
"I'll accompany you to complete the filing procedures for Fubuki before leaving." After coming out of the office of the person in charge, Akagi thought for a while and said this. Even if you're in a hurry to get back to work, you don't have to be busy all of a sudden.

And from the girl's mind that she didn't want to talk to others, she also wanted to spend a little more time with her brother Bai.

"Okay, can you sense where Xiao Xiaofeng took Chuixue?" He looked around, only to see the small square and the electronic map that the company said.

As for finding those two little girls, it was beyond the ability of a normal admiral.

Fubuki doesn't have a cell phone yet.

"Not very good, there are too many ship girls here." The eldest sister shook her head regretfully. The ship girl's search for enemies is not so precise, and is usually used to distinguish enemy and friendly forces on the battlefield. Or you can find it in a place with few people, and you can feel the orientation.

But once you come to places like the general port area or the gendarmerie, you can't be so precise.

"I'll ask the company to contact Xiao Xiaofeng?" she suggested. In the past, Akagi would not be so careful. Now, like her younger sister Feng, she has gradually begun to think more about her younger brother in her thinking mode.

"No, I can get in touch here myself."


"Didn't the company bring Xiao Xiaofeng to us for dinner before, when the little girl Dafeng was a young crane." He took out his mobile phone and explained to Chicheng: "Then that girl pestered Dafeng. For a while, I wanted to pay attention to each other, and then even brought me along."

The eldest sister also knows the relationship between Bai Jun and the young crane in the novel.

Out of shyness, the girl refused to tell her lover what this imaginary novel was called, but there was no need to hide it from Akagi Castle.

472. Wisconsin

When Chuixue and Xiao Xiaofeng came back, they both had ice cream in their hands. Like her own big phoenix, Xiao Xiaofeng from the general port area is also a girl who likes sweets, especially Yuyan, who is so hot that she will only feel wet and stuffy. Thanks to the favor of the company, Yingfa girl has a lot of pocket money.

The cost of food and clothing is much higher than that of ordinary ships.

"Admiral Admiral, Big Sister Dafeng invited me to eat ice cream." Chuixue's voice was soft and glutinous, showing a cute taste. After seeing Bai Yanxi, she also left Xiao Xiaofeng and returned to him.

"Thank you." Yu Yingfa girl thanked, and Admiral Bai took the little girl's hand and prepared to leave. If it is done earlier, Chicheng will be able to go back earlier.

That way you can get off work earlier.

Even if it is a ship's mother, it will definitely be easier to relax the body and mind than to go to work.

Some people work for a living, some people do it for fun, or simply do nothing, and some people do it for responsibility.

Akagi, she belongs to the last category.

"By the way, is Miss Young Crane free these two days? I want to find her to play." Xiao Xiaofeng thought about it, and then stopped Admiral Bai and the others. She used to call Da Fengfeng a young crane. After all, the two of them belonged to the mothership mother Dafeng, and it would be better to have a title that could be used to distinguish them.

"Young crane, it's normal, there is time to rest." Bai Yanqi, who was holding Fuxue, looked back at the girl with cherry hair. The girl was wearing a slim T-shirt and suspenders today, and a pair of Martin boots on her feet. Revealing white and tender slender legs.

It looks smart and handsome with a ponytail.

There is nothing to do in the main port area, except for eating, drinking and playing, Xiao Xiaofeng is left to dress up for entertainment. So it's normal to ask the young crane, after all, he is his favorite writer teacher.

"Then can I disturb you?" The girl smiled brightly. It may be due to the relationship between life and experience, she is more cheerful and outgoing in character.

Admiral Bai has also read "The Beautiful Girl Writer and the Famous Actor of Yuyan" written by Xiao Xiaofeng. Except for the orange in the orange and the serious inconsistency with the facts, there is a youthful and girly atmosphere between the lines, like the early sun in spring. . The text can reveal a lot of the author's character, concept, interests and hobbies, so the works are very subjective things.

"Okay, I'll tell the young crane today, and let her contact you on the blog or on the phone."

"Mmmm, thank you Baijun." Xiaoxiaofeng nodded sharply, she couldn't figure out Teacher Chuhe's work and rest time, and she didn't dare to make a phone call rashly. If you ask on the blog, you will most likely be submerged in a considerable number of private messages.

Sure enough, it was easier to communicate with Admiral Bai. After all, Mr. Young Crane still had an idol halo.

After saying goodbye to the optimistic and outgoing Sakura-haired girl, he brought Fubuki and Akagi to the entrance of the port area. There are quite a few admirals here with the ship's mother.

At first glance, you can see a variety of hair colors, red orange yellow green blue blue purple round and round.

The admiral has a nationality, but the ship girl only belongs to the admiral, so the hair and body shape are not all oriental.

"I still prefer black hair." Bai Yanxi said after looking at the colorful long or short hair. It is said that the average person in the Yuyan Sea area has white hair, but he prefers soft long black hair.

Akagi: "..."

The eldest sister was too lazy to pay attention to this little villain, but after a pause, she finally said, "Then Da Fengfeng's Yingfa doesn't like it?"

"I like it, how could I not like it." He helped Chuxue throw the ice lolly into the trash can not far away, and continued: "But people always have preferences, and there are preferences in preferences. Just saying Among the unreasonable preferences, I prefer more black hair."

"What about other things, such as body shape, and personality?" Just as he was waiting in line and had nothing to do, Akagi continued to ask, anyway, there was only one Fubuki who didn't understand anything.

If it was other girls, such as Richelieu, the sister would never talk about it with her brother in vain.

"...In broad daylight, it's not good to talk about this kind of topic." He smiled "shyly": "If you come to my room at night, I will tell you later."

"What are you talking about in front of a child?" Akagi blushed a little, stretched out his hand and slapped the little villain's waist. Not willing to use strength, it's more like flirting.

Admiral Yuyan knew that Chicheng was the head of the gendarmerie, but he didn't know which Chicheng it was.

So outside, the eldest sister doesn't need to work hard to maintain her face.

But... why don't you buy some wine and go home tonight?

She had such thoughts in her mind.

"Look at the Veneto in front of you, doesn't it look familiar?" Touching the place where Chicheng had pinched him, Bai Yanxi pointed not far away with his finger that wasn't holding the little girl.

Not too far ahead, there was a little girl, standing beside her who looked a little raw.

And looking from behind, with attractive short brown hair and a tall figure, the two girls seem to be saying something from time to time.

It's just that every time she speaks, the strange girl has to lower her head slightly and bend her body a little bit.

To show courtesy.

"Isn't that Veneto from Lu Yehuo's family? Wisconsin is next to him." Chicheng also glanced at him. She was familiar with Veneto, but this other one was a little strange.

Until now, Yuyan has only been Missouri as the Iowa-class ship girl, and she was fascinated by her own little villain.

And the other three, the eldest sister has seen, but they are all in other sea areas.

Iowa and New Jersey in Pearl Harbor, for example, and Wisconsin in another place.

"Yuyan's second Iowa-class ship girl has appeared." This is the entry point for the new ship girl. If it wasn't fished out, why do you need to come here.

There are not only white seals in this world, but also many lucky people.

It seems that he heard someone talking about them, Veneto of Lu Yehuo's family turned his head, and happened to find Bai Qianjian who skipped class and Chicheng of the gendarmerie.

"Hello, eldest sister." From a distance, Veneto said hello, and when he came to the neighborhood, he showed a faint smile: "Bai Qianjian didn't go to class again?"

"I'm busy with official business, it's not what I wanted... Why don't I bring Fuxue to register now, and I just came out of the company." He patted the little girl's head and laughed.

"It's a good thing to fish out the boat, let me introduce to you, this is Wisconsin." Veneto pointed to the girl who was looking at Admiral Bai, and immediately said to Wisconsin: "This is Admiral Bai Qianjian, this is the military police. Akagi, the head of the team, and the familiar ship girl will call her eldest sister."

"Hello." The eldest sister stretched out her hand and shook hands with the first-class battleship girl.

"This is blowing snow." He also introduced the little girl beside Veneto and Wisconsin.

"Hello, sister." Fuxue glanced at Veneto, who was about the same height as her, even shorter, and said timidly.

"It's really good, it's not at all different from the blowing snow in my port area." As long as no one stimulates Veneto's explosive point, then Veneto is a very easy-going girl.

She reached out and squeezed Chuixue's soft cheeks, then took out a handful of candy from her jacket pocket and put it in the little girl's hand.

"I have quite a lot of battle data for the destroyer mother here. I will let the dead ghost of my family hand over to you tomorrow. Will Bai Qianjian skip class tomorrow?"

"No, no, it's already Monday tomorrow." He was a little embarrassed and asked curiously, "Lu Yehuo has been discharged from the hospital?"

"It's out, look, isn't that coming?" Veneto raised his head and motioned him to look elsewhere.

There was a small shop, and Admiral Lu, who had just finished shopping, was walking out of the door.

A cigarette in one hand and two popsicles in the other.

Maybe Xiao Xiaofeng just bought the ice cream here.

"Yo, isn't this Bai Qianjian, you also skipped class." Seeing Bai Yanxi, Lu Yehuo was also a little stunned. But he himself hadn't gone to school for a long time.

This word is also used very essence.

"Nelson only told me that I saw you yesterday." He handed two popsicles to Veneto and the bride, Wisconsin, and took apart the cigarettes he just bought, and asked, "Do you smoke?"

"No, don't smoke." Admiral Bai waved his hand, surrounded by girls with a very sensitive sense of smell, this kind of thing is not appropriate. Besides, he never smoked.

Standing beside Lu Yehuo, Veneto thought for a while, and then handed the popsicle to Chuixue beside Bai Yanxi, successfully harvesting a happy smile from the little girl.

"I used to think like you, but then I became addicted to smoking when I was stressed. Anyway, admirals like us won't get hurt because of this." Just like an old friend, Lu Yehuo took Bai Qianjian in his arms. On his shoulders, he reported to his secretary ship: "Let's talk about the topic between men."

"Go away, go away." Veneto said angrily: "Remember to bring a copy of the battle data of the destroyer girl tomorrow."

"Okay." Admiral Lu looked at Fubuki who was already standing behind Akagi, and smiled. Who made his initial ship also Fubuki, and he also got the nickname of Xiaolongren.

Anyway, it's the same for Veneto to line up here. If he hadn't just been discharged from the hospital, he wouldn't have wandered here.


After finding a sparsely populated port, Admiral Lu put out the cigarette **** in his hand in the trash can.

There are many admirals who smoke, and their own ships may be relatively comfortable with this smell, but they will never like it, let alone the wild ships in the main port area.

Along the way, it was also the first time that Bai Yanxi had experienced the novel experience that Jian Niang met them and took a detour.

After all, the ship's enemy detection sensor is placed here. Even if the ship's mother doesn't come up to say hello, at least it won't open the way.

There is a B25 admiral on the side of the road who can't help but look at it, and some may even want to keep it for themselves.

Not to mention the situation of Bai Qianjian.

473. Susu and girlfriends

Admiral Bai and Lu Yehuo were not too familiar, perhaps because the other party recognized him as the same type of person. So even if he hadn't seen each other for more than half a month, he still showed enthusiasm.

This is not the kind of humorous and cheerful self-introduction that you do when you meet your students in the classroom for the first time. Nor is it the closeness and easy-goingness of being in a school hallway with a student who asks for a cigarette.

This enthusiasm is a little deliberate, because I can feel it. Admiral Mei and Admiral Lu are both the most vocal admirals of Yuyan. If Xiaoman hadn't come to the fore, the governor's seat should be one of them.

The former is because of the high voice, and a lot of admirals are able to comfortably pass the new period because of the help of Admiral Mei.

But the latter is simply strong. The strength of the port area is strong, and there is a halo of natural admiral that seems to be shrouded in mist.

With the enlightenment of spiritual energy, the endless sea gave birth to the core, and then the ship girl and the deep sea appeared.

When this grace falls on humans and animals, what will happen?

Lu Yehuo explained to Bai Yanxi.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm really just an ordinary person, at least a few years ago." There were not many pedestrians coming and going at the small pier.

But at most it was just a little curious to look here.

Maybe no one knows Bai Yanxi, but there are many who know Lu Yehuo.

"Then why don't you explain why you can stand on the sea?" He was silent for a while, then said. Admiral Lu brought him to the small pier, and seeing that there was no one around, he jumped into the sea lightly.

It didn't sink to the bottom, but stood on top lightly, like a ship girl. It's just that they all need ship support, but Lu Yehuo is different. He really stood on the sea, and he could even take two steps.

"Well..." Hearing Bai Yanxi's question, he also thought about it before saying: "There is no absolute qualitative statement about this, 'born admiral' is just a general concept. A little more specific is that animals gradually develop their intelligence, If you speak human words, you can also be accepted as an admiral by the ship's mother. When it falls on humans, there may be some relatively special places."

"You can also understand it as a supernatural phenomenon." Lu Yehuo, who was walking on the sea, chose the most acceptable way of saying: "It's like your level, enemy feedback, and luck."

"Every admiral is different. On my side, it's fighting, youth, and walking." Admiral Lu didn't know the information about Bai Yanxi thoroughly. But he can say information about himself very naturally, which is considered sincerity.

"Don't look at me like this, Admiral Mei is even younger than me. I'm over forty this year." Admiral Lu smiled shyly, of course he was pretending. Just looking at the appearance, Lu Yehuo is indeed much younger. Compared to Admiral Mei, who has begun to have crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, this person seems to be only as big as Bai Yanxi.

"Are you going to try it?" he asked.

"I'll forget it, I don't have the ability." Admiral Bai shook his head and declined softly.

"But you don't seem to be surprised at all." The other party showed a clear smile, and the intelligence of the natural admiral was not highly classified. Not only will it be mentioned in the theory class of the junior year, but if you go to the school's electronic library, you should be able to find more detailed information.

It's just relative. In terms of public perception, the seal admiral is more famous.

"Chicheng told me about this before, but Admiral Lu seems to know me very well... Did it start in Jing'an?" Bai Yanxi thought about it, although it happened at Su Qinghua's side The incident was fooled by the reasons of misoperation and instrument failure, but in the end, only some people could be confused.

It is not uncommon to know that the long-established admiral has his own intelligence-gathering strategy.

"It should be earlier." Lu Yehuo didn't mean to conceal this part of the information, he said frankly: "The same kind can attract each other, I will pay attention to you on the first day of class."

As he spoke, he jumped from the sea onto the small pier.

Admiral Bai took a careful look, and there really wasn't any wet marks on the other's shoes. If I could do it myself, at least yesterday I wouldn't have to be carried back and forth.

"Although the natural admiral is not common, it is not rare... After that, I have been paying attention to the information about you. I can't say that I know all of it, but I know some of it." Lu Yehuo took out another cigarette and lit it: "It may be a little early to say this now, so just take it as a sincere message from senior."

"What is contained in the Endless Sea is far from simple. If you are interested, you can check some relevant information." After a pause, he continued: "If you have any questions, you can also ask your Chicheng, or come and ask directly. I can too."

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