely erase their presence, causing them to have neither a physical form nor detectable chakra while the jutsu is active. As such, it's a perfect jutsu to counter Byakugan.

He slowly followed him out of pity.

He muttered while following him, "If it isn't for Hamura-sama entrusted the clan to me, I would have ignored you right away. After all, you are also a family just as our Hyuga branch clan members".

Tanabe went to his home in sadness which is almost on the outskirts of the village. When Shuichi saw the run-down house, He mumbled: "I guess, he must be a poor farmer".

He knocked on the door and his wife opened it. When she saw him, she became instantly worried, "what happened? What are these bruises?". He asked, "what about the kids? are they asleep?". She nodded and both of them went inside and Shuichi too followed them into the house.

He then explained how he went to sell the grains he harvested in the market area. But before he even reaches the place, his cart stumbled on something and mistakenly all the grains fell on the ground at the right time Shogo is about to step in the same place.

His wife crying while nursing his wounds "what should we do now? We don't have enough "mon" until the next harvest". Shuichi frowned "they didn't have any healers here? or maybe this family can't afford it". Tanabe is apologizing while his wife is crying "don't worry. I'll look for a method. Please don't pester my brother's family again. They were already in debt. OK?".

Suddenly out of nowhere, Shuichi appeared shocking both of them. Before they even say anything, he spoke: "don't worry. I'm not an enemy".

He slowly stepped towards Tanabe and healed him with his basic Mystic Palm technique. Tanabe and his wife were amazed to see that he was healed in a mere few seconds. Tanabe mumbled in the shock, "only those healers of the main family have this ability".

Shuichi was surprised upon hearing it and thought "seriously? well, I guess its natural. They don't know any ninjutsu here after all". He spoke, "I was new here. I was just curious. That's all".

Tanabe and his wife kneeled down and bowed "thank you". He waved his hands, "its fine. Everyone here is family, after all".

He stayed with them for a couple of days as he doesn't have anywhere else to go and didn't have any mon on him to stay at the inn. During this time, he learned the situation in the village.

Later, he went to the fields with them. Shuichi asked Tanabe to sow the seeds. He did so in confusion. He touched the ground and closed his eyes for a second, immediately, various trees and crops began to grow instantly m_a_t_u_r_ed completely shocking Tanabe.

He kneeled and bowed while tearing up, "Thank you, Shuichi-sama". Shuichi was also excited "I'm right after all. I activated Rinnegan and was injected first Hokage's cells. Why wouldn't I gain his ability?

Damn it. If I had realized about it earlier when I'm on the earth, I would have learned some Wood style jutsu.

One day later, when he came back from the village after enquiring about all the situation about the Main family and the branch family, He went back to Tanabe's house. When he as nearing, He saw that a crowd gathered.

He was shocked to see the house was on fire while Tanabe and his family were crying while a puppet is beating up Tanabe's 15 years old sons in front of them There are few people who wore a clan robe with six magatamas.

"Speak up. Where is he?. You already lost the house. If you don't speak, you will lose your sons". The Wife begged them "please, stop it. don't beat my two sons anymore. I'll say it". Tanabe stopped her "don't say it. We may be poor but we have values. Shuichi-san is our guest and our benefactor. I will never betray and give him up even if I had to die".

The controller of the puppet smirked "Oh! really? seems like you really want to go against the clan head. Then die".

Just then, suddenly a long black color metal pierced him in the throat, he was instantly dead and the puppet got deactivated and fell. It shocked all the people gathered and as well as three of his subordinates. Their eyes followed the Black Metal rod and found a figure floating in the sky while looking coldly at them.

Shuichi took back the chakra rod from his throat and it returned to his hand as if it never existed. One of the subordinates mumbled in fear "just what is that eye?". Only then, the remaining ones saw Shuichi's eyes which changed into Rinnegan.

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